😠 'Throw Away Your Sandwich!' Woman's RIDICULOUS Allergy Demands Cause Roommate Drama

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy roommate drama on our hands! 🍿 When an unexpected visitor with a severe peanut allergy crashes the party, things get nutty real quick! 🥜😱 Our protagonist just wanted to make a simple PB&J, but little did they know, it would turn into a full-blown sandwich showdown! 🥪🤜🤛 Will our hero have to sacrifice their beloved sandwich? 🙏 Or will the allergy-stricken guest get the boot? 🥾 Let's dive in and find out! 👀

🏠 Surprise Visitor Alert! 😲

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🥜 Peanut Butter Pandemonium! 😱

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

😡 Allergy Attack! 🚨

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🥪 Sandwich Showdown! 🤜🤛

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

💨 Peanut Particles in the Air! 😷

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🧹 Cleaning Conundrum! 🤔

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🚪 Roommate Returns! 😬

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🤨 Insensitive Accusations! 😠

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🏃‍♀️ Storming Off! 😤

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

💔 Relationship Ruined? 💥

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🤷‍♀️ Not My Problem! 💁‍♀️

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🥪 Sandwich Sacrifice? 🙅‍♀️

pbjjerk | pbjjerk

🥜 Peanut Butter Pandemonium: Who's the Real A-Hole? 🤔

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a sticky situation! 😅 Our protagonist just wanted to enjoy a tasty PB&J, but an unexpected visitor with a severe peanut allergy threw a wrench in their plans! 🔧😱 The guest demanded the sandwich be tossed, claiming even the particles in the air could be deadly! 💀 Our hero offered some solutions, but the visitor wasn't having it. 😤 Things got even more heated when the roommate accused them of being insensitive! 😠 Now, the roommate's relationship might be toast, and our protagonist is left wondering if they're the real a-hole in this nutty tale. 🤔🍞 Let's see what the internet has to say about this peanut butter predicament! 🌐👀

Roommate's ulterior motive exposed, commenter supports OP's decision. 👍

t3hd0n | t3hd0n

Roommate's allergy demands were entitled and ridiculous. NTA.

gunnyhunty | gunnyhunty

NTA with relatable allergy analogy 😊

amberlikesowls | amberlikesowls

NTA - Roommate with severe allergies should take precautions, not demands 🚫🥜

rachelenfleurs | rachelenfleurs

Allergic roommate's unnecessary argument in kitchen. NTA supported.

wittch | wittch

Roommate drama over allergy demands. NTA tried to accommodate.


Establishing dominance over allergies? 🤮 NTA wins.

loudent2 | loudent2

NTA: Roommate's allergy demands for unannounced guest are ridiculous 😒

cunninglinguist32557 | cunninglinguist32557

Standing up for yourself doesn't always require niceness 💪

PleasantFix5 | PleasantFix5

Roommate drama over peanuts, but commenter says not the a-hole 🥜

AwkwardDuck94 | AwkwardDuck94

Roommate's ridiculous allergy demands cause drama, commenter supports OP

footfaceball | footfaceball

Entitled roommate demands sandwich be thrown away over allergies 🙄

beetleswing | beetleswing

Roommate's allergy demands are ridiculous, NTA for standing up.

thatbrunettegirl10 | thatbrunettegirl10

NTA suggests pandemic protocol and calls out roommate's trust issues.

nerdy-curvy | nerdy-curvy

NTA! Allergy demands seem ridiculous and hypocritical. 😒

here_kitkittkitty | here_kitkittkitty

Clever response to ridiculous allergy demands 😂

Become_The_Villain | Become_The_Villain

Roommate drama over peanut butter sandwich, NTA stands up.

Xenogenes | Xenogenes

Clear evidence proves roommate lied about allergy; NTA wins 🎉

NewSouthWhales- | NewSouthWhales-

NTA thinks allergic roommate was being dramatic 🤷‍♀️

italy2986 | italy2986

Power move test: denying control showed who's boss. 💪

gerbil_111 | gerbil_111

Roommate demands allergy accommodations, turns on OP, gets shut down. 😎

atex1433 | atex1433

Being considerate of allergies is important, but demanding is unreasonable. NTA.

georgia-peach_pie | georgia-peach_pie

Allergy drama: NTA suggests taking personal precautions. 🤔

thicklover | thicklover

Navigating subreddit rules and accountability: A judgement call 🤔

wigwam422 | wigwam422

NTA helps housemate dodge bullet, warns of red flag.

viriditasignotas | viriditasignotas

Roommate's ridiculous allergy demands called out. Power play exposed. NTA.

PenJockey | PenJockey

NTA stands up for roommate's health and safety during pandemic 🙌

EmotionalFix | EmotionalFix

Roommate's allergy demands are ridiculous, NTA for using peanut butter 🥜

justforfun8675309 | justforfun8675309

Lockdown or not, respect for allergies is important. #NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate's outrageous allergy demands met with justified backlash 🤨

thatonepersoniam | thatonepersoniam

NTA, roommate drama over nut allergy and ulterior motives 🤷🏼‍♀️

somedudetoyou | somedudetoyou

Allergy flexing? 🤔 Roommate not the a-hole. 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA stands up for himself against unreasonable allergy demands 🙌

sirpicklefist | sirpicklefist

NTA. Allergy wasn't severe if she stuck around arguing. Keep sandwich 🥯

Nyx_Shadowspawn | Nyx_Shadowspawn

🥪🤔 Doubting roommate's allergy because of lack of anaphylaxis. NTA.

8racoonsInABigCoat | 8racoonsInABigCoat

Stand your ground! 🙅‍♀️ You're not the a**hole in this situation.

zanne54 | zanne54

Roommate's entitlement causes drama, NTA for living own life 👏

vodka_philosophy | vodka_philosophy

NTA and common sense prevails 👏

LotteNator | LotteNator

Stand your ground! You're NTA and don't owe her anything! 💪

HideousSenator | HideousSenator

Roommate's friend oversteps boundaries with allergy demands, commenter agrees

ThriftyLizzie27 | ThriftyLizzie27

Respectful NTA comment acknowledges peanut allergy severity and offers solution 🥜

Medievalmoomin | Medievalmoomin

Roommate accommodates onion allergy, peanut allergy seems exaggerated. 🤔

verylittlecat | verylittlecat

Respecting allergies is important, but so is compromise. NTA.

Ayo1912 | Ayo1912

Reminds me of The Office peanut butter scene 😂 NTA.

nomidahomie | nomidahomie

👍Agree with this comment that roommate is being unreasonable. NTA

Sadiekatt | Sadiekatt

Roommate's allergy demands are a power move. NTA.

Easthampster | Easthampster

Roommate's allergy demands make no sense, NTA for refusing.

Kristaraexoxo | Kristaraexoxo

Allergic guest takes responsibility for their own safety. NTA 👍

TerminusEst86 | TerminusEst86

NTA, but a bit close to E-S-H. Cold attitude not nice 😓

FallenAngelII | FallenAngelII

Allergy drama: NTA for not throwing away sandwich 🥪

SkylerRoseGrey | SkylerRoseGrey

Roommate accused of starting drama with nonsensical allergy demands. NTA.

redlightofdawn | redlightofdawn

Being considerate of allergies is important. NTA made sense.

hazelchicken | hazelchicken

Allergy responsibility: NTA leaves room with peanut butter, why can't roommate?

biteme789 | biteme789

Allergy drama! NTA roommate didn't warn, tossing food useless. 😕

ilovepancakes134 | ilovepancakes134

Allergy demands causing roommate drama? NTA, do what you want! 😎

katbutdislikescats | katbutdislikescats

Roommate drama over sandwich and sex. NTA wins.

CJsopinion | CJsopinion

Respectful NTA comment about life-threatening allergies and peanut butter.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful NTA for making sandwich and reasonable allergy accommodations.

ChoiceConfidence | ChoiceConfidence

Respect your space and don't let others dictate your choices 💪

Dachshundmom5 | Dachshundmom5

Allergies don't give you the power of mind-reading 😂 #NTA

firephoenix0013 | firephoenix0013

Setting boundaries with roommates. 👍

dobber1965 | dobber1965

NTA comments unleash hilarious insults on toxic roommates. 😂

BaronVonWilmington | BaronVonWilmington

Non-confrontational person willing to die rather than speak up 😳

dillpicklebelay | dillpicklebelay

Debunking the peanut allergy myth, NTA roommate receives validation 👍


Unconventional sandwich toppings and NTA judgement sparks confusion 😕🥪

harrisxj | harrisxj

Roommate with severe allergies argues in kitchen, NTA questions why.


Girl argues about peanut allergy while roommate holds sandwich 🥪

bazooka_matt | bazooka_matt

🥪🤧 Allergy demands or a power play? Roommate drama unfolds. NTA.

Zauvilyn | Zauvilyn

Roommate's allergy demands were a power play, NTA wins with PB&J

ParticularGrape9 | ParticularGrape9

Cleaning after eating is enough, throwing away food is ridiculous. 🤦‍♂️

kaibac18 | kaibac18

Stand your ground! Roommate can't expect you to read minds 🙅

hmg07 | hmg07

Roommate drama over sandwich with NTA comment. No allergy warning.


NTA. Roommate did not disclose guest's allergy, dangerous situation.

ZebrasAreCute | ZebrasAreCute

Shutting down power moves 😎 Roommate needs to open his eyes

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful NTA roommate accommodates allergies despite unreasonable demands. 🙌

Ziggystardust97 | Ziggystardust97

Roommate's allergy demands seem excessive. NTA for being upset.

herpderpingest | herpderpingest

Roommate stands up for their right to eat peanut butter 🥜

neytiri10 | neytiri10

NTA. Roommate blaming you for her own insecurities. Women can be tricky 😉

SmileySillySarah95 | SmileySillySarah95

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