Man Refuses To Drive Girlfriend To Hobby, Sparking Conflict

Alfe Mercado
Man driving a car
Unsplash | serjan midili

A man is facing backlash after refusing to drive his girlfriend to her hobby. The girlfriend, who cannot drive and refuses to learn, is upset and feels that her boyfriend is being controlling. The man had previously offered to help her learn to drive, but after months of no progress, he stopped pushing the issue. Now, with the girlfriend's hobby being 15-20 minutes away by car, the man is refusing to drive her and believes that she should have learned to drive by now. The situation has caused tension in the relationship, with both parties feeling like they are in the right. What do you think? Is the man being unreasonable, or is the girlfriend being lazy? Read the full story and decide for yourself.

Girlfriend can't drive, causing conflict: solutions or compromises?

drivingissuesta | drivingissuesta

Encouraging partner to drive causes tension during pandemic lockdown 🚗

drivingissuesta | drivingissuesta

Man offers to pay for driving lessons after girlfriend's panic attacks

drivingissuesta | drivingissuesta

A refusal to drive sparks conflict in a relationship 🚫🚗

drivingissuesta | drivingissuesta

Boyfriend refuses to drive girlfriend to dance classes 🚫🚗

drivingissuesta | drivingissuesta

No ride, no hobby, no peace. 🙅‍♂️

drivingissuesta | drivingissuesta

Girlfriend accuses boyfriend of being controlling for not driving her.

drivingissuesta | drivingissuesta

Driver refuses to chauffeur girlfriend, seeks counsel on AITA

drivingissuesta | drivingissuesta

Driving dilemma causes relationship rift 😔🚗💔

A man's refusal to drive his girlfriend to her hobby classes has caused a rift in their relationship. The girlfriend, who has never obtained a driver's license, had the opportunity to practice driving during the pandemic but never followed through. Now, she expects her boyfriend to drive her to and from her dance classes, which are a 15-20 minute drive away, three times a week. The boyfriend refuses to continue driving her, as he has done for the past four years, and believes it's time for her to learn to drive. However, the girlfriend sees this as controlling behavior and claims that driving makes her anxious. The situation has left the couple at odds, with the boyfriend wondering if he's in the wrong. While it's understandable for the girlfriend to feel anxious about driving, it's also important for both parties to find a compromise that works for them. Will the couple be able to find a solution that satisfies both of their needs? Stay tuned for the comments and reactions.

NTA for refusing to drive girlfriend to hobby, set boundaries.

frubi86 | frubi86

Partner refuses to be a shuttle service, suggests alternatives. NTA.

olneyvideo | olneyvideo

🚫🚗 NTA for not driving girlfriend, suggests relocating for better transport options.

dyinginsect | dyinginsect

Girlfriend demands boyfriend be her 24/7 taxi. NTA.

JEFFinSoCal | JEFFinSoCal

Forcing someone to drive with anxiety can be dangerous 😨. OP and GF need to find a solution that works for both.

redflamearrow | redflamearrow

Driving 80 minutes for hobby? NTA, not controlling her.

Kris82868 | Kris82868

Managing anxiety by relying on others is not realistic. 🙅‍♂️

No-Policy-4095 | No-Policy-4095

Girlfriend's driving anxiety not an excuse for constant chauffeuring 🚗

GoldenFrog14 | GoldenFrog14

Suggesting mental health treatment for girlfriend's driving anxiety ❤️

DiligentPenguin16 | DiligentPenguin16

Being independent is important 💪. You're NTA for setting boundaries.

mistake_sendhelp | mistake_sendhelp

Anxiety doesn't stop them from standing up for themselves 🙌

Connie_Damico | Connie_Damico

Suggest an electric bike for girlfriend's hobby commute 🚲⚡

ChewyRib | ChewyRib

Driving dilemma: NAH, but should he be a chauffeur?

dragongrrrrrl | dragongrrrrrl

Driving struggles due to anxiety and ADHD, NAH in conflict.

CapedBaldy98 | CapedBaldy98

Girlfriend's hobbies shouldn't be your obligation 👍

monzmom | monzmom

Dating someone who can't drive and has anxiety: NAH solutions 🚗

ad_aatdtj | ad_aatdtj

Get on your bike, girlfriend 🚲💨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encouraging alternative transportation options for non-drivers 🚲

mandytheratmom | mandytheratmom

Take control of your own life ✊

RoyallyOakie | RoyallyOakie

Empowering independence vs. Controlling behavior: NTA wins 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Driving isn't for everyone, NTA for not being a chauffeur 👍

MrWobbles2 | MrWobbles2

Boyfriend refuses to be personal driver for girlfriend with anxiety.

Invisibleamber | Invisibleamber

Driving isn't your responsibility, NTA for setting boundaries.

MeatBeatManiac696969 | MeatBeatManiac696969

NTA, mental illness not an excuse to expect others to help 🤔

IncestLooksBadOnYou | IncestLooksBadOnYou

Understanding anxiety while driving and finding solutions 💡

visionskate1 | visionskate1

NTA stands up for himself in driving dispute with girlfriend 🚗

user8059 | user8059

Girlfriend's entitlement sparks conflict over transportation 🚗

orbitalchild | orbitalchild

Overcoming driving anxiety and finding compromises in a NAH situation 🚗

BotanyVampire | BotanyVampire

Suffering from driving anxiety, girlfriend needs alternate transport options 🚗

LadyV21454 | LadyV21454

Supporting GF's anxiety is important, but not his sole responsibility 🚗

Current-Read | Current-Read

Respectful disagreement on driving issue highlights potential incompatibility 😐

Objective-Ant-6797 | Objective-Ant-6797

Setting boundaries without being controlling, NTA 🚗

RedditDK2 | RedditDK2

Encourage your girlfriend to get back behind the wheel! 🚗

Dsanti5 | Dsanti5

NTA. Girlfriend expects too much from you as personal chauffeur.

Virulencer | Virulencer

👍 Not the a**hole for setting boundaries and encouraging independence.

dracosslytherinslut | dracosslytherinslut

Driving isn't the only measure of equality in a partnership 🚗🙅‍♀️

evelbug | evelbug

Letting go of control in relationships can be tough 😬

Substantial-Fox-4905 | Substantial-Fox-4905

Support for girlfriend's safe driving decision 🚗👍

SofiePhilosopher81 | SofiePhilosopher81

Taking responsibility for transportation in a relationship 👏

RaiinBowRave21 | RaiinBowRave21

Girlfriend assumes boyfriend will drive her forever, NTA for refusing 🚗

Special_Koala_1093 | Special_Koala_1093

Control your time, not hers. NTA for not driving her. 🚕

Sleepy_felines | Sleepy_felines

Encouraging independence is not controlling 👌

Astroblemes | Astroblemes

Girlfriend's driving struggles: NTA refuses to be her chauffeur.

HowardProject | HowardProject

Partner doesn't want to drive, NAH but might be incompatible. 🚗

TreeShapedHeart | TreeShapedHeart

Compromise is key. Have an honest discussion with your partner 💬

theturkstwostep | theturkstwostep

Partner not a taxi service 💁‍♂️

redditor191389 | redditor191389

Encouraging independence 🚶‍♀️💪 NTA for setting boundaries.

scuffery | scuffery

Be a supportive partner but not a chauffeur. 😉

AllOutofFs | AllOutofFs

Driving isn't the only way to be independent 🚴‍♀️🏃‍♀️🚶‍♀️💪 NTA

barrenvonbismark | barrenvonbismark

Take the wheel and put on your big girl panties 😉

Moneyguru_ | Moneyguru_

You're not controlling for not being her personal chauffeur 🚗

GrymDraig | GrymDraig

Overcoming driving anxiety, NTA for not driving girlfriend.

Aurgala | Aurgala

Living with someone with mental health issues can be challenging 💔

dylspicklez | dylspicklez

Bike or break up? NTA suggests the former 🚲

annapatrycja | annapatrycja