People Are Using Kiddie Pools For An Epic Cooler Hack

One thing that we all try to do in the summer is to stay cool. I don't know about you, but I don't mind the heat too much as long as I have a refreshing cold drink.

But how do you keep your drinks cool when you're enjoying the backyard? I have found a rather unorthodox way I think you're going to like.

Nobody likes hanging out in the backyard in the summer more than me, ha, ha!

Unsplash | Brooke Lark

Honestly, that's what I live for all winter long. So, now that the hot weather is here, I'm always cooling myself with an icy drink.

But I don't exactly feel like dragging the cooler outside every single time.

Unsplash | Sandrene Zhang

So I was pretty excited when I stumbled upon a genius way to keep drinks cool while hanging outside. It's so easy and simple it makes me wonder why haven't I thought of it.

Get this, people are actually using kiddie pools for that very purpose.

Huh? Isn't that genius or what? I can't believe it's the first time I've seen this idea. Oh my goodness, what an awesome concept for an outdoor party!

Whoa, what did I tell you?

Isn't this an absolutely perfect idea to ensure that a large number of drinks stay cool? All you have to do is inflate the kiddie pool, fill it with lots and lots of ice, and voilà!

Oh my goodness, check this out.

Word to the wise, when you do this make sure you have an ample amount of ice bags on hand. Okay? You wouldn't want to run out halfway through the party. Am I right?

Now, isn't this the best use of a kiddie pool?

I bet this looks like a refreshingg idea to everyone. I'm pretty sure it will be a huge hit at your next pool or backyard party. I totally want to do this now, too.

Just make sure your toddler doesn't get in on the action.

Are these cans kid-proof? Ha, ha! I hope they are. On second thought, those tiny little fingers wouldn't be able to pop them open anyway, so I'm pretty sure you're safe there.

Awe, isn't this a pretty sight?

Not only will you keep your drinks cool this way, but the floaties will be perfect for the pool too. Oh, I need to get my hands on those for when I go to the next pool party.

So, who's ready to raise a cold glass to this idea?

Unsplash | Wil Stewart

I've got to tell you, I love it. My neighbors have a kiddie pool for their dog, and I might need to steal — ahem — borrow it from them, ha, ha!