Grown Man TREATED LIKE A CHILD by Mom's Controlling Ex-Husband! 👨‍👦😠

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Diply | Diply

🎄 The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and togetherness, but for one man, a Thanksgiving visit to his mother's house turned into a nightmare from the past. 😱 Buckle up, because this story is a wild ride filled with family drama, controlling exes, and a laptop shutdown that'll make you gasp! 😲 Get ready to dive into this emotional rollercoaster and decide for yourself: is he the a-hole or not? 🤔

😱 Surprise! Ex-Stepfather from Hell Appears! 😈

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

🔥 The Backstory: A Childhood Nightmare 🔥

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

💔 Mom's Loneliness Leads to Reconciliation 💔

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

💻 Crucial Work Interrupted by Dinner Demands 🍽️

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

😡 Ex-Stepdad's Power Trip: Laptop Shutdown! 😡

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

🗣️ Heated Argument: "You Don't Control Me Anymore!" 🗣️

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

🛫 Early Departure: Treated Like a Teenager, Not an Adult 😤

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

🧘‍♂️ Self-Care Amidst Mom's Disappointment 😢

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

😒 The "Surprise" That Ruined Everything 😒

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

❤️ Love for Mom, But No Tolerance for Boyfriend's Behavior 🙅‍♂️

aita-extended-family | aita-extended-family

😱 Thanksgiving Disaster: Ex-Stepdad's Laptop Shutdown Leads to Early Departure! 💻🦃

Well, well, well... looks like this Thanksgiving was anything but a peaceful family gathering! 😬 Our protagonist found himself in a whirlwind of drama when his mother's surprise guest turned out to be none other than his controlling ex-stepfather. 😱 Things quickly escalated when the ex-stepdad pulled a power move and shut down the laptop during crucial work time. 💻 Tempers flared, words were exchanged, and our hero decided to peace out early. 🛫 Now, he's left wondering if he made the right call or if he's the a-hole in this situation. 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this family fiasco! 🍿

You're not the a**hole, stay away from the controlling bully.

Nessie51 | Nessie51

Ex-stepdad is a controlling jerk. Maybe avoid him at Christmas. 😒

Scotsgit73 | Scotsgit73

OP deserved better treatment from mother's controlling boyfriend. NTA 😊

coloradogrown85 | coloradogrown85

Stand up for yourself and talk to mom privately. NTA 👏

ZookeepergameOk1833 | ZookeepergameOk1833

Setting boundaries with controlling ex-stepdad, NTA 👍

seskasha | seskasha

Don't let a controlling a**hole treat you like a child! 🙅‍♂️

Arquen_Marille | Arquen_Marille

Drawing boundaries with controlling stepfather, NTA wins the day.

Paevatar | Paevatar

Standing up to a controlling bully stepfather and setting boundaries 🙌

latents | latents

Glad OP stood up for themselves, hope Mom is okay 😊

PookieCat415 | PookieCat415

Stand up for yourself and prioritize your mental health. 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Controlling ex-husband causing family issues. NTA suggests setting boundaries.

Trice316 | Trice316

Take a stand and prioritize your mental health 🙌

depressivedarling | depressivedarling

Controlling ex-husband ruins Thanksgiving, NTA for avoiding him. 🤪

SaraG1973 | SaraG1973

Controlling stepfather treats grown man like a child. NTA.

Thesafflower | Thesafflower

Stand up for yourself and prioritize self-care. NTA 👏

bashark94 | bashark94

Mom's partner called grown man an a**hole for handling work. NTA 👍

YourMothersButtox | YourMothersButtox

Toxic stepdad banned from holidays, mom needs to accept it 😠

Whatever-and-breathe | Whatever-and-breathe

NTA. Taking care of business like a grown man 👨‍👦👍

BigMouthDiva | BigMouthDiva

Don't crawl back for lip service apology! NTA 👍

Iridium_Pumpkin | Iridium_Pumpkin

Handling a narcissistic stepfather, setting boundaries, and prioritizing safety. 👍

AffectionateAd8770 | AffectionateAd8770

Toxic ex-stepdad? ✅ Christmas revenge plot? ✅ Stay away! 🚫

6poundpuppy | 6poundpuppy

Bully ex-husband deserves restraining order, NTA stands up

YDCtvenergyhealer | YDCtvenergyhealer

Spend Christmas with friends and feel good 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cutting ties with controlling ex-stepfather, NTA. Mom's mistake, though. 😠

HiddenTurtles | HiddenTurtles

Starting a new Christmas tradition with little brother 🎄

AnnoyedRedheadedMom | AnnoyedRedheadedMom

Mom's controlling ex-boyfriend crossed the line, NTA for leaving 👏

No_Interview_2481 | No_Interview_2481

Standing up to abusive stepfathers, NTA wins the day.

JCBashBash | JCBashBash

Controlling ex treating 30 y/o like a child. NTA for leaving.

Kareberrys | Kareberrys

Handling torment from childhood bully in 30s earns praise 👏

Vahagn323 | Vahagn323

Mom's ex-husband treated him like a child. NTA takes action 💪

HalcyonDreams36 | HalcyonDreams36

NTA for refusing to stick around in a place with an abusive ex-husband. Mom should've warned you, but chose laziness over family 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Asserting independence from controlling ex-stepdad. NTA 🙅

Affectionate-Can-279 | Affectionate-Can-279

Avoiding toxic ex-stepfather, good choice! NTA 🙌

Collwyr | Collwyr

Controlling ex-husband: NTA treated like a child 😠

sub2865 | sub2865

Take control of your life! NTA. Set boundaries. 🙌

SilverGlitterDoll | SilverGlitterDoll

Standing up against toxic behavior and seeking help. NTA 👏

Wise_Impression_6391 | Wise_Impression_6391

Exclude mom's controlling ex-husband from Christmas, invite mom instead. NTA.

vac_roc | vac_roc

Don't spend Christmas with your controlling ex-stepdad. NTA 🎄

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

Respectful response to property violation. 💯

tatsmetalandpuppies | tatsmetalandpuppies

Avoiding controlling ex-stepdad at Christmas: NTA, smart move 😎

RevolutionaryCow7961 | RevolutionaryCow7961

Controlling ex sabotages 30-yr-old's work and computer. NTA.

orangeupurple1 | orangeupurple1

Standing up to controlling ex-stepfather, NTA and left situation.

SammyLoops1 | SammyLoops1

You're NTA. Leaving like that will keep him awake 💤

GrumpyOldFatGuy | GrumpyOldFatGuy

Tough love: Comment calls out mother's lack of affection. 💔

Illustrious_Tank_356 | Illustrious_Tank_356

Standing up for yourself is important, but pick your battles 🤔

SuperHuckleberry125 | SuperHuckleberry125

Skip Christmas at your mom's. He doesn't have to be in yours. 💁‍♀️

NoCleverUsernameIdea | NoCleverUsernameIdea

Man's laptop turned off mid-work, NTA. 😡

Dismal_Intention6350 | Dismal_Intention6350

User questions mom's decision to date controlling ex-husband. 😞

2ndcupofcoffee | 2ndcupofcoffee

NTA! 😱 Invading personal space and destroying work is unacceptable.

dekage55 | dekage55

Interruptions at work can be infuriating 😠

shf500 | shf500

Mom's boyfriend acts childish, impacting OP's livelihood. NTA.

a_man_in_black | a_man_in_black

Escaping an abusive household, but longing for a mother's love 💔

pnwwaterfallwoman | pnwwaterfallwoman

Taking a stand against controlling ex-stepdad. NTA! 👏

mommapumpkin | mommapumpkin

NTA! Mom's ex-husband treated you like a child. Good for you for leaving and avoiding childhood trauma. 👏

errantknight1 | errantknight1

Cutting off toxic family for mental health ✌️

Severe-Meet-498 | Severe-Meet-498

Stay in a hotel to escape controlling ex-husband during Christmas 🏡

Icy_Influence_2223 | Icy_Influence_2223

Setting boundaries with mom's controlling ex-husband. 💪

Blacksmithforge3241 | Blacksmithforge3241

NTA commenter shares bold and humorous personal experience.

Amaterasu_Junia | Amaterasu_Junia

Setting boundaries with controlling ex-stepdad. #NTA 💯

High_Fire_1973 | High_Fire_1973

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