Roommate’s Gf’s Kid in My Bed: AITA for Kicking Her Out?

sleeping child
Unsplash | Jelleke Vanooteghem

Returning home after work, I found a young child in my bed. The roommate's girlfriend had put her there. I asked her to move to the vacant bed in the kids' room. My roommate wasn't happy and suggested I sleep in the child's bed instead. I refused. Am I the a**hole for expecting respect for my space? Read on for more details about the situation, my thoughts, and my roommate's reaction to my request.

Respect my space: Roommate's GF's kid in my bed

csphct | csphct

Roommate's GF's kid took my bed: AITA for kicking her out?

csphct | csphct

Setting boundaries with roommates: A polite AITA dilemma.

csphct | csphct

Uninvited kid in my bed, AITA for kicking her out? 🤔

csphct | csphct

Roommate's GF's kid invades my bed, AITA for kicking her?

csphct | csphct

Roommates GF's kid invaded my bed, AITA for kicking? 😒

csphct | csphct

Politely asked kid to leave my bed, AITA? 🤔

csphct | csphct

Kicking out my roommate's GF's kid from my bed. AITA?

csphct | csphct

No more kid in bed - roommate breakup resolved the issue

csphct | csphct

🛌 AITA for kicking out my roommate's GF's kid from my bed?

Respecting each other's personal space is crucial in any living arrangement. However, the boundaries can blur when it comes to guests. A Reddit user came home to find their roommate's girlfriend's child sleeping in their bed, which resulted in a confrontation between the two. Despite having another bed available, the roommate was upset that the child was asked to move. The situation escalated quickly, leading the Reddit user to question if they were in the wrong. The post has gained attention from over 500 strangers, but who do you think is in the right? Read on to find out more and share your thoughts in the comments below.

Get a lock and keep entitled people out 😒🔒

AmethysstFire | AmethysstFire

Roommate's GF's kid falls asleep in OP's bed: NTA for kicking her out.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Setting boundaries with kids can be tough 🧐, NTA for enforcing them

kfnnnp | kfnnnp

Roommate's GF's kid took over my bed: NTA for kicking her out.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Creepy situation avoided thanks to OP's actions 🙅‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate's GF's kid in my bed: NTA for kicking her out, and hilarious response!

fleshcoloredbanana | fleshcoloredbanana

Roommate's entitled GF and kid: NTA, need new place 🙃

TheDevilsAdvokaat | TheDevilsAdvokaat

Respect matters: Kicking out GF's kid from your bed. #NTA 🚫👶

AmandaJay8 | AmandaJay8

You're not the a**hole for wanting your personal space 🚪💼

Wrong-Sundae | Wrong-Sundae

Putting a child in an uncomfortable situation: not cool 👎

ApparentNarcissist | ApparentNarcissist

One bed rule: NTA for kicking roommate's GF's kid out.

ArbitraryContrarianX | ArbitraryContrarianX

Respect your space 🙌 NTA for setting boundaries.

hanahbananaaa | hanahbananaaa

Roommate's GF's kid in OP's bed: clear NTA, absurd suggestion.

meadmall | meadmall

Setting boundaries with roommates: NTA for enforcing them.

FluffyShiny | FluffyShiny

Roommate's GF's kid in OP's bed: NTA for kicking out 🛌

1stofallhowdareewe | 1stofallhowdareewe

Roommate's GF's kid in OP's bed: Commenter suspects ulterior motives 🤔

Nisplaydame | Nisplaydame

Protect your space 🚪📹 NTA for setting boundaries

ForestFlower13 | ForestFlower13

Set boundaries, sleep soundly 😴

kromonob | kromonob

Don't feel guilty, you're NTA for kicking out kid.

SteppinBubble | SteppinBubble

Roommate's GF's kid in my bed: NTA for setting boundaries 🛌

ohheyjamesyoung | ohheyjamesyoung

Roommate's friend in my bed: NTA for kicking him out 🛏️💥

megs1288 | megs1288

Lock your door! 🚪 NTA for kicking GF's kid out.

Driftwood1884 | Driftwood1884

Kid kicked out of bed: NTA, and apparently the kid agrees 😴

BazTheBaptist | BazTheBaptist

Set boundaries and get a lock for your door 🔒

cara180455 | cara180455

👍 Standing up for personal space. NTA in this scenario.

Consistent-Leopard71 | Consistent-Leopard71

NTA for kicking out roommate's GF's kid from your bed 👍

Rinitis_cronica | Rinitis_cronica

Protective and practical: NTA for kicking out dangerous situation! 🔒

Jesuslovzyou | Jesuslovzyou

Roommate's girlfriend's kid in OP's bed; roommate is TA 👎

Dry_Volume_5238 | Dry_Volume_5238

NTA for kicking out roommate's GF's child from your bed 💁‍♂️

SnooTomatoes6167 | SnooTomatoes6167

Stand up for yourself! 💪🏼💰

lawfox32 | lawfox32

Secure your room with a 🔒 and avoid future conflicts.

artieart99 | artieart99

Respect your boundaries: NTA for kicking out roommate's GF's kid 😴

Biteme75 | Biteme75

Grandkids only allowed in bed, NTA for kicking out roommate's GF's kid 🛌👶

Falconstears | Falconstears

Secure your space 🚪💪 NTA for setting boundaries.

AreYouItchy | AreYouItchy

Agreed! Random kid in your bed is a big no-no 🙅‍♂️

xXHacker69Xx | xXHacker69Xx

Clarifying the living situation with multiple kids 🤔

Jay794 | Jay794

Setting boundaries: 🚫🛏️ Don't let someone else's child invade your space.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Creative solution or inappropriate advice? 😳🤔

AvinItLarge123 | AvinItLarge123

Personal space matters 🚪🛏️

beeboo144 | beeboo144

Agreement with a touch of confusion: 😕 NTA, but what happened?

Lilybit09 | Lilybit09

Clear judgement: Not the a**hole for kicking out kid.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Secure your space! 🔒 NTA for setting boundaries.

icecreampenis | icecreampenis

Not the a**hole for kicking out roommate's girlfriend's kid 😤

thezatch2 | thezatch2

Not the a**hole for kicking out roommate's girlfriend's kid 🚫👶

Speedypanda4 | Speedypanda4

👊 Setting boundaries: NTA for kicking out roommate's GF's kid.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful roommate with a child vs. disrespectful roommate's girlfriend

AeBS1978 | AeBS1978

Stand your ground! 💪 NTA for demanding respect.

Ikmia | Ikmia

Get a lock 🔒: NTA for kicking out roommate's guest.

whitecloudesq | whitecloudesq

Roommate's girlfriend's kid invaded bed, commenter says NTA.

tregare | tregare

Roommate's GF's kid in OP's bed: confusion over sleeping arrangements

fantastic_feb | fantastic_feb

NTA for kicking out the roommate's GF's kid. 🚫👶

swmenze | swmenze

Roommate's GF's kid in OP's bed, NTA for kicking out.

LadyOfSighs | LadyOfSighs

Curious about the situation: How many kids were involved? 🤔

anthrofuck | anthrofuck

Commenter calls out bullying in NTA situation 🚫👶

perhapsnew | perhapsnew

No a-hole here! But what happened next? 🤔

Miss_Might | Miss_Might

Respect is key 🔑 NTA for setting boundaries

Hemantobarish | Hemantobarish

Setting boundaries: 🚫👶 NTA for kicking out roommate's girlfriend's kid.

Curi0uz | Curi0uz

Protect your space and buy a lock to avoid disrespect 👍🔒

chipsandsalsa_stat | chipsandsalsa_stat

Feeling unwelcome? 🤔

Inside-Suggestion-51 | Inside-Suggestion-51

Respectful advice: Don't let a roommate's GF invade your space 🚫

DukeReaper | DukeReaper

Bed-sharing with a roommate's GF's kid: potential bed-wetting issue 🚽

Thefakeblonde | Thefakeblonde

Roommate's ex and her kid pushed boundaries: NTA for kicking them out 🚪

welpthats | welpthats

Secure your privacy! 🔒 NTA for setting boundaries.

TheBarkingGallery | TheBarkingGallery

Roommate's GF's terrible parenting and lack of rent payment: NTA

MagniPunk | MagniPunk

No kids policy, no problem 🙅‍♂️🚫

talcantorth | talcantorth

NTA: Roommate's GF's kid in my bed? Oh hell no 🙄

gagemichi | gagemichi

Respect your space 🚪. NTA for setting boundaries.

PsychologyAutomatic3 | PsychologyAutomatic3

Commenter acknowledges NTA verdict but criticizes original post's fairness. 🤔

lipcrnb | lipcrnb

Unconventional living arrangement leads to humorous NTA judgement 🤣

YR_Entertainment | YR_Entertainment

Kicking out the roommate's GF's kid: NTA, but stuck 🙃

PretendAct8039 | PretendAct8039

Roommate's GF's kid in OP's bed: NTA for kicking her out 🚫👶

strikes-twice | strikes-twice