Mom Demands I Take The Next Elevator For Her Seven Kids, AITA For Refusing?

Alfe Mercado
Unsplash | Derrick Treadwell

When a neighbor with seven kids demanded that I take the next elevator so she could fit in with her double stroller, I refused. She called me an a**hole, but was I in the wrong? I don't think people should have to make constant accommodations for those with kids, especially when they are rude and demanding. Many people have thanked me for standing up to her, but others have called me unsympathetic. What do you think? Read on to find out more about this encounter and decide for yourself if I am the a**hole.

Entitled mom demands preferential treatment in elevators for her kids.

narniais4lovers | narniais4lovers

Refusing to give up my elevator for a mom's 7 kids 😠

narniais4lovers | narniais4lovers

Kid hits head on pole during elevator ride. 😱

narniais4lovers | narniais4lovers

Refusing to take the next elevator for a mom with 7 kids. 😠

narniais4lovers | narniais4lovers

Refusing to give up the elevator for a mom and her kids 😠

narniais4lovers | narniais4lovers

Refusing to give in to entitled mom's demands. 💪

narniais4lovers | narniais4lovers

Standing up to entitled parents with 7 kids. AITA?

narniais4lovers | narniais4lovers

Woman yells at hearing-impaired man to get off elevator 🤬

narniais4lovers | narniais4lovers

Refusing to make accommodations for a demanding mother of 7. 😤

A neighbor demands people take the next elevator for her seven young children. She shoved people out and even forced an elderly man to leave. After a long day at work, the poster refused to accommodate her and made herself as small as possible in the elevator. The mother became irate and called the poster an a**hole. While some people thanked the poster for standing up to the mother, others called her unsympathetic. The poster questions whether accommodations should always be made for parents with young children. Read on for the reactions to the poster's actions.

#NTA for refusing to take elevator with 7 kids. 😂

StAlvis | StAlvis

Refusing to give up elevator for mom and 7 kids, NTA.

throwawayobvi123765 | throwawayobvi123765

Child-free commenter sympathizes with OP's frustration with entitled parents.

SeasonMystic | SeasonMystic

Refusing to take the elevator for 7 kids. NTA 🙅‍♂️

Blake_Raven | Blake_Raven

Savage response to a ridiculous request 🤣👍

themadhatter45 | themadhatter45

Mom with 7 kids kicks people out of elevator. NTA for refusing.

hellomotherfuckheyhi | hellomotherfuckheyhi

NTA for not giving up elevator. Commenter and replyee share disdain.

IDKguessthisworks | IDKguessthisworks

Standing up to entitled mom for elderly safety 🚨

SpeakableFart | SpeakableFart

Commenter gets called an a**hole but others don't stand up for them 🤔

Just_Because28 | Just_Because28

Comment mocks mom's situation; no empathy for her 7 kids. 🙄

ugkfl | ugkfl

User defends OP for refusing to cater to entitled mother's demands.

RoseTyler38 | RoseTyler38

Parenting is a choice. NTA for refusing to accommodate others.

Nerdy-by-nature829 | Nerdy-by-nature829

Harry Potter references fly in NTA comment section. 🧃

Anxi0us-Intr0vert | Anxi0us-Intr0vert

Standing your ground and holding the door open. 🚪

Zaharizaka | Zaharizaka

Teaching kids patience and sharing is important. NTA 👍

Hopelessly_romantic2 | Hopelessly_romantic2

Commenter receives sarcastic comment, defends NTA judgment 🙄

stacity | stacity

Polite or not, NTA for not letting her cut lines. 👍

justbrowsing987654 | justbrowsing987654

Polite request > Demanding entitlement 🙏👍

MoonGladeLadyBug | MoonGladeLadyBug

Polite but firm response to entitled mother demanding special treatment. 🙅‍♂️

funnyflowers1321 | funnyflowers1321

Standing up to entitled mom in elevator, called AH by stranger 😒

jazzorator | jazzorator

Elevator etiquette: No HOV lanes. NTA for refusing.

mdkroma | mdkroma

Claim your spot! 🏃‍♂️ NTA for not giving it up.

WhiteJadedButterfly | WhiteJadedButterfly

Standing up to entitled parents: NTA for refusing!

NotBettySpaghetti | NotBettySpaghetti

No monkey business here! You're not the a**hole 🐒

loveforworld | loveforworld

Standing up to entitled behavior 💪

Entire_Apartment_289 | Entire_Apartment_289

Assertive response to entitled parent, NTA. 🙅‍♀️

unapproved_dentist | unapproved_dentist

Refusing to accommodate entitled breeder. 🙅‍♂️

tarc0917 | tarc0917

No kids without planning and budgeting. 👍

ButtonAvailable6176 | ButtonAvailable6176

Don't let entitled parents guilt trip you 😤👊

asiancookie2 | asiancookie2

Having 7 kids doesn't give you the right to inconvenience others 😒

robert238974 | robert238974

Commenter refuses to accommodate 7 kids, serves karma. 😂

IndependentBid1854 | IndependentBid1854

Taking responsibility for your choices. NTA.

lilacdei | lilacdei

Refusing entitled mom's elevator demand - NTA 👍

ShottySHD | ShottySHD

Choosing to ride solo or wait for the next one 🚶‍♀️ NTA

Major_Barnacle_2212 | Major_Barnacle_2212

Petty revenge isn't the answer 🙅‍♀️

boiledpenny | boiledpenny

Don't let the number of kids excuse rude behavior 😡

nova9001 | nova9001

Refusing to give up elevator for large family, NTA wins.

CitizenHuman | CitizenHuman

Mom demands special treatment for 7 kids, gets shut down. 🙅‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom demands priority in elevator for 7 kids. Commenter disagrees

Fresh_Breadfruit7155 | Fresh_Breadfruit7155

Savage reply to mom's entitled request. 🤣👏

Malia87 | Malia87

Not the elevator queen. 👑 NTA wins the ride.

Shoddy_Budget_1533 | Shoddy_Budget_1533

Commenter can't believe the entitlement of the mom with 7 kids 🤯

Nice-Ad-4462 | Nice-Ad-4462

Refusing to cater to entitled behavior of a mom with 7 kids 🙅‍♂️

ThanosWifeAkima-4848 | ThanosWifeAkima-4848

Commenter calls out hypocrisy in elevator situation. NTA 🙌

AwkwardInsect | AwkwardInsect

Set boundaries with pushy parents. 🚫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Archi_balding | Archi_balding

Standing up to entitled parent on elevator. NTA 🙌

saurons-cataract | saurons-cataract

Neighbor with 7 kids tries to bully, gets a reality check 🙅‍♂️

hulijing- | hulijing-

Standing up for yourself and others is always the right choice 🙌

nollamaindrama | nollamaindrama

Standing up for yourself: 👍 #NTA

eatingdiva | eatingdiva

"Do you see what *I'm* dealing with here?!" 👀 NTA

velonaut | velonaut

Fairness wins! NTA for not accommodating her 7 kids 🤷‍♂️

zwergschnauzer | zwergschnauzer

Refusing mom's elevator demand for 7 kids. NTA wins.

nbandqueerren | nbandqueerren

Being considerate goes both ways 🤝 NTA

Boxingcleavers | Boxingcleavers

Standing your ground against entitled parents 🙌

SnooHabits1275 | SnooHabits1275

Setting boundaries: NTA for refusing to prioritize someone else's kids 👏

tatasz | tatasz

Commenter is NTA and someone else is TA 👀

Anthroman78 | Anthroman78

Mother demands special treatment for 7 kids, gets reality check. 🤦‍♀️

zZombi__ | zZombi__

Polite OP holds elevator for mom and seven kids, but she demands more. NTA.

Conspiring_Bitch | Conspiring_Bitch

Commenter calls out bad parenting, declares NTA. 🤷‍♀️

abd53 | abd53

Standing up for yourself on the elevator 😎👏

Effective_Speed_8110 | Effective_Speed_8110

Setting a good example matters, NTA 👍🏼

SunnyChiaPower88 | SunnyChiaPower88

Don't let entitled parents burden you. You're NTA 🙌

WardenRae | WardenRae

Commenter defends OP's decision, questions mother's behavior 🤔

Kanulie | Kanulie