A Daughter's Love For Mulan Brings Controversy

Alfe Mercado
Image of Mulan
Pluggedin.com | Pluggedin staff

A young girl's love for a Disney princess has caused controversy among her mother's coworkers. The girl, who is autistic, sees similarities between herself and Mulan, her favorite princess, because of their struggles to fit in. However, her mother's decision to not correct her daughter's comparison to Mulan as a white girl has raised eyebrows. A coworker of the mother's criticized her for allowing her daughter to make such a comparison, claiming it was offensive. The mother defended her daughter's perspective, explaining the context behind her words and how it could negatively impact her daughter to police her language. The situation raises questions about cultural appropriation and sensitivity, as well as the challenges of parenting an autistic child. What do you think about the mother's decision? Was she in the wrong or right to defend her daughter's comparison to Mulan?

Autistic daughter finds inspiration in Mulan's story 🎎❤️

sensitive-ant-5907 | sensitive-ant-5907

Mulan's struggle to fit in resonates with daughter's experience ❤️

sensitive-ant-5907 | sensitive-ant-5907

A non-Asian girl relates to Mulan, but is it controversial?

sensitive-ant-5907 | sensitive-ant-5907

Breaking gender stereotypes with Mulan sparks controversy among parents 👧🏻👩🏻

sensitive-ant-5907 | sensitive-ant-5907

Celebrating a child's identity and expression, despite societal barriers. 🌟

sensitive-ant-5907 | sensitive-ant-5907

Navigating racial tension with co-workers and valid feelings 💭

sensitive-ant-5907 | sensitive-ant-5907

Is it wrong for a non-Asian girl to relate to Mulan?

A mother defends her daughter's love for Mulan, despite concerns of cultural appropriation. The young girl, who is autistic, sees herself in Mulan's struggles to fit in and find her path. However, a playdate with a friend prompts concern from the friend's mother, who sees the girl's identification with Mulan as offensive. The mother argues that her daughter's words should not be policed and that understanding the context is key. She worries that criticism of her daughter's words may harm her already limited ability to communicate. This raises important questions about cultural appropriation and identity, particularly in relation to those with disabilities. Let's delve deeper into this complex issue through the comments and reactions.

NTA. Coworker's white-knighting is misguided. Mulan resonates beyond race.

Evolutioncocktail | Evolutioncocktail

Teach your child to identify with qualities and personalities, not race 🌈

dmbxox | dmbxox

8-year-old sees similarities between Mulan and a Black woman, but adult only sees surface difference in skin color. NTA, but coworker's performative liberalism is insidiously harmful. 🤔

eighttoedsloth | eighttoedsloth

Liking a TV character for her qualities fosters empathy and understanding ❤️

VioletReaver | VioletReaver

Engaging in conversations about race can be tricky. 🤔

VelvetRaynet | VelvetRaynet

Defending an 8-year-old's love for Mulan against racist criticism 😠

AdministrationThis77 | AdministrationThis77

Celebrating diversity and finding kindred spirits, NTA comment sparks agreement.

Illustrious-Band-537 | Illustrious-Band-537

Celebrating diversity and breaking stereotypes 🤩

RoxyRockSee | RoxyRockSee

Defending Mulan fans from cultural appropriation accusations 🎎

kampfhuegi | kampfhuegi

Let kids be kids 🧒🏻👧🏽🧒🏼. Don't let adults ruin it.

Lorienwanderer | Lorienwanderer

Celebrating innocence and diversity 🎉 Let kids be kids ❤️

RobinsRoads05 | RobinsRoads05

Don't gate-keep relating to people who look different 👍

Ok_Surround_2230 | Ok_Surround_2230

Disney princess love is innocent and not about ethnicity. 🌸


Stand up against judgemental coworkers with NTA comment 👊

jimrow83 | jimrow83

Representation matters beyond appearance, NTA for supporting daughter's choice. ✊

Pure-Appearance9474 | Pure-Appearance9474

Children's entertainment should be inclusive, not exclusive 🌈

JockBbcBoy | JockBbcBoy

Defending Mulan's character, not her ethnicity. 🗡️👸

SuitableEmployee8416 | SuitableEmployee8416

Celebrating diversity and self-identification 🌍👸🏽

FidgetingHoneybee | FidgetingHoneybee

Let kids play and be, NTA. Coworker is just stupid 😒

reallybadluckpanda | reallybadluckpanda

Disney princesses are for everyone! NTA comment agrees.

PomegranateStains | PomegranateStains

Defending against cultural ignorance with Mulan 💛

husky0168 | husky0168

Don't reduce Mulan to just her ethnicity 🙅‍♀️ Your daughter saw a kindred spirit in a multifaceted character, and that's beautiful ❤️

FoolMe1nceShameOnU | FoolMe1nceShameOnU

Kids will be kids! 🤷‍♀️ This NTA comment embraces a cute Disney obsession. 😍

holiestcannoly | holiestcannoly

Defending a child's innocence 🙌

PercyLegion | PercyLegion

Celebrating diversity and inclusivity 🌍

pinguthegreek | pinguthegreek

Let kids enjoy characters without projecting adult insecurities. 🧒👸

Sweet_Charming82 | Sweet_Charming82

Defending cultural appreciation against the woke brigade 🤷‍♀️

anchovie_macncheese | anchovie_macncheese

Representation matters! Commenter celebrates biracial Disney princess diversity. 🙌

singingskeletons | singingskeletons

Defending Mulan against overly sensitive vo worker. 🗡️

WhatsTheCraicNow | WhatsTheCraicNow

Defending Mulan against adult obsession with skin color 🤦‍♀️

NotSoBunny | NotSoBunny

Mulan love is not cultural appropriation! NTA 🌸

selkiesart | selkiesart

Embracing diversity in media is important, regardless of skin color 🌎

JoBenSab | JoBenSab

Let your child relate to a Disney princess without judgment 👸❤️

FiteTonite | FiteTonite

Cultural appreciation, not appropriation. 🙌🏼

bloodsong07 | bloodsong07

Let your kid be happy! 🥰 NTA wins hearts.

onlytexts | onlytexts

Teaching children to be color-blind? 🤔 Let's discuss!

fatsoq8 | fatsoq8

Insightful daughter receives support for her Mulan interpretation 🌟

Huntybunch | Huntybunch

Defend your daughter's love for Mulan! 👏

Lee2021az | Lee2021az

Celebrating diversity in identity and struggle 🌟

2tinymonkeys | 2tinymonkeys

Let people have things. Your daughter found a reflection in Mulan 👍

mlmarte | mlmarte

Celebrating Mulan for who she is, not her race! 🎉

governornerdberger | governornerdberger

A mother defends her daughter's emotional intelligence in the face of criticism ❤️

Percentage_Express | Percentage_Express

Embracing cultural diversity: Mulan controversy sparks meaningful discussion

Background-Throat-88 | Background-Throat-88

Empowering or problematic? Mulan's influence on children's self-image.

LucyLovesApples | LucyLovesApples

Stand up for yourself and tell that co-worker to back off! 🙅‍♀️

Acrobatic_Elk6258 | Acrobatic_Elk6258

Celebrating diversity in children's media with Mulan 🌍❤️

AccessibleBeige | AccessibleBeige

Teaching children to relate only to their race? Not cool. 🤨

slyest_fox | slyest_fox

White people criticized for finding offense in a child's love for Mulan 😑

Dry-Comment-6889 | Dry-Comment-6889

Defending Mulan: One comment's take on the controversy 🔥

Just_the_doctor1988 | Just_the_doctor1988