Maid Of Honor Wears White Dress To Lunch With Friends, Bride-To-Be Gets Furious

Alfe Mercado
Sad woman
Unsplash | Davide Pietralunga

Wedding planning can be stressful, but is it worth losing a friendship? One woman shares her experience with her best friend, who is getting married next year. The maid of honor wore an old, white linen dress to a casual lunch with friends, only to receive angry texts from the bride later. The bride accused her friend of trying to take attention away from her and being unsupportive. While the Maid of Honor apologized, she stood her ground, asserting that her dress choice was not meant to be a slight on the bride. The situation has caused a rift in their friendship, leaving the Maid of Honor wondering if she was in the wrong. Read on to see Reddit users' advice for her and how she plans to move forward.

Excited maid of honor wears white dress, bride-to-be furious 😱

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

The Maid of Honor's actions leave everyone in shock 😱

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Maid of honor's white dress sparks outrage, is it justified?

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Bride-to-be gets suspicious of Maid of Honor's strange behavior 👀

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Maid of Honor wears white dress, Bride gets furious 😱

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Bridezilla much? Maid of Honor wears white and all hell breaks loose

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Bride-to-be furious over MOH's white dress at lunch 🤯

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Guest wears white to non-wedding brunch, Bride-to-be gets angry 😠

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Bridezilla or stressed out? Tips for dealing with MOH drama

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Bridezilla alert! Maid of honor wears white, AITA?

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Bride-to-be's friend wears white dress, bride furious: Reddit advice

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Maid of Honor wears white dress causing Bride-to-be to fume 💥

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Bride's anxiety and pressure to have a perfect post-Covid wedding.

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Did the Maid of Honor wear white dress to lunch?

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Navigating the tricky territory of being a Maid of Honor

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Resolving Bridesmaid Drama: Upcoming Conversation with Joy 👌

sk1292pa | sk1292pa

Bride-to-be gets furious when Maid of Honor wears white dress

Wedding planning can be stressful, but should it lead to a friend being called all sorts of names? That's what happened when a Maid of Honor wore a white linen dress to a casual lunch with friends. The bride-to-be was furious and accused her friend of trying to dull her shine during this special time. While the Maid of Honor apologized, she also pointed out that her dress was not taking attention away from the bride-to-be. The incident has caused a rift in their friendship, leaving the Maid of Honor wondering if she was wrong to wear the white dress. Despite her guilt, she is standing her ground and not budging on the issue. Do you think she was in the wrong? Share your opinions in the comments below.

Bridezilla demands MOH not wear white to casual lunch. NTA.

smugbox | smugbox

Bride-to-be approves bridesmaid's off-white dress, calls friend a bridezilla.

Bagheera_cat | Bagheera_cat

NTA. The bride-to-be is off her rocker thinking that everyone else in her friend group should not wear white. If you want to really set her off, you should play the song "To Defy the Laws of Tradition" by the band Primus.

cara180455 | cara180455

Bridezilla gets mad at Maid of Honor for wearing white to a non-wedding related brunch, commenters call out ridiculousness. 😒👰

Heavy-Macaron2004 | Heavy-Macaron2004

Bridezilla demands monopoly on white dress even outside wedding events 😒

Spotzie27 | Spotzie27

NTA, wear what you want except at the wedding/reception 🤷‍♀️

1976Raven | 1976Raven

Support for not-the-a**hole in white dress debacle. 🙌

Freckledbruh | Freckledbruh

Bridezilla alert! MOH wears white to lunch and all hell breaks loose 🙄

Amoebaguette- | Amoebaguette-

Breaking the white dress rule: NTA or fashion faux pas? 🤔

aquara_themermaid | aquara_themermaid

Not the a**hole for wearing white to lunch with friends 💁‍♀️

vampibear | vampibear

Bridezilla alert! Maid of Honor wears white to lunch 😱

FireLaCroix | FireLaCroix

Breaking the white dress code: NTA or not?

Jaded_Cryptographer | Jaded_Cryptographer

Boundaries matter! Maid of honor wears white to lunch 💁‍♀️

RoyallyOakie | RoyallyOakie

Wedding culture can bring out the worst in people 🤦‍♀️

BaronVonKeyser | BaronVonKeyser

Commenter calls out irrational friend in dress drama 🔥

DoreyCat | DoreyCat

Defending against a weird reaction to a white dress 👰🏼‍♀️👗

queen5offsuit | queen5offsuit

Wearing white at non-wedding event: NTA and bridezilla

PokeClone2002 | PokeClone2002

Navigating wedding drama with grace and humor. 😅

liberry-libra | liberry-libra

Bridezilla alert! Maid of Honor wears white dress to lunch 😱

Eureecka | Eureecka

Bridezilla alert 🚨: Maid of Honor wears white dress

verdebot | verdebot

Wedding drama: Maid of Honor wears white to lunch 😱

sugarintheboots | sugarintheboots

Bride-to-be gets furious over Maid of Honor wearing white dress at lunch, but did she even wear white to the brunch? 🤔

huffleshuffle8 | huffleshuffle8

Bridezilla alert! Commenter stands up for Maid of Honor 👰🏼

Consistent-Leopard71 | Consistent-Leopard71

Supportive MOH gets slammed by Bridezilla for wearing white 😒

Annalirra | Annalirra

Commenter calls out clickbait title, gets agreement

alialahmad1997 | alialahmad1997

Bridezilla alert! Maid of honor wears white dress to lunch 🤯

ActualAdviceAsshole | ActualAdviceAsshole

Commenter calls out clickbait and attention-seeking behavior 👀

The_Horril | The_Horril

NTA suggests giving the bride-to-be time to cool off 💆‍♀️

lochnessrunner | lochnessrunner

Wedding dress code drama: NTA defends friend's white dress choice 👰🏻‍♀️

Bozobozo111 | Bozobozo111

Wedding entitlement much? Maid of Honor wears white dress 🙄

MeringuepieMoth | MeringuepieMoth

Supportive comment encourages confrontation with bride, NTA 🙌

Withered-Violet | Withered-Violet

Defending the white dress: NTA and breathable linen wins 🙌

Wooden-Leg4458 | Wooden-Leg4458

Calling out clickbait titles, 🤦‍♀️

rowinandhoein | rowinandhoein

Wedding industry encourages bridezillas, but OP is NTA 🙌

Superlemonada | Superlemonada

Bridesmaid resigns with a polite yet sassy note 👋🏼💅🏼

LazySwashbuckler | LazySwashbuckler

Bridezilla alert! Maid of honor wears white, NTA for calling out.

DogsAreMyDawgs | DogsAreMyDawgs

Casual lunch, not wedding. NTA for Maid of Honor.

hollyjazzy | hollyjazzy

White sundress at lunch: totally acceptable or a faux-pas? 🤔

geeseinuniform | geeseinuniform

Bridezilla alert! NTA commenter predicts stressful wedding planning ahead 👰👀

lilyintx | lilyintx

Bridezilla alert! Maid of honor wears white and bride-to-be gets furious 😱

RamenNoodles620 | RamenNoodles620

Empathetic reply to bride's insecurity about her wedding appearance 😕

modernette-x | modernette-x

Comment section starts with a bang! 🔥

aRkdtk | aRkdtk

Agreeing with the commenter, no a-hole here 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wearing white to a lunch isn't a thing. NTA.

Brightredroof | Brightredroof

Understanding and empathy for a friend's possible mental health crisis ❤️

superfastmomma | superfastmomma

Friend wears white dress to lunch, Bride-to-be overreacts 🙄

EngineeringOwn2299 | EngineeringOwn2299

No dress code for lunacy: NTA for wearing white

scrannyB | scrannyB

Rock that white dress, girl! NTA and bridezilla alert!

iced_yellow | iced_yellow

🚨 Your friend is being a total a-hole. 🚨

therealvanmorrison | therealvanmorrison

Bride-to-be needs to chill, it's just a brunch 🤷‍♀️

FlaccidEjaculation | FlaccidEjaculation

Don't let toxic friends ruin your special day 🚫💐

MyLadyBits | MyLadyBits

Bridezilla alert! Commenter defends Maid of Honor's outfit choice 🙅‍♀️

yourlittlebirdie | yourlittlebirdie

👰🏼‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️ Bridezilla alert! Maid of honor not at fault.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Support for the commenter, with a touch of humor 😂

supermouse35 | supermouse35

Wearing white after Labor Day or to lunch? NTA.

kahnricardo | kahnricardo

Comment section full of sass and 🤣

Cock_RingOfFire | Cock_RingOfFire

Supportive comment advises downgrading role to avoid bridezilla drama. 👍

Catontheloose2400 | Catontheloose2400

Supportive comment advises bride-to-be to gracefully accept MOH's dismissal 💍

ScammerC | ScammerC

OP warned about reposting on social media, but too late 💻📲😬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bride-to-be gets mad at friend for wearing white dress. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter supports Maid of Honor's actions with humor 🤣

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