Man Furious After Wife Spends 8k On Stepson's Motorcycle With Money Saved For Son's Wedding

Alfe Mercado
Unsplash | Duncan Adler

A man was saving money for his son's wedding gift, but his wife spent it on a motorcycle for him. He's torn between his son's special day and his stepson's happiness. The man's stepson has a history of damaging motorcycles, and he's worried that the expensive gift will meet the same fate. Meanwhile, his wife is defending her actions and says returning the gift will be devastating for the stepson. The man is caught in the middle and unsure of what to do. Can you help him out?

Father's savings for son's wedding spent on stepson's motorcycle 😠

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Son's devotion to mother rewarded with motorcycle, angers stepfather.

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Stepson's motorcycle obsession causes family rift 😠🏍️

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Father's refusal to buy son a motorcycle leads to drama.

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Stepmom's surprise gift angers stepdad. Wedding budget jeopardized 🤔

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Father's wedding fund used for stepson's motorcycle, causing explosive argument

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Father devastated as wife spends son's wedding savings on stepson's motorcycle 💔

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Frustrated father recounts expenses on damaged motorcycles 🏍️💰

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Husband demands money back for stepson's bike, wife refuses. 💰🏍️

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Husband and wife clash over money spent on stepson's motorcycle.

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Father conflicted over wife's gift to stepson, seeks advice 🤔

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Wife spends wedding money on stepson's bike 😱

A man is furious with his wife for spending the 8k he saved for his son's wedding on his stepson's new motorcycle. His stepson is a motorcyclist and his wife surprised him with a brand new bike for Christmas, leaving the man devastated. He had put the money aside for his son's wedding as a gift. The man's stepson has had two previous motorcycles which ended up being damaged costing them so much money. The man wants his wife to return the motorcycle and get the money back, but she refuses as she doesn't want her son to resent her. The situation has caused tension in the family and the man hasn't even told his son yet. Read on for reactions and comments on the matter.

Stepmom buys $8k motorcycle for son, spends money saved for son's wedding. NTA comments suggest returning bike and divorcing wife.

YeetusDeletus-Feetus | YeetusDeletus-Feetus

Financial infidelity is just as damaging as physical infidelity. Time for some serious communication and mediation 🤝

NanaLeonie | NanaLeonie

Stepson's $8k motorcycle gifts with someone else's money angers father-in-law.

compassionfever | compassionfever

Joint funds spent without agreement, wife is the a**hole 💸🤷‍♀️

sraydenk | sraydenk

Spouse embezzled wedding savings for stepson’s motorcycle 🏍️💰

Avebury1 | Avebury1

Man's wife spends son's wedding fund on stepson's motorcycle 🏍️

_Volly | _Volly

Step-mom spends wedding savings on step-son's motorcycle. NTA stands up.

ChewMyFudge | ChewMyFudge

Man's wife spends wedding savings on stepson's motorcycle 💸😡

the-mirrors-truth | the-mirrors-truth

Husband saved for son's wedding, wife spent on stepson's motorcycle 💰🏍️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wife spent wedding savings on stepson's bike. Commenters suggest separate finances. 🤔

dftaylor | dftaylor

Discussing finances in a marriage is crucial 🙄💰

JemmaBnMe | JemmaBnMe

Money saved for son's wedding spent on stepson's motorcycle. Communication issues.

evelbug | evelbug

Stepmom takes wedding money saved for stepson's wedding to buy stepson's motorcycle.

okay_sure_yeah | okay_sure_yeah

Money troubles in marriage? 💰💔 NTA suggests separate finances.

Amara_Undone | Amara_Undone

Wife steals wedding savings for stepson's motorcycle - NTA takes action 😡🏍💰

Mysterious-System680 | Mysterious-System680

A shared account, unapproved 8k expense, and family favoritism 🤔

Millerbomb | Millerbomb

Wife ignores husband's wishes and spends savings on stepson's bike 😠

Snoo-46868 | Snoo-46868

Commenter advocates for problem-solving instead of immediate divorce.

QueanLaQueafa | QueanLaQueafa

🎶 Sing it with me, my friend 🎶 - Commenter suggests divorce

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mother-in-law chooses stepson over own son's wedding savings 💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Spending wedding savings on stepson's motorcycle: Theft or not?

jjwslot | jjwslot

Clarifying ownership and agreements for wedding funds, potential ESH situation

TheGreatNyanHobo | TheGreatNyanHobo

Protect your son's future! 🚲😡 Stand up to your disrespectful wife.

Portie_lover | Portie_lover

Wife spends son's wedding savings on stepson's bike 😠

RabdyD1958 | RabdyD1958

Divorce-worthy spending: NTA comment about stepson's motorcycle.

the_last_basselope | the_last_basselope

Doubts raised on the authenticity of the story.

Jonathan_Christopher | Jonathan_Christopher

Betrayal hurts. NTA for feeling wronged about money for stepson.

jraele | jraele

Money meant for son's wedding spent on stepson's motorcycle 😠

arizonakarenina | arizonakarenina

Agree with NTA, communication is key. 🗣️👍

Available_Nobody_404 | Available_Nobody_404

Wife spends son's wedding fund on stepson's bike. NTA.

reddgrrl | reddgrrl

Step-son's motorcycle bought with son's wedding fund, NTA seeks justice ⚖️

photosbeersandteach | photosbeersandteach

Heartbreaking situation. NTA, but is there a solution? 💔

SmeSems | SmeSems

Debate over whether it's solely his money or family's money. She's TA for not discussing the purchase, but they need to communicate better.

Nightshade1387 | Nightshade1387

Wife spends wedding fund on stepson's bike despite husband's objection 😠

ahiar | ahiar

Curious if the wife contributed to the joint account 🤔

AcanthisittaAVI | AcanthisittaAVI

Justified anger over wife's unilateral 8k purchase 🤬

nothingbettertado | nothingbettertado

Money meant for son's wedding spent on stepson's motorcycle. Justified anger?

FairieWarrior | FairieWarrior

Money for son's wedding spent on stepson's motorcycle. NTA.

Jetstream_12 | Jetstream_12

Wife spends wedding fund on stepson's motorcycle against husband's wishes 😠

aquasaurex | aquasaurex

Separate accounts might save your marriage 💰💔

No-Carpenter8359 | No-Carpenter8359

Commenter suggests divorce after stepson's motorcycle purchase.

suff_succotash | suff_succotash

Wife spends wedding money on stepson's motorcycle without consent. NTA

Mizuyah | Mizuyah

Wife spends wedding savings on stepson's motorcycle. NTA betrayed.

Djorgal | Djorgal

Spouse stole wedding funds to buy stepson's motorcycle 😡 #NTA

fitnessgirl1022 | fitnessgirl1022

Man suggests drastic action after wife's controversial purchase 🏍️💰

PeteyPorkchops | PeteyPorkchops

Couple's lack of communication leads to expensive Christmas gift debacle 🤦‍♂️

Zestyclose-Pineapple | Zestyclose-Pineapple

Commenter advises OP to leave manipulative spouse and calls her a gold digger.

MonkeFan76 | MonkeFan76

Stepson's motorcycle vs son's wedding savings. NTA decision explained.

CommanderGoat | CommanderGoat

Seek legal and emotional support. Putting family first is crucial 💪

Quicksilver1964 | Quicksilver1964

Stepson gets stolen 8k for bike while son loses wedding fund. 😡

Purpleagluna | Purpleagluna

Man's wife spends wedding savings on stepson's motorcycle 🤬

EvanWasHere | EvanWasHere