Bridezilla Charges Guest For Uninvited Plus 2 At Wedding!

Alfe Mercado
Bride in front of the mirror
Unsplash | tracy truhan

Weddings can be stressful events, especially with limited-capacity venues. But what happens when a guest brings extra, uninvited people and takes away spots from those who were invited? One bride found herself in this situation and charged the guest for the fine she received due to exceeding the venue's capacity. The guest argues that she couldn't find a babysitter and should not be held responsible. Who is in the right? Read to know more and share your opinion.

Uninvited plus 2 cause chaos at small wedding 🙅‍♀️

conscious-bit-453 | conscious-bit-453

Uninvited guests? Bridezilla charges for extra seats 🙄💸

conscious-bit-453 | conscious-bit-453

Guest billed for uninvited plus 2. Bridezilla blames guest.

conscious-bit-453 | conscious-bit-453

👰 Bridezilla charges guest for uninvited plus 2 at wedding!

A small commotion occurred when an uninvited guest showed up with her two children at a small wedding venue. The bride charged her the fine for exceeding capacity, but the guest refused to pay, claiming it wasn't her fault. In this post, we'll dive into the etiquette of wedding invitations and explore what to do when guests show up uninvited. Keep reading to see what others have to say about this situation!

NTA for charging ex-friend, drop her like a hot potato 🥔

Ducky818 | Ducky818

Guest brings uninvited plus 2 to wedding, bride charged for excess. NTA.

FoolMe1nceShameOnU | FoolMe1nceShameOnU

Lawyer confirms cause of action against bridezilla for emotional damage.

TheRealJohnGalt22 | TheRealJohnGalt22

Guest charged for uninvited plus 2 at wedding. Not the a**hole.

NCforrealthistime | NCforrealthistime

Guest adds uninvited plus 2, bride charges, Redditors vote NTA.

peithecelt | peithecelt

Guest should have kicked out the uninvited plus-2 children 🚫👶

v2den | v2den

Parenting responsibilities cause conflict at weddings. 🤷‍♀️

Just_the_doctor1988 | Just_the_doctor1988

Bridezilla charges for uninvited guests. NTA, take her to court!

FuriousKittens | FuriousKittens

Guest brings uninvited plus 2, gets charged by Bridezilla. NTA!

WillLoveCoffee4Ever1 | WillLoveCoffee4Ever1

NTA seeks justice for wedding bill, but at what cost? 💸

wind-river7 | wind-river7

Guest refuses to leave wedding after bringing uninvited guests 🙄

HoneyFlea | HoneyFlea

NTA calls out bad friend for charging uninvited guests 💰

May_I_inquire | May_I_inquire

Uninvited plus 2 at wedding? NTA says guest, kick her out! 👊

rainbow_mak3r | rainbow_mak3r

Bride charges for uninvited guests and causes a scene. ESH.

mzpljc | mzpljc

Cut ties with the entitled bridezilla 💍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wedding drama alert! Guest calls out bridezilla for outrageous behavior 🚨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bridezilla gets what she deserves for charging uninvited guest(s) 💁‍♀️

Yui_Ma | Yui_Ma

Guest stands up to entitled bridezilla, demands payment for plus 2.

FlyGuy1922 | FlyGuy1922

Handling uninvited guests at weddings: Bridezilla vs. Guest

TemptingPenguin369 | TemptingPenguin369

Standing up for yourself doesn't mean losing a friend 👏

realauthormattjanak | realauthormattjanak

NTA wins in small claims court! Judge Judy-worthy drama 👨‍⚖️🍿

sisterfister69hitler | sisterfister69hitler

Guest calls out bridezilla, asks about gift. Good luck!

mrbuddhawannabe | mrbuddhawannabe

Guest refuses to pay for uninvited plus two, drama ensues 🙄

kristent225 | kristent225

Commenter is not the a**hole for supporting the bride.

Ok_Clock_8658 | Ok_Clock_8658

Avoid Bridezillas! 👰🏼🚫 Elope to Vegas like a pro! 💍💒

No-Razzmatazz537 | No-Razzmatazz537

Guest charges extra for uninvited plus 2 at wedding #NTA 🙅‍♀️

KkSquish17 | KkSquish17

Take her to court! 💼

outfluenced | outfluenced

No kids allowed, no uninvited guests. NTA wins 🎉

Planeswalker2814 | Planeswalker2814

Guest brings uninvited plus 2 to wedding, gets called out. NTA wins 👍

Heraonolympia123 | Heraonolympia123

Wedding videographer shares insights on Jewish wedding etiquette 🎥

IamNotTheMama | IamNotTheMama

Uninvited kids at a wedding and charging for it? #NTA 🙅‍♀️

MorgainofAvalon | MorgainofAvalon

Avoiding drama, but not the bill 💰

dr-sparkle | dr-sparkle

Bridezilla charges guest for uninvited plus 2 at wedding! 💍💸

asaking | asaking

Wedding coordinator shares insight on seating arrangements and venue management 👰

jayelwhitedear | jayelwhitedear

Standing up to entitled bridezilla like a boss! 💪🏼

sdbinnl | sdbinnl

OP handles uninvited guest with grace, avoids wedding drama ✨

SenpaiRanjid | SenpaiRanjid

Guest's response to Bridezilla's unreasonable wedding demands.

SatelliteBeach123 | SatelliteBeach123

Guest bills bride for uninvited plus 2, petty or justified?

[deleted] | [deleted]

Guest charged for uninvited plus 2, internet says NTA 💰👶

Mumfiegirl | Mumfiegirl

Wedding security could have prevented this bride's +2 nightmare 😬

Keyla84 | Keyla84

Wedding guest defends bride after uninvited plus 2 incident. 💍

NotTwitchy | NotTwitchy

Guest charged for uninvited plus 2 at wedding - NTA response 💰

Worth_Raspberry_11 | Worth_Raspberry_11

Dealing with wedding crashers: send them home or tolerate them?

K9queen | K9queen

Bridezilla enforces 'No Children' rule, guests still push boundaries 🙄

dsdvbguutres | dsdvbguutres

Friend charges for extra guests at wedding, commenter calls her AH.

bookshelfie | bookshelfie

No sitter, no invite, no problem! 🤷‍♀️

Bird_Brain4101112 | Bird_Brain4101112

Commenter considers legal action against bridezilla's outrageous behavior 👨‍⚖️

DifferentBee8 | DifferentBee8

Take her to small claims court for damages. NTA 👍

gemma156 | gemma156

Bridezilla charges for uninvited plus 2, claims guest should budget 🤦‍♀️

Kettlewise | Kettlewise

Uninvited guests cause chaos at wedding, NTA for charging.

Historical_Agent9426 | Historical_Agent9426

Fair or not, charging for uninvited guests is a no-go 🙅

bethholler | bethholler

Savage response to bridezilla's entitled behavior. 😂👏

Redhead_2022 | Redhead_2022

NTA asks about gift, sparks speculation about wedding etiquette 🤔💍

Dry-Clock-1470 | Dry-Clock-1470

Take her to court! 💼

soccerklf914 | soccerklf914

👊 Short and sweet. Sue the bridezilla.

According_Print_2805 | According_Print_2805

Guest charged for uninvited plus 2, but who pays? NTA

stpcoffeeclown | stpcoffeeclown

Navigating self-centered friends, a wedding guest's dilemma. 💍

Icy-Essay-8280 | Icy-Essay-8280

NTA handles uninvited guest drama with grace 💪

Kellyjb72 | Kellyjb72

Agree that she's NTA, but should've kicked them out 👍

cmlobue | cmlobue