Inheritance Drama: One Sister Gets It All, Leaving the Other Struggling 😱💔

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Diply | Diply

Picture this: Two sisters, one inheritance, and a whole lot of drama. When their grandma passed away unexpectedly, she left behind a fund for her two granddaughters, Shelly and Grace. But here's the catch – only Shelly's name was on the fund, and she decided to keep it all for herself. 😱 Now, Grace is struggling to make ends meet, and their parents are doing their best to help her out. But when they decide to buy Grace a car, Shelly isn't too happy about it. 😤 So, who's in the right here? Let's dive into this family feud and find out! 🍿

💸 The Unexpected Inheritance 💸

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

👵 Grandma's Promise 👵

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

😢 A Sudden Loss 😢

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

💔 Sisterly Divide 💔

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

👩‍👧‍👧 Parental Panic 👩‍👧‍👧

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

🎓 College Hustle 🎓

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

🚗 A Car for Grace 🚗

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

😡 Sibling Rivalry 😡

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

🔥 Heated Argument 🔥

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

😤 The Fallout 😤

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

⏳ Unfortunate Timing ⏳

Plenty_Spot_9191 | Plenty_Spot_9191

👩‍👧‍👧 Family Feud: Inheritance Edition 👩‍👧‍👧

When their grandma passed away, she left behind a fund meant for both granddaughters, Shelly and Grace. However, due to a legal technicality, Shelly ended up with all the money and didn't share a dime with her sister. 💔 Now, as Grace struggles to pay for college and her parents try to help her out, tensions are running high. When their parents decide to buy Grace a car to help her with a job opportunity, Shelly accuses them of favoring her sister. 😡 The mom, fed up with the arguing, tells Shelly that if she pays for Grace's college, they'll stop 'favoring' her with their money. But Shelly isn't too happy about that either. 😤 Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation, and whether the mom is in the wrong for trying to level the playing field for her daughters. 🧐

NTA's older daughter was selfish to not split the money 😓

LeananSi | LeananSi

Questions arise about the family's history and communication 🤔

Milskidasith | Milskidasith

Money shouldn't ruin family relationships. NTA for supporting the child.

buttpickles99 | buttpickles99

Shelly's greed leaves sister in financial struggle. NTA stands firm.

BrewertonFats | BrewertonFats

Eldest daughter keeps inheritance, demands more. NTA stands firm 👏

Long-Radish18 | Long-Radish18

Eldest daughter's greed exposed, younger daughter deserves equal share. 👏

Dogmother123 | Dogmother123

Fairness doesn't always mean equality. NTA for prioritizing justice. 💯

wonderfulkneecap | wonderfulkneecap

Sisterly revenge: To cut or not to cut Shelly out?

swinging-in-the-rain | swinging-in-the-rain

Sibling inheritance drama due to lack of estate planning advice.

Plastic_Concert_4916 | Plastic_Concert_4916

Sister stealing from sibling, inheritance drama, and family conflict 🤦‍♀️

Background_Camp_7712 | Background_Camp_7712

Curious about the sisters' biological relationship 🤔

BulbasaurRanch | BulbasaurRanch

Generous inheritance sparks sisterly jealousy. NTA stands firm.

Kris82868 | Kris82868

Sibling rivalry and inheritance drama, sister is the real jerk. NTA

Deep_Mood_7668 | Deep_Mood_7668

Sibling inheritance dispute ends with one sister being greedy. NTA.

KronkLaSworda | KronkLaSworda

NTA sister deserves 50% of the inheritance 💰💸

dominikkbb | dominikkbb

Fair judgement and consequences for not splitting inheritance correctly.

Artistic_Tough5005 | Artistic_Tough5005

Sister's greed knows no bounds, but karma will catch up 😡

strawberry_lover_777 | strawberry_lover_777

Daughter doesn't deserve inheritance, commenter believes in karma 😱

Jazzy404404 | Jazzy404404

Sibling inheritance drama leaves one sister struggling 😢

Reasonable-Sale8611 | Reasonable-Sale8611

Standing up for the youngest 🙌

Shadowtirs | Shadowtirs

Adding beneficiaries as POD could have avoided inheritance drama 👍

Pseudo-Data | Pseudo-Data

Fighting for what's fair 💪 Take her to court!

Agreeable-Peanut-457 | Agreeable-Peanut-457

Sister steals, gets upset when not bailed out. NTA. 👍

Vegetable-Cod-2340 | Vegetable-Cod-2340

Cutting off toxic family members can be liberating. NTA.

theoldman-1313 | theoldman-1313

Good advice on wills and NTA for trying your best.

FragrantEconomist386 | FragrantEconomist386

NTA sister should tally up the headstart and deny car demand 👍

tsweetsie | tsweetsie

NTAH. One sister got it all, but other deserves a chance 👏

CriticismOdd8003 | CriticismOdd8003

Sibling inheritance drama resolved with kindness and support 👍

No-Concentrate-7560 | No-Concentrate-7560

Assertive response to a sibling's selfish inheritance behavior. 👊

Alda_ria | Alda_ria

Grandma's carelessness and oldest's selfishness creates inheritance drama 😱💔

ReginaFelangi987 | ReginaFelangi987

Parent must confront older daughter's theft and stop coddling her 😱💔

Educational-Plant981 | Educational-Plant981

Importance of legal documentation for inheritance distribution 👍

Calm_Initial | Calm_Initial

👏 Standing up for what's right! Clear NTA verdict.

Lisa_Knows_Best | Lisa_Knows_Best

Betraying family for money? Definitely NTA and stay firm! 💪

Negative-Passion-992 | Negative-Passion-992

New federal student loans system offers hope for student debt 👏

SpicyPossumCosmonaut | SpicyPossumCosmonaut

Parenting advice with a twist 🤔

aeraen | aeraen

Fairness demands a trust with both sisters. Oldest is selfish 🤷🏻‍♀️

Ribbondoor | Ribbondoor

NTA. Tough situation but love them equally and help Grace.

Antelope_31 | Antelope_31

Family inheritance drama and sibling rivalry explained. 😱

TechnicalFeedback713 | TechnicalFeedback713

NTA for helping daughter who got the shaft 👏

Kiki3838 | Kiki3838

Sibling rivalry over inheritance. NTA suggests a fair solution. 👍

Comfortable_Way_1261 | Comfortable_Way_1261

Sibling love triumphs over money in heartwarming comment 💓

Freeverse711 | Freeverse711

Mother made a promise and didn't keep it. You're NTA.

eclectic-up-north | eclectic-up-north

Daughter chooses money over family, NTA calls her out 👏

Ritzanxious | Ritzanxious

Daughter takes all inheritance, commenters side with her. NTA.

HeyCanYouNotThanks | HeyCanYouNotThanks

Oldest daughter's entitlement infuriates readers. NTA for mother.

jacksonlove3 | jacksonlove3

Eldest sister acting spoiled after getting an unfair advantage. NTA.

PassComprehensive425 | PassComprehensive425

Sister gets it all but expects younger sister to share? 😱🤔 NTA, keep helping younger daughter, zero for eldest. 🍬

snoopysnoop2021 | snoopysnoop2021

Sister defends inheritance imbalance, leaves sibling alone 😒

1962Michael | 1962Michael

Sibling inheritance dispute leads to tough love from commenters 💔

LR9567 | LR9567

Sister takes it all, complains about favoring other daughter? 🤔

carton_of_cats | carton_of_cats

Money can bring out the worst in people 💔

distraughtken | distraughtken

Disowning sister for taking advantage of trust fund 🤷‍♀️

Maximumoverdrive76 | Maximumoverdrive76

Sister's greed caused her to lose family and kindness. NTA 👍

Panaccolade | Panaccolade

Oldest sister refuses to split inheritance, gets upset over parents helping youngest 🤯

VirgoQueen84 | VirgoQueen84

One sister gets it all and the other is left struggling 💰🤷‍♀️

hannahsflora | hannahsflora

NTA. Shelly is an entitled brat. Grace deserves better 👏

LifeMorning5803 | LifeMorning5803

Sibling solidarity over inheritance injustice 🙌

izobelllle | izobelllle

A scathing comment about a selfish sibling's inheritance theft.

super-mich | super-mich

NTA for trying to even things out, Shelly needs reality check 👍

Howwouldiknow1492 | Howwouldiknow1492

Sibling inheritance conflict and the value of family over money.

Outside-Parfait-8935 | Outside-Parfait-8935

Sibling rivalry at its finest. NTA holds her ground 💪

Careless-Ability-748 | Careless-Ability-748

Sibling greed and entitlement sparks outrage 💰🤬

auroracorpus | auroracorpus

NTA and the sister's behavior is selfish 😒

izthatso | izthatso

Sister steals large sum, complains about car - disown her 💔

ladypoe1207-0824 | ladypoe1207-0824

Inheritance fund meant for both grandkids ends up with one 🤷‍♀️. Commenter questions how it happened.

PowerNo8348 | PowerNo8348

Passionate comment urges accountability and justice for inheritance injustice 👊

haezieinthemist | haezieinthemist

Family loyalty questioned after sister's inheritance betrayal 😱

Alexis_Ohanion | Alexis_Ohanion

Sister gets inheritance, but begrudges help for struggling sibling 😑

PKblaze | PKblaze

Mother's mishandling leads to inheritance drama. NTA sister wins.

Jerseygirl2468 | Jerseygirl2468

Family feud over inheritance sparks outrage and disgust 😡

fuck_yofeelings | fuck_yofeelings

One sister feels entitled to inheritance, other helps younger daughter 👏

Nortia13 | Nortia13

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