Sister Slut-Shamed Me For Getting Pregnant, I Exposed Her Relationship Secrets At Her Birthday

Alfe Mercado
Pregnant woman
Unsplash | Toro Tseleng

A woman shares her story about being slut-shamed by her sister after getting pregnant and subsequently cutting her sister off. However, she discovers that her sister's relationship isn't as perfect as she claims it to be after a coworker shows her proof that her sister's boyfriend is on Tinder. The woman decides to expose her sister's secrets at her birthday party, causing a commotion and leaving her parents questioning if she's the A-hole. Read on to find out what happens next.

Virginity is a personal choice but is it fair to shame?

swimming-bird5149 | swimming-bird5149

Sister slut-shamed her for getting pregnant, she exposed her secrets 🤫

swimming-bird5149 | swimming-bird5149

Exposed sister's hypocritical relationship after she slut-shamed me. 💥

swimming-bird5149 | swimming-bird5149

Exposed sister's boyfriend's secret Tinder account to get revenge 👀

swimming-bird5149 | swimming-bird5149

Sibling rivalry takes an ugly turn at birthday bash 🤪

swimming-bird5149 | swimming-bird5149

Sister slut shames her pregnant sister at her own party 😒

swimming-bird5149 | swimming-bird5149

Exposed sister's secrets at her party after being slut-shamed.

swimming-bird5149 | swimming-bird5149

Family drama unfolds as sister's secrets are exposed at birthday 🎂

swimming-bird5149 | swimming-bird5149

Sister slut shames pregnant sibling, gets exposed for infidelity 🤭

In an unexpected turn of events, a self-proclaimed virgin sister shames her pregnant sibling for having casual s*x, only to be later exposed for being in a relationship with an unfaithful boyfriend. Read on to find out how the sister's relationship secrets were revealed at her birthday party, causing chaos and embarrassment for everyone involved. But was the pregnant sibling in the wrong for exposing her sister's infidelity? The family is now divided, with some taking sides and others questioning the morality of the situation. Keep reading to see how the drama unfolds and to join the discussion on whether or not the pregnant sibling was justified in her actions.

Engaging response to NTA comment and replies with strong language.

PizzaInteraction | PizzaInteraction

Exposing sister's secrets after pregnancy shaming, NTA wins. 🤭

Foxyguard24 | Foxyguard24

Standing up to slut-shaming sister, and protecting son's innocence 🙌

crazy-cat-momma | crazy-cat-momma

Protecting your child from toxic aunt and family. 👏

katfarr89 | katfarr89

Having multiple kids doesn't always guarantee friendship 😂

BahaSmilez | BahaSmilez

NTA for exposing your sister's hypocrisy 💯

uncreative_kid | uncreative_kid

Setting boundaries and exposing secrets at the birthday party 🎂

hazyKnights | hazyKnights

NTA! Sister slut shamed OP, exposed her secrets at birthday 🎂

lightwell | lightwell

Exposing secrets to a narcissistic sister. NTA 👏🏼

MerlinBiggs | MerlinBiggs

Protect your child from toxicity, move out and cut ties.

cursedroses | cursedroses

Exposing secrets: fair game or going too far? 🤔

TheMudbloodSlytherin | TheMudbloodSlytherin

Commenter defends OP's actions, sarcastically adds to gaming lobbies list 🎮


Stand up against slut shaming! NTA showed her who's boss 🙌

coldchewyramen | coldchewyramen

NTA sister gets a taste of her own medicine 😏

Scary_Inevitable379 | Scary_Inevitable379

Karma is a bitch 🤷‍♀️ NTA for exposing sister's secrets

Extreme-Row-4337 | Extreme-Row-4337

Publicly exposing a sister's secrets for slut shaming. NTA 👏

MooshAro | MooshAro

Cutting toxic family ties for your own good 😔👉👩‍👧‍👦

ComplexAd3298 | ComplexAd3298

Defending your son against insults. NTA prevails. 👏

snowbirds-go-home | snowbirds-go-home

Exposing a sister's secrets after pregnancy slut-shaming. NTA wins.

CogentHawk | CogentHawk

Exposing sister's secrets after being slut-shamed. NTA 😬😂

RemiTwinMama2016 | RemiTwinMama2016

Exposing a sister's secrets after slut-shaming: fair game? 🤔

SteampunkHarley | SteampunkHarley

Protecting your child from toxic family members is crucial ❤️

CherrryBomb666 | CherrryBomb666

Standing up to slut-shaming sister with humor and class 🙌

ClimbingQueen | ClimbingQueen

Sister slut shamed her for getting pregnant, but she retaliated

Aggravating_Ad9046 | Aggravating_Ad9046

NTA exposes sister's delusion about virginity and cheating boyfriend 💣

jlalmes | jlalmes

Cheers to standing up against slut shaming! 🙌🏼

reyballesta | reyballesta

Commenter defends themselves, drops mic with fiery response 🔥

Dangerous-Project672 | Dangerous-Project672

Sibling drama! NTA exposes sister's secrets 👀

MJ_718 | MJ_718

Empowering response to sister's slut-shaming at her own party ✊

Gamble0_0 | Gamble0_0

Sister got what she deserved for slut shaming, NTA 🤷🏻‍♀️

Mj2sensiblesourdough | Mj2sensiblesourdough

You go girl! 👏 Standing up to slut-shaming 👊

Revolutionary_Ad1846 | Revolutionary_Ad1846

Exposing secrets after being slut-shamed: fair play or not? 🤔

kitkatpandatat | kitkatpandatat

Exposing secrets: Fair revenge or crossing the line? 🤔

He_Who_Is_Right_ | He_Who_Is_Right_

Karma's a b***h! NTA 😎👊

butterfIypunk | butterfIypunk

Exposing secrets at a birthday party. NTA wins 👏

One_Condition_7001 | One_Condition_7001

Don't mess with a pregnant woman, especially if she's NTA 🤰👏

69schrutebucks | 69schrutebucks

Commenter stands up to slut-shaming sister, earns NTA judgement 👏

KeyEntityDomino | KeyEntityDomino

Pregnancy shamed sister gets exposed at her own birthday 🎂

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA claps back at sister's slut-shaming with epic birthday reveal 🔥

bdayqueen | bdayqueen

Supportive comment, love wins! ❤️

CavemanSamu | CavemanSamu

Cutting off toxic family members for the sake of your child 👌

6poundpuppy | 6poundpuppy

Little cousins are unsung heroes in the NTA story 😂

ninja-gecko | ninja-gecko

Sister shamed pregnant OP, gets exposed at her birthday 🎂

potatobugblue | potatobugblue

Sister slut shamed her, she exposed secrets at birthday 🎂😂

StargazerLily0119 | StargazerLily0119

Short and sweet, a supportive comment for the OP.

zib6272 | zib6272

You go, girl! 👏 NTA for exposing her secrets 🤫😈

livin4fun78 | livin4fun78

Standing up for yourself doesn't make you the a**hole 🙌

StrykerC13 | StrykerC13

Sister slut-shamed her, she exposed her secrets at her birthday. NTA.

dehydratedrain | dehydratedrain

👍 Not the a**hole for exposing sister's secrets at her birthday.

babyteddie | babyteddie

Exposing sister's secrets after slut-shaming for pregnancy 👀 NTA

JonesinforJonesey | JonesinforJonesey

Expose her hypocrisy with a smirk 😏

No-Royal-8309 | No-Royal-8309

Sister gets exposed on birthday after slut-shaming pregnant sibling 🎂🤫

PeanutsLament | PeanutsLament

Commenter sympathizes with OP who was slut shamed by sister

kristent225 | kristent225

Shaming pregnant women is a no-go 😒🙅‍♀️ Exposing relationship secrets? Karma.

red_black_1775 | red_black_1775

Exposing sister's secrets after being slut-shamed- NTA 🙌🏼

Ohcrumbcakes | Ohcrumbcakes

Exposing her secrets was justified. NTA 🤷‍♀️

AllegraJohnson | AllegraJohnson

Laughing face That's awesome! Justice served, NTA.

Its_Like_Whatever_OK | Its_Like_Whatever_OK

Agreeing with the commenter 🙌. Short and sweet.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't let anyone shame you. You're Gucci! 👍

Whspers12 | Whspers12

Exposing sister's secrets at her birthday - NTA wins.

Hermiones_Bookcase | Hermiones_Bookcase

Don't let anyone shame you for your choices. NTA 💪

Bee-reisinder | Bee-reisinder

Standing up to a toxic sister and enabling parents. 💪

crochetbug | crochetbug

Standing up for yourself is never wrong. 👍

kevwelch | kevwelch

Don't judge others for their choices, or prepare to face karma 😏

mmxomiso | mmxomiso