People Online Are Getting Pretty Heated Over A 'Cooler 101' Hack

It's another day, which means another online hack is riling up users on TikTok. I mean, we've pretty much come to expect it by now, right? For today's hack controversy, we'll be treated to something seasonal.

Summer is coming up and that means it's time to break out the cooler to keep our drinks ice-cold during those hot days. However, one cooler hack has generated quite the debate online.

Alright, so here we go.

According to TikTok user @thatbrysonshow, there's a right and wrong way to pack a cooler. The right way involves opening the back of your beer boxes and laying them down vertically in your cooler.

Pile ice all around the boxes.

Then, slowly remove the box. The cans will gracefully slide out and stack perfectly inside the cooler, surrounded by fellow cans and a ton of ice. Great, right?

Well, this hack got people pretty heated.

As is the way on TikTok, the comment section got unnecessarily hostile. I can't complain, however — where else can I see people arguing over ice distribution in such an aggressive manner?

Even the choice of beer was up for debate.

I just want to thank Jared there for absolutely destroying Brian and his ridiculously elitist take on beer. I mean, it's beer, Brian. Calm down. Crack open a lukewarm one with the boys and chill.

Most people did not like the lack of ice in the cooler.

Apparently, there wasn't enough ice distributed around the cans to get them properly cold. I know nothing about coolers, so I'll have to take their words for it.

When I tell you almost no one liked this hack, I'm not lying.

Would you rather drink warm beer, Adam? Would you?

I'm not going to lie, some of the comments were genuinely funny. All beer, no ice gets points in my book.

I'm with Stanley.

Stanley Yelnats — who for us millennials has a lovely and nostalgic online name — speaks for me. This hack seemed really smart and efficient to me!

Thankfully, lazy gamer dad had some hot ice layering tips.

Listen, maybe I'm dunking on him a little, but the truth is that this is pretty good advice. It's all about the ice layering, people.

So, what do you think? Do you have some hot takes on this hack?

Whitney here duetted the hack, saying her mind had been blown.

This led to even MORE debate about the cooler. Whitney said that she'd never seen anything like it, and loved the hack. Her commenters were a totally different story, however.

Oh, this guy brought SCIENCE to the table.

Sir, there is no place for facts on TikTok! We battle like men: cattily, and with a lot of attitude.

Anyway, Colin actually had a very good point that a lot of people did not enjoy, but hey — that sounds like a them problem.

Shade was thrown.

I appreciate that this person actually brought jokes, because way too many people took this way too seriously. It's ice in a cooler, people, not an international conflict.

Actually, I take that back. This is now an international conflict.

Um, shots fired from user328bunchofnumbers over here. This just in: only Europeans know how ice boxes work. Americans, kindly remove yourself from the debate. Thank you.

Who knew beer and ice was such a controversial topic?

I learned an important lesson today: never get into a debate about the optimal temperature for storing beer, or you will get owned by people on the internet.

You can watch the whole hack here.

Take a look at let me know what you think of this hack. Is it genius? Could it be improved upon? Would you rather drink a warm beer than try this trick?