Teen Puts High-end Beauty Products in Lock Boxes to Protect Them from Her Sisters

Beauty products
Unsplash | pmv chamara

A 17-year-old babysitter has been left frustrated after her younger siblings repeatedly broke into her high-end beauty products. Despite warning them, the babysitter had to take action and lock up her hair, makeup, and skincare products in a closet with lock boxes. Her siblings are now angry with her, and her parents are pressuring her to let them use the products. The babysitter's brother has offered to let her move in with him and his family to escape the situation. However, the babysitter is unsure if she is the a**hole for locking up her products. Read on to find out more about this family drama and share your thoughts.

Teen protects high-end beauty products from siblings with lock boxes

aitastolentoiletries | aitastolentoiletries

🔒 Teen locks up beauty products to protect from siblings

aitastolentoiletries | aitastolentoiletries

Protecting my high-end beauty products from my sneaky sisters 🙅🏻‍♀️

aitastolentoiletries | aitastolentoiletries

Teen puts expensive cosmetics in lock boxes to prevent theft

aitastolentoiletries | aitastolentoiletries

Moving out because of sisters? Am I the a**hole? 🤔

aitastolentoiletries | aitastolentoiletries

Protecting beauty products from siblings: Teen's lock box hack 💄🔒

aitastolentoiletries | aitastolentoiletries

Teen defends her high-end beauty products from sisters with lockboxes.

aitastolentoiletries | aitastolentoiletries

Sibling rivalry leads to locking up beauty products 💄🔒

aitastolentoiletries | aitastolentoiletries

Teen locks up high-end beauty products from sisters 👌

A teenage girl has been locking up high-end beauty products in her closet to protect them from her sisters who have a habit of breaking into her belongings. The girl had been babysitting her siblings for almost a year when their mother, who works with high-end beauty companies, gave her free products to try. However, her sisters would take her things, leaving her with no choice but to install shelves in her closet and lock boxes for her products. Despite her mother and stepfather wanting her to share her beauty products, the girl's brother has sided with her and offered her a place to stay to escape the situation. The post has garnered many comments and reactions, with some supporting the girl's decision and others criticizing her for not sharing with her siblings. Read on to see what others have to say about the situation.

Sharing beauty products with six sisters? NTA for locking up!

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teen protects beauty products from siblings; parents fail to parent properly.

Korlat_Eleint | Korlat_Eleint

Protecting her beauty products with lock boxes from greedy sisters 😤💄

Quirky_Bumblebee_461 | Quirky_Bumblebee_461

Locking up beauty products to avoid unhygienic sharing with sisters 💄

OffkilterPendulum7 | OffkilterPendulum7

Protecting beauty products from nosy siblings. NTA for moving out.

PotentialityKnocks | PotentialityKnocks

Protecting expensive makeup from siblings; sister suggests moving out 🧐

Bumbledragoness | Bumbledragoness

Protect your beauty products from family with lock boxes 💄🔒

Ctiiu | Ctiiu

Protect your beauty products like a boss 💄🔒

NeedleworkerNo6564 | NeedleworkerNo6564

Secure your beauty products like a boss! 💄🔒

Lesser_Frigate_Bird | Lesser_Frigate_Bird

Teen defends her right to protect her high-end beauty products from her non-working sisters.

NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister

Locking up beauty products from entitled sisters, NTA.

Venetrix2 | Venetrix2

Lock up your beauty products to protect them from entitled siblings.

GuinevereMorgan | GuinevereMorgan

Protect your high-end beauty products with lockboxes. Respect your boundaries 💄

RosePGarfield | RosePGarfield

Protecting beauty products from siblings sparks controversy. NTA wins.

Are_fucking_kidding | Are_fucking_kidding

Protecting your beauty products from siblings? You're NTA! 👏

PushkinMage | PushkinMage

Respect personal space and belongings. Sharing should be positive 👍

z3vil | z3vil

Sibling rivalry? Lock up your beauty products 🔒💄

SingularityMechanics | SingularityMechanics

Protect your beauty products like a boss 🔒💄

Status_Inspection523 | Status_Inspection523

Protect your beauty products from siblings with lock boxes. 💄🔒

CaptSpacePants | CaptSpacePants

Locking up beauty products from sisters: NTA wins 🏆

heatherlincoln | heatherlincoln

Setting boundaries with family before a move is important. ✊

Flipnsip | Flipnsip

Locking up beauty products to avoid sharing? NTA strikes again! 💄🔒

[deleted] | [deleted]

🚫🔒 Sister protection mode: ON. NTA for safeguarding your belongings.

Consistent-Leopard71 | Consistent-Leopard71

Establishing boundaries is important for healthy relationships with siblings 🙏

ivyyxxlynn_ | ivyyxxlynn_

Locking up beauty products from sisters. NTA for sure! 😎

Affectionate-Area659 | Affectionate-Area659

Setting boundaries with siblings and still not the a**hole 👍

EquivalentTwo1 | EquivalentTwo1

Protecting her beauty products leads to bigger family issues 😕

numbersthen0987431 | numbersthen0987431

Sharing makeup? NTA says esthetician, keep your brushes clean! 💄

Nankurunaisa_Shisa | Nankurunaisa_Shisa

Locking up expensive makeup to protect from younger siblings. Discussion on appropriate age for makeup and hygiene concerns.

Snoo_68114 | Snoo_68114

Protecting beauty products from siblings - NTA 🙌

PapaTrotzki | PapaTrotzki

Stand up for yourself! 🙌 You shouldn't have to suffer.

Lnzy1 | Lnzy1

Teaching siblings about boundaries and entitlement 👭

ohyoushiksagoddess | ohyoushiksagoddess

Setting boundaries with products earned as a babysitter. 👏

bailsrails | bailsrails

Siblings fighting over beauty products, mom with 12 kids? 😳

idsayimafanoffrogs | idsayimafanoffrogs

Sharing makeup is gross, protect your skin with lock boxes 🙅‍♀️

spookysmith | spookysmith

Commenter stands up against parents, encourages moving out 🏡

krlrk | krlrk

Respect for personal space leads to a peaceful household. 🏠

imnickiegurl | imnickiegurl

Establishing boundaries with 6 sisters? Godspeed, NTA! 🙌

50MilesOfElbowRoom | 50MilesOfElbowRoom

Protecting beauty products from siblings? You're NTA material 👏🏼

Preesi | Preesi

Protecting makeup from siblings, and bank account from access. 💄🔒

Smiley-Canadian | Smiley-Canadian

Protecting your hard-earned beauty products like 💪🏼🔒

peppermintvalet | peppermintvalet