I Told My Sister to Leave Because of Her Fear - AITA?

A woman with her hands closed and fingers crossed.
Unsplash | Ben White

A 17-year-old girl with a fear of snakes asks her brother's boyfriend to cover up his snake tattoo. When he refuses, she demands that he leave, causing tension and ruining the family's day. Was the sister being unreasonable or was the boyfriend inconsiderate?

Read on to find out how this family drama unfolded and decide for yourself who was the A-hole in this situation.

Sister's fear of snakes causing family divide 🐍❌

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

Sister takes snake, beats the heat - pool party vibes 🐍🌞

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

Awkward family gathering turns into tattoo surprise 😳🐍

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

Sister with fear asks me to kick out tattooed friend - AITA?

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

Unwelcoming host asks fearful sister to leave 😒

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

AITA for asking my sister to leave? 🤔

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

Behind the scenes: Additional context added to the post

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

My boyfriend's tattoo has a touching story 🐍❤️

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

Boyfriend's restrictive upbringing affecting our relationship - AITA?

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

My sister's fear of our pet snake caused a family feud 🐍

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

BF has a butterfly phobia, AITA for asking my sister to leave?

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

21-year-old's source of income questioned, shuts down nosy commenters 🔍

old_ad1998 | old_ad1998

Snake tattoo causes family feud 🐍

A man faced backlash after refusing to ask his boyfriend to cover up his snake tattoo when his sister visited. The sister has a phobia of snakes and asked for the tattoo to be covered, which the man refused. He told his sister that if the tattoo was an issue for her, she should leave.

However, the man's mother later criticized him for being rude to his sister and ruining her day. The man defended his boyfriend's right to self-expression and explained that the tattoo was based on a picture of his boyfriend's old pet snake, which was important to him. While he acknowledged that he could have handled the situation better, he also felt that his sister's request was unreasonable.

What do you think? Was the man in the wrong for not asking his boyfriend to cover up his tattoo or was his sister being unreasonable for asking him to do so? Share your thoughts about the situation in the comments below.

NTA for asking sister to leave due to her severe phobia 🐍

Servantofbosco | Servantofbosco

🐍 Sister's extreme fear of snakes is not a reasonable request. NTA.

givelilydragons | givelilydragons

NTA for asking sister to leave due to her irrational fear 🐍

krankykitty | krankykitty

Sister's fear of snakes, genuine or fake? - NTA

Key-Heron | Key-Heron

Commenter empathizes with OP, suggests sister seek help for phobia. 😕

AmIarealbunny | AmIarealbunny

Don't let fear control your life 🐍🕷️ Seek therapy instead.

MinsAino | MinsAino

Defending a snake tattoo: NTA, sister needs therapy 🐍

Featherymorons | Featherymorons

Standing up for yourself in your own home - NTA 🙌

Stunning_Grocery8477 | Stunning_Grocery8477

Commenter stands up for OP, calls sister and mother 'mental cases' 🙅

teddyoctober | teddyoctober

Being accommodating is one thing, but boundaries need to exist 🐍

JackRabbott | JackRabbott

Overcoming phobias with gradual exposure - helpful advice 🐍

pudgesquire | pudgesquire

Standing up for your pets and tattoos - NTA 🐍💉

thatonegirlfromups | thatonegirlfromups

Encouraging therapy for sister's irrational fear of tattoos. 🙏

BriaKhalifa | BriaKhalifa

Snake identification brings wholesome vibes 🐍❤️

ristonj | ristonj

Overcoming phobias is tough but NTA for setting boundaries 👍

rebelmumma | rebelmumma

Unexpected twist in the snake story 🐍🤔

Ethanator10000 | Ethanator10000

Don't be a snake, give this NTA a break 🐍

Serevas | Serevas

Sister has a phobia, but OP isn't an a**hole for setting boundaries 🚫👌

Ohcrumbcakes | Ohcrumbcakes

Standing up for yourself at home - NTA 👏

_Deletion | _Deletion

Sister expects too much from boyfriend - NTA

AussieSkittles81 | AussieSkittles81

Commenter agrees with poster and calls out the mom's behavior 🐊

nikokazini | nikokazini

Encouraging seeking help for fear - 🙏

Glittering-War-5748 | Glittering-War-5748

Commenter jokes about 'snake tax' in YTA judgement 🐍😂

majesticbagel | majesticbagel

Standing up to family's toxic behavior - NTA 👏👍

cavemancolton | cavemancolton

Stand up for yourself! 🙌 NTA, don't let her manipulate you.

quippers | quippers

Fear of birds and tattoos? Hitchcock to blame - NTA 🦜👻

[deleted] | [deleted]

OP is not at fault for sister's fear - NTA 💯

MurasakiYugata | MurasakiYugata

Sister tries to control boyfriend at YOUR pool party? NTA 🙌

Unsolicitedadvice13 | Unsolicitedadvice13

NTA for asking sister to leave over snake tattoo phobia 🐍

hey-demons-its-me-ya | hey-demons-its-me-ya

Fear of a tattooed snake? NTA, sister needs attention.

mostlymadison | mostlymadison

NTA for asking sister to leave over unreasonable fear

Sockpuppetsyko | Sockpuppetsyko

This NTA comment section has some interesting snake stories 🐍

missunicorn279 | missunicorn279

Supporting NTA's decision to ask sister to leave, but questioning entitlement.

Good0nPaper | Good0nPaper

Curious about the 'her day' comment. Verdict remains unchanged 🤷

Tricky_Bat_5588 | Tricky_Bat_5588

Don't let fear excuse bad behavior 👌

Mission-Cloud360 | Mission-Cloud360

🐍😂 Snake gender and age mentioned in hilarious comment.

-TheAmazingRyan- | -TheAmazingRyan-

Respect your host's rules, or leave 🙅‍♂️

SnooCats6410 | SnooCats6410

Breaking free from fear: One sister's tough love approach 🏊‍♀️💪

MomIrishTwins | MomIrishTwins

NTA. Fear of snakes is tough, but not a reason to leave someone's home 🐍

Kittenwithawhip987 | Kittenwithawhip987

Having a phobia is tough, but should it affect others?

fledermaus1 | fledermaus1

Overcoming fear of snakes vs tattoos - a trivial comparison? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Snake has gender and age, commenter appreciates. NTA judgement.

languagelover17 | languagelover17

Comment and replies find boyfriend's fear of butterflies adorable 😍

sonerec725 | sonerec725

Handling fear: NTA, but tackling it requires the sister's initiative 👍

FoodBabyBaby | FoodBabyBaby

Don't enable fear, encourage therapy. 🐍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encouraging suggestion to help sister with severe phobia - NAH 👍

casey12297 | casey12297

A heartwarming moment in a tense situation with a friendly visitor 🐍❤️

TheDoctore38927 | TheDoctore38927

Comment section is all about cute snek details ❤️

ThranduilsQueen | ThranduilsQueen

Keep your snakes, lose your sister 🐍👋

SarcasticAphant | SarcasticAphant

Don't be afraid to call out fear - 🤝

SteelCobra117 | SteelCobra117

Sister's fear = bratty behavior? 🙄

effinbitch | effinbitch

NTA for asking sister with snake phobia to leave 🐍

B0326C0821 | B0326C0821

Encouraging therapy for severe phobia - 🙏

geegeepark | geegeepark

👍 Support for not accommodating sister's irrational fear of tattoo.

Wondermax2588 | Wondermax2588

User thinks sister's fear of tattoo is absurd - NTA

yuvatii | yuvatii

A humorous comment about a snake's age in a NTA situation 😂🐍

AggressiveNewt | AggressiveNewt

Fear of tattooed snakes? NTA for asking sister to leave 🐍

No_Proposal7628 | No_Proposal7628

21-year-old's house ownership questioned. NTA stands their ground.

theviolethour3 | theviolethour3

Commenter stands up to entitled sister. NTA 👏

bakingwithdee | bakingwithdee

Encouraging seeking help for sister's fear - NTA.

eggeleg | eggeleg

Overcoming fear of snakes - NTA shares their experience.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Encouraging therapy for irrational fear of snakes. 🐍

Sleepy-Blonde | Sleepy-Blonde

Overcoming arachnophobia: NTA tells sister to seek professional help 🕷️

kryosata | kryosata

👏 Standing up for your boundaries and mental health! NTA 🙌

minisimy | minisimy

Guest with fear of snake demands special treatment - NTA

new_clever_username | new_clever_username

Dealing with a sister's irrational fear - AITA?

Celica_Lover | Celica_Lover

🐍 NT A-hole for accommodating sister's snake phobia, therapy recommended.

televisuicide | televisuicide

Setting boundaries with a fearful sibling - NTA 🙌

Flaky_Tip | Flaky_Tip

Setting boundaries with family - NTA 🙌

Marmaladeanddryice | Marmaladeanddryice

Sister's fear of snakes goes too far - NTA

Embarrassing-Fig | Embarrassing-Fig

Leaving was reasonable: NTA for sister or OP 🙌

DarthLibertus | DarthLibertus