😱 Husband Chooses Phone Over Toddler - Wife Ready to Walk! 💔📱

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Attention all mommies and daddies! 🚨 We've got a real doozy of a dilemma on our hands today! 😱 Meet our mommy heroine, a 29-year-old work-from-home wonder woman juggling a 1.5-year-old cutie and a job that pays just as much as her hubby's! 💪 But wait, there's a catch! 😫 Hubby dearest thinks his office job is way more stressful than mommy's daily grind of changing diapers, cleaning the house, and cooking up a storm! 🍽️ Is it time for mommy to lay down the law and threaten divorce? 💔 Buckle up, because this story is about to get wild! 🎢

🍼 Mommy's Dilemma: Hubby Won't Help! 😫

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💰 Equal Pay, Unequal Effort? 🤔

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🚫 Hubby's Excuse: My Job is Harder! 😤

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💔 Divorce Threat: Will He Step Up? 😱

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🏢 Hubby's Cushy Office Job 🖥️

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💻 Mommy's Flexible Online Gig 🤱

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💪 Mommy's Potential to Earn More 💸

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👶 No Problem Watching Baby, But... 🍝

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📺 Daddy's Idea of Babysitting: Cartoons & Phone 📱

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🙅‍♀️ Mommy's Not a 'Full A** Woman'! 💁‍♀️

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🤷‍♀️ AITAH for Demanding Help or Divorce? 💍

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😱 Mommy's Ultimatum: Help or Hit the Road, Jack! 🚗💨

Well, well, well! 👀 It looks like our mommy heroine has reached her breaking point! 🤯 After countless arguments and pleas for help, she's finally dropped the D-bomb on her hubby! 💣 That's right, folks, it's divorce time if daddy doesn't step up and lend a hand with the baby and the house! 🏠 But wait, hubby thinks he's got the upper hand because single moms have it harder than single dads! 😏 Oh, the audacity! 😤 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy drama! 🍿 Will mommy stand her ground and show hubby who's boss, or will she crumble under the pressure of potentially becoming a single mom? 😰 The suspense is killing us! 😱

Divorce may mean less work and more free time. NTA 👏

PrairieGrrl5263 | PrairieGrrl5263

Suggesting a solution and calling out the husband's behavior. 👏

BobzyBadass12345 | BobzyBadass12345

Less cleaning, more free time for mom, but dad needs jolt 🤔

ThatHellaHighHobbit | ThatHellaHighHobbit

Don't let your partner intimidate you with nonsense excuses. 🚫

Original_Activity_94 | Original_Activity_94

Father neglects toddler for phone, commenter relates with own experience.

gulzebra | gulzebra

Wife isn't asking for help, but for shared responsibility. NTA 👍

Pypsy143 | Pypsy143

Marriage is one-sided, therapy may not work. Partner doesn't care. 🤷‍♀️

Sfspecialk | Sfspecialk

Unfair work hours and pay discrepancy raises red flags 👉🏻

EarthDragonComatus | EarthDragonComatus

Wife expresses frustration over unequal division of childcare and housework.

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Balancing work and childcare for a happier family 👨🏻‍🎤

texasfisherman1983 | texasfisherman1983

Equal parenting is crucial. Leave if he doesn't step up. 💪

Mean-Impress2103 | Mean-Impress2103

When co-parenting becomes single parenting. 🤷‍♀️

MLiOne | MLiOne

Finding balance between work and parenting can be tricky 👨🏻‍🎤

Apprehensive_Skin150 | Apprehensive_Skin150

Moms work 24/7, but dads can clock out? Common issue.

Daughterofsara | Daughterofsara

Wife stands up for herself and enforces boundaries. 💪

wlfwrtr | wlfwrtr

Struggling mother shares similar experience and advises wife to stay strong 🙏

Responsible-Volume75 | Responsible-Volume75

Divorce him for choosing phone over toddler - NTA.

facinationstreet | facinationstreet

Fair point! Balance is key to a happy household. ✨

GreenPyrenees | GreenPyrenees

Struggling mom gets practical advice for childcare and husband support.

Far-Juggernaut8880 | Far-Juggernaut8880

Parenting while feeling like a single parent, divorce necessary? 💔

ChallengeNo124 | ChallengeNo124

Single moms do less housework than married moms. 👏

sanityjanity | sanityjanity

Real men share the load at home too! 💪🏻

Bowlingbowlbagbob | Bowlingbowlbagbob

Reader questions OP's fairness and suggests a different solution. 🤔

Deneweth | Deneweth

Partner should help with day to day life. Entitled mindset. 👍

D_B_C1 | D_B_C1

Husband prioritizes phone over child, wife threatened to leave him.

WillSayAnything | WillSayAnything

Expecting your partner to parent isn't 'help,' it's responsibility. NTA 👏

twoshortdogs2019 | twoshortdogs2019

Supermom shares how she got her husband to step up! 🤩

Gullible_Wind_3777 | Gullible_Wind_3777

Supportive dad shares his experience and advice for a successful partnership.

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Working dad calls out phone-addicted husband for neglecting toddler. #ParentingPriorities 👨🏻👩🏻📱

SubliminalSando | SubliminalSando

Nurse explains why she shouldn't do housework on work days. 💪

Seraphynas | Seraphynas

Curiosity on husband's work schedule - financial strain on family?

juliaskig | juliaskig

Stepmother's ultimatum to her lazy husband sparks moral lesson. 👍

Mythrowawaylife1 | Mythrowawaylife1

Sensible questions and solutions to consider for exhausted husband.

Exact-Truck-5248 | Exact-Truck-5248

Suggested trial separation and benefits of single parenting 👍

Ellen6723 | Ellen6723

Setting boundaries and consequences for partner's behavior to avoid resentment. 👍

RedditsNicksAreBad | RedditsNicksAreBad

NTA! Husband needs to help out despite long work hours. 🙏

JustGettingThruToday | JustGettingThruToday

Stay-at-home dad admits job is harder than full-time work. 😓

weareeverywhereee | weareeverywhereee

Is working all the time worth neglecting your child? 💼 🚫👶

KhadaJhIn12 | KhadaJhIn12

Is the husband neglecting his family for work and phone?

TootsNYC | TootsNYC

Partner should love you, not manipulate you. NTA 👏

1ofdwights70cousins | 1ofdwights70cousins

Is the husband neglecting his duties? Weekend behavior unknown. 🤔

dhm2293 | dhm2293

WFH doesn't mean free time. Empathy for tired OP. 💪

forgottendaughter_99 | forgottendaughter_99

Involved dad shares his household responsibilities. 👨🏻👦🏻👶🏻👨‍🌺👩‍🌻

EastTxHempCo | EastTxHempCo

Co-parenting is crucial for raising a child 👨‍👩‍👧

ReleaseAggravating19 | ReleaseAggravating19

Parenting and finances advice from a concerned commenter. 👥💰

Acceptable_Ad4416 | Acceptable_Ad4416

Single mom shares benefits of leaving in NTA comment.

morbidnerd | morbidnerd

Sharing the load is important for all parents. 👨🏻👩🏻

Kampfzwerg0 | Kampfzwerg0

Single mom's advice to wife on setting boundaries with husband.

shattered_kitkat | shattered_kitkat

Partner prioritizes phone over toddler, wife considers leaving. NTA.

GreyerGrey | GreyerGrey

Interesting study on single vs. married moms' lifestyle choices

Tylikcat | Tylikcat

Struggling with balancing work and parenting, seeking advice. 🤔

celticmusebooks | celticmusebooks

Father's lack of interest in child causing resentment and concern.

seamus_mcfly86 | seamus_mcfly86

Debating the definition of single parent. 🤔

Maximum-Dealer-6208 | Maximum-Dealer-6208

Divorce is a serious matter, don't use it as a threat 🚫

tardisfurati420 | tardisfurati420

You deserve more 💪 Don't settle for less than respect.

RoyalRescue | RoyalRescue

🌟 Superstar mom holding down job and toddler, husband needs reality check.

H_Quinlan_190402 | H_Quinlan_190402

Consider hiring help before breaking up the family. 🙌

Traditional-Ad-7722 | Traditional-Ad-7722

When small things become big problems in a marriage...

OfficialWhistle | OfficialWhistle

Unequal division of household duties leads to divorce. NTA.

PageStunning6265 | PageStunning6265

Stay at home dad? 🤔 Husband needs to figure it out.

lipgloss_addict | lipgloss_addict

User shares personal experience of a supportive father and questions societal norms.

Irish980 | Irish980

👏 Preach it! It's time for parents to step up equally!

Altered-babe | Altered-babe

Choose happiness! Adele says it best 💔📱😱

hhhhcxcv | hhhhcxcv

Partner prioritizes phone over toddler, wife wants change. NTA.

caryn1477 | caryn1477

User suggests husband quits job to be a caretaker. 🤔

Restivethought | Restivethought

Suggesting a solution for work-life balance, will it work? 🤔

General_assassin | General_assassin

Breaking down toxic masculinity and suggesting a solution. 💪

geon | geon

Equal income but unequal childcare, reconsider roles and priorities. 💼👨‍👩‍👧

Jerseygirl2468 | Jerseygirl2468

Get out while you can 👋🏃‍♀️. But don't bluff about divorce 🙅‍♀️.

mackeyca87 | mackeyca87

Dad prioritizes phone over toddler, called out for being a bad dad.

Few_Supermarket_4450 | Few_Supermarket_4450

Single mom shares her experience and encourages wife to leave.

Jaded-Kitty87 | Jaded-Kitty87

Suggests treating husband like a single dad for household chores.

nyobelle | nyobelle

Breaking the 'helping' mentality is key to family unity. #NTA

discoturtle1129 | discoturtle1129

Fiery response to husband prioritizing phone over toddler. 🔥

Smart_Blackberry_160 | Smart_Blackberry_160

Husband chooses phone over toddler, wife threatens to leave. Commenter calls out husband's immaturity and lack of responsibility. 👏

ZebraCentaur | ZebraCentaur

Divorce made housework easier for sister with young child.

Nsjsjajsndndnsks | Nsjsjajsndndnsks

Stay-at-home mom gets husband's help, not the a-hole

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SAH parent's full-time job is housekeeper, secretary, and child carer.

entropynchaos | entropynchaos

Engaging in dialogue: Is threatening divorce a dealbreaker? 😕

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Take a stand. Stop doing everything for him. He'll notice! 👊

KaleidoscopeGreat973 | KaleidoscopeGreat973

Father prioritizes phone over toddler, gets NTA judgement and advice.

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Being a single parent while in a relationship is tough. NTA 👍

malfurianna | malfurianna

User suggests 50/50 split and parenting reality check for dad

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Man supports equal workload in marriage, advises on divorce preparation.

geodebug | geodebug

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