My Husband Was Upset I Didn't Tell Him I Was In Labor. AITA?

Alfe Mercado
Woman in the delivery room
Unsplash | Alexander Grey

When a woman goes into labor, it's natural to want your partner by your side. But what happens when you can't reach them? One woman found out the hard way when her husband's distant and private nature kept him from being there for the birth of their child. Despite texting and leaving voicemails, the husband was unreachable due to work commitments. The wife, panicked and in labor, had to rely on a friend for a ride to the hospital. Now, the husband is upset and calling his wife unforgivable for not trying harder to reach him. But was it really her fault? Read on to find out if she's the a**hole or not.

When privacy turns into secrecy. Communication is key. 🗣️

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

My introvert husband doesn't like personal conversations. Anyone relate? 😅

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

In labor but couldn't reach husband. AITA for not waiting?

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Left alone in labor. Desperate, I called a friend 🤰🏻

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Surprise! Hubby misses birth, now upset. AITA?

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Navigating work and labor- when communication fails. 😕

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Husband angry for not being told about labor. AITA?

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

When to notify your spouse during labor 🤒

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Panic led me to not call him at work. AITA?

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Worried about oversharing at husband's work, didn't notify during labor.

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Communication breakdown at home. 😕

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

OP decides against update due to abusive comments. 💔

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Privacy violated by clickbait article. Disgusting. 😡

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Meet the super dad who is acing fatherhood 🦸‍♂️

pookiennermal | pookiennermal

Did she deny her husband the joy of seeing their daughter born?

Giving birth to a child is a momentous occasion for any parent, but what happens when the father is unreachable during labor? A woman shares her story of going into labor and not being able to contact her distant husband. Despite leaving text messages and voicemails, he did not respond until after the birth of their daughter. Now he is upset with her for not trying harder to contact him. But was it her responsibility to go out of her way to tell him? Let's dive deeper into the dilemma and see what people are saying. But be warned, the comments section may be heated.

Husband expects wife in labor to find him at work. NTA.

DenniPenni | DenniPenni

Husband blames wife for not telling him she was in labor 😡

angeliniana | angeliniana

Husband misses wife's labor, expects her to come to his work? 🙄

BDSM_Queen_ | BDSM_Queen_

Husband misses birth due to own privacy issues, blames wife. NTA.

singstunewouthewords | singstunewouthewords

Partner's lack of emotional support during childbirth raises red flags. NTA

beanbeanj | beanbeanj

Husband missed wife's labor. Commenters blame him, not her.

yukidaviji | yukidaviji

Husband didn't answer phone during wife's labor. Wife not at fault. 😡

shadow_chick95 | shadow_chick95

Husband demands wife in active labor come to his office. NTA.

robot428 | robot428

Partner blames wife for his own mistake. Disgusting behavior. 🤬

cMeeber | cMeeber

Giving birth alone? 😱 NTA, husband should understand.

xiionaa | xiionaa

Being afraid to tell your husband you're in labor? NTA 🤰

BodiceDagger | BodiceDagger

Red flags raised in NTA comment with numerous country flags 🇦🇱🇦🇹🇧🇲🇧🇭🇲🇦🇭🇰🇮 and a warning sign 🚩

merari01sucksshit | merari01sucksshit

Commenter suggests divorce for not informing husband of labor

manykeets | manykeets

Expectant fathers, should they be on call? 🤔

Calm_Initial | Calm_Initial

Husband's lack of emotional support during labor - NTA

Valiexxx | Valiexxx

Husband expects wife in labor to act calmly. NTA 💪

shethanthegod | shethanthegod

👶🏼 Labor is no office visit! NTA for focusing on the baby. Communication is key 🗣️

OneOutlandishness826 | OneOutlandishness826

Expecting parents relate to NTA's phone etiquette during labor 📱👶

rawsugar87 | rawsugar87

Husband ignores pregnant wife and is upset he wasn't informed. 🤔

Duke_Newcombe | Duke_Newcombe

Husband's absence during labor, NTA mom reminds him to be involved.

ElectricBasket6 | ElectricBasket6

OP's partner's behavior raises concerns about their relationship 🤔

power602 | power602

Husband didn't check on wife in labor. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ignoring husband's bad behavior? 🤔 Listen to comment section.

BigTarget78 | BigTarget78

Husband upset over not being informed about labor. NTA!

mikey_weasel | mikey_weasel

Laboring wife not at fault for husband's absence. 🤰🏻‍♀️

__goldenroses | __goldenroses

Expecting husband to be accessible during labor, NTA 🤰🏻

NiDonnaNaiz | NiDonnaNaiz

Husband's ridiculous demands during labor, NTA needs therapy 💆‍♀️

LynetteScavo78 | LynetteScavo78

NTA. Husband needs to step up and act like family. 🤷‍♂️

MustacheKid | MustacheKid

Plan ahead for labor communication or ESH 🤷‍♀️

steeveebeemuse | steeveebeemuse

Husband upset for not telling him about labor. NTA, husband dropped the ball. 🤷‍♀️👶

photosbeersandteach | photosbeersandteach

Husband neglected phone during labor, wife NTA. 🎉

Sunkisst88 | Sunkisst88

Giving birth > telling husband. 🤰👶

ObamaGuava | ObamaGuava

Did they have a plan? 😕

PolitePineapple | PolitePineapple

Husband wanted laboring wife to detour to office. NTA 🤦‍♀️

Nielleluvzu628 | Nielleluvzu628

Communication breakdown during labor leads to understandable NTA judgment 😅

Is-ThisAllowed77 | Is-ThisAllowed77

Congratulations OP! 🎉 NTA, you did everything right by staying safe.

JulietteTargaryen96 | JulietteTargaryen96

Expecting more? This comment suggests otherwise. 🙄

billscumslut | billscumslut

Pregnant wife not TA for not telling husband she was in labor 💪


Pregnant wife went into labor and husband's upset. NTA.

FishScrumptious | FishScrumptious

Father missed birth of child, blames wife. Internet calls BS 😑

kcboyer | kcboyer

Husband's lack of preparation led to missed labor, NTA 🤰🎉

Twasbrillig1 | Twasbrillig1

Husband's AH behavior during labor. NTA for not informing him. 👏

Even_Speech570 | Even_Speech570

Husband missed daughter's birth, blames wife. Commenter calls out husband's behavior 🤦‍♀️

Ueverthinkwhy | Ueverthinkwhy

Commenter calls out husband's narcissistic behavior. 😱

Silence0FTheLAN | Silence0FTheLAN

Partner didn't even inform the wife about his mother's illness. 🙄

bugkween | bugkween

Labor is a major medical moment, not an office meeting. 🤰

tawnyheadwrangler | tawnyheadwrangler

Husband fails to show up at the birth, NTA for not calling.

1976Raven | 1976Raven

Mother defends not telling husband about labor, NTA 🤰🏻❤️

WorriedPreparation5 | WorriedPreparation5

Don't let him gaslight you! NTA 💪😤

DixonBainbrige | DixonBainbrige

Commenter is creeped out by husband's lack of communication skills.

nopatienceforcrap | nopatienceforcrap

Husband misses daughter's birth, blames wife. Commenters disagree. NTA 👍

Opaquelace5089 | Opaquelace5089

Husband wants wife in labor to fetch him? 🤔 Definitely NTA.

Jumpyropes | Jumpyropes

Pregnant woman not responsible for husband's communication rigidity 🤰💬

MulticoloredMonday | MulticoloredMonday

Plan ahead and communicate clearly 🤝

AlwaysCuriousKat | AlwaysCuriousKat