
20 Dads Who Are Thoroughly Embracing The Idea Of The 'Dad Joke'

Dads are placed upon this earth for a variety of reasons. They're here to serve as role models, provide support, and bring joy into the lives of their families. Most importantly, though, is their ability to deliver on jokes.

This list is full of dads doing what they do best, thoroughly embracing the idea of a 'dad joke' and cracking us up by doing so.

"My dad sent me a picture this morning and said 'it finally happened'."

Not only did this chicken cross the road, but that sign indicates that this happens frequently! So many chickens crossing so many roads, they can't all be going to the same place, can they? We should ask where they're headed, and most importantly, why.

"I'm a new dad."

Starting early I see. If you can't make fun of your own kid and their lack of literacy, what can you make fun of? If anything, introducing them to words early on is probably good for them, so really, this is helpful.

"[My] dad told me there were brownies in the pan."

A classic prank that's been done by many at this point, and every time I stand by my belief that if there are no actual brownies being kept somewhere to make up for you being tricked, it's not a prank, it's just cruel.

"Only inheritance from dad: 100 bucks stashed in a stolen fishing hat."

The funniest part about this was the uploader revealing in the comments that their father didn't even fish, so he just stole this hat for kicks and decided it'd be a good place to stash some cash. Now you're $100 richer!

"Like father, like son."

It took me a while to even spot the second pair of legs in this photo, but when I did, it ended up being even better than I had imagined.

Yes, pet dads are very different from human child dads, but they also share a lot of similarities!

"Can’t wait to see what I get for Father’s Day this year!"

If this keeps up, you can have a totally dad-centric wardrobe in a few years. Maybe change career paths soon so you can have some with a different profession on it just to keep people guessing, or get a mom shirt instead to really throw them off.

"After 72 days in the NICU, we brought my son home. Two jokes later, he wished he was back in."

No wonder he's crying, you're reading dad jokes from a book! The best dad jokes come from the heart, they live in the moment and strike you when the time is right. You can't have them on hand like a manual, it's inauthentic!

"My daughter just discovered how to work hair clips."

It starts with one, but now that she's got the taste for it, many more are to come. Many, many more. On the bright side, the one she chose for you looks great, so at least she has taste. You'll be looking fabulous by the end of the week.

"My daughter is 2nd percentile in weight, so we’re trying out some new feeding techniques."

For some reason, the idea that someone could both have a child and still own one of these really shook me. I thought everyone who owned a beer bong left it behind in their college dorms once they graduated.

"My Dad listed this pocket mirror on ebay. Said he wanted people to know that it worked."

Mirrors don't ever stop working, right? Outside of them shattering out of their frame, which would be evident in the pictures anyway. Are you sure he wasn't trying his hand out at some mirror selfies and got embarrassed when you asked?

"My father-in-law bird watching in Central Park."

Not to be mean, but he's not doing a great job at it then, is he? He's missing the biggest bird in the part! It doesn't even blend in, it's bright yellow! Maybe with some more practice, he'll get there.

"My father really dressed to impress for the day of my birth."

I bet your mom was just thrilled at his choice of attire for such an important day. People in the comments were trying to defend him, saying when it's time it's time and to prioritize comfort, but surely he owned other t-shirts.

"A father's sacrifice."

I wouldn't wish this sort of fate on even my worst enemy. To see a father so willing to take this blow and protect his children from the evils that are the end pieces of bread, it's incredibly valiant. Bravo.

"This is how I've chosen to spend my Father's Day."

And on the opposite side of the spectrum from the last image is this guy.

Of all the things you could have sat in, you chose a kiddie pool? There's zero back support, which I bet you'll be feeling later when you have to scoop all three of your kids up.

"Father of two. I had to have chicken and waffles this morning."

You say that like it's a bad thing when this genuinely looks very yummy. Sure, maybe that's because I have the pallet of a five-year-old, but who could ever get tired of dino nuggets and mini waffles?

"Nothing quite like a little quality father son time."

It wasn't until I read the comments that I realized the kid was looking at a phone, I thought he was just woefully contemplating his position, thinking back on his life and the mistakes he made that ended with him being jailed.

"What fatherhood looks like. Putting a shoe on a 2yo."

Your first mistake was thinking a child could be trusted with just flip-flops on. That's why you need fully strapped shoes for them, so you can catch them when they're halfway through taking them off and stop them in their tracks.

"Dad called my sister and I downstairs with 'dinner is on the table'."

The uploader said this was an old photo, which makes sense because I can't even make out what is on the table. I want to believe it's dry cereal, but the bowl of maybe cheese in the middle makes me think it's mac and cheese, which is simply awful.

"Why do my father and dog look like an old married couple?"

That's just what having a pet is like after a certain amount of time. You either start acting like their spouse, or they are the mortal enemy that you love anyway. The pets know it too, you can see it in that dog's face.

"My father took the time to do this to my mother ladies and gentlemen."

Hey, when you see an opportunity like this, you have to go for it as fast as you can. You can't waste a single moment lest she moves or the passion leaves you, art doesn't have time to wait!

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