Family Under Fire for Letting Their Kids Swim in Pool Where Neighbor's Child Died

A swimming pool with a yellow floaty.
Unsplash | Jubéo Hernandez

A family moved into a new house with a pool where a neighbor's child had drowned the previous summer. Despite receiving criticism from the neighbors, the family decided to fill the pool and let their kids play in it. However, the sounds of the children playing in the pool were traumatizing the neighbors.

The family refused to get rid of the pool, causing tension in the neighborhood. Some suggest putting in a fence, but the family already has one. Read the full story to find out what the family plans to do with the pool.

A bargain or a curse? A haunting pool history revealed.

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

Controversial decision to swim in pool where child drowned 🏊‍♂️

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

Neighbors criticize family for letting kids swim in empty pool

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

Neighbor traumatized by sounds of kids playing in pool. 😔

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

Neighbors criticize family for keeping pool after child's death 😔

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

New pool brings joy amidst tragedy for grieving family ☺

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

Safety measures already in place for pool, despite criticism 🏊

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

Tragic incident at pool party raises safety concerns 😔

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

Comment section closing, thanks for all your input! 🙌

thepoolwhere | thepoolwhere

Neighbors outraged over family letting kids swim in pool

A family is facing backlash from their neighbors for letting their kids swim in a pool where a child drowned last summer. Despite having a solid fence and locked gate around the pool, neighbors are calling the family insensitive for not getting rid of the pool or filling it up.

The family, who couldn't otherwise afford a house with a pool, decided to move in and fill the pool now that it's getting hot out. They were confronted by the neighbor whose child died and were told that the sounds of kids playing in the pool were traumatizing. Other neighbors have since joined in on the criticism.

However, the family is standing their ground and refusing to get rid of the pool. The situation has sparked a debate on social media about whether the family is in the wrong or if they have the right to enjoy their pool.

What do you think about the situation? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

NTA for using pool, but important PSA to prevent drowning 🚨

Separate_Entrance_36 | Separate_Entrance_36

NTA - Neighbors have no right to dictate how OP uses their pool.

BeepBlipBlapBloop | BeepBlipBlapBloop

NTA. Leaving the pool empty is also a hazard. They should move if it's a sore spot.

runbyfruiting88 | runbyfruiting88

Kids drowning in lakes doesn't mean you can't enjoy your pool 🏊‍♂️

crazytrini | crazytrini

Neighbor's child died in their pool, but NAH for using own pool. Take precautions.

0biterdicta | 0biterdicta

Consideration and communication can go a long way to help neighbors 🏊‍♂️❤️

TemporaryTrucker | TemporaryTrucker

Neighbors blame family for tragedy, but NAH. Enforce safety precautions.

squirrelsareevil2479 | squirrelsareevil2479

NTA for enjoying your pool, but be respectful of the grieving family 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♀️

Critical_Safety_3933 | Critical_Safety_3933

Neighbor's tragedy should not prevent kids from swimming. Compromise instead.

PotentialityKnocks | PotentialityKnocks

Compassionate response to grieving neighbors' unreasonable request. 🙏

MongooseOnTheLoose42 | MongooseOnTheLoose42

Neighbor traumatized by incident wants family to remove pool. NTA.

PotatoLover-3000 | PotatoLover-3000

Neighbor's tragedy doesn't mean you can't use your own pool 💦🏊‍♀️

ehp17 | ehp17

Defending the pool use: 'Better demolish every hospital too! 🤷‍♀️'

VinnyCapistrano | VinnyCapistrano

Parent takes necessary precautions to prevent pool accidents 🏊

FuriousPI314 | FuriousPI314

New homeowner advises against managing traumatized neighbors, emphasizes pool safety 🏊‍♂️

Aggressive_Pass845 | Aggressive_Pass845

Safety first! Commenter suggests pool and fencing code compliance.

Physmo55 | Physmo55

Defending pool usage in tragedy; neighbor needs therapy 💦

barbaramillicent | barbaramillicent

Empathetic comment offers perspective on trauma and boundaries. ❤️

Ennah_Schemer | Ennah_Schemer

Prepare your kids for potential confrontation about the pool incident 👀

mellow-drama | mellow-drama

Neighbor blames family for tragedy, but commenter defends them. ✅

ThelmaHorse | ThelmaHorse

Enjoy your pool, but be considerate of your neighbors' trauma.

Wee-bull | Wee-bull

NTA for letting kids swim, but neighbors should not demand pool fill up. 🏊

shepassedthebeautyon | shepassedthebeautyon

Respectful comment acknowledges trauma while asserting pool ownership.

Real-Donut-1973 | Real-Donut-1973

Apologize empathetically to the grieving neighbor with a heartfelt letter ❤️

Comprehensive-Tip720 | Comprehensive-Tip720

Swimming pool not evil, same as sinks and bathtubs. Move on 💦

hiphap91 | hiphap91

Defending the use of the pool after tragic incident 💦

LoganDeLuca2004 | LoganDeLuca2004

Consider buying a pool covering to avoid neighbor's trauma 🏊‍♂️👙

Embarrassed_Ad_4168 | Embarrassed_Ad_4168

Navigating neighborly boundaries around shared pool after tragedy 🏊

chrystalight | chrystalight

No remorse for dangerous behavior 👎🏼🤷🏻‍♀️

Book_devourer | Book_devourer

Neighbor threatens revenge on family for letting kids swim 🏊

maddomesticscientist | maddomesticscientist

Respectful disagreement over pool usage with sympathy for neighbor 🏊‍♀️

clooneh | clooneh

Safety first! Proper pool fencing is a must to prevent accidents. 🏊‍♀️

MagicalGlitterBitch | MagicalGlitterBitch

Enjoy your property and pool, but be cautious and protect yourself 🏊‍♀️👀

AgainPaintedInky | AgainPaintedInky

Enjoy your new home and pool, but prioritize safety 🏊‍♂️👍

Scarletzoe | Scarletzoe

Debate on the ethics of pool ownership and child safety.

BoredCheese | BoredCheese

Defend your rights, but prioritize safety. NTA 🚨

PeacefulSilence00 | PeacefulSilence00

Neighbors demand pool be filled in after tragic accident. OP's response.

zkidred | zkidred

Defending decision to swim in pool after neighbor's tragedy. NTA.

HavePlushieWillTalk | HavePlushieWillTalk

Swimming in neighbor's pool: justified or insensitive? 🏊

LennyBrisco01 | LennyBrisco01

Tragic accident shouldn't stop you from enjoying your pool 🎶

hisimpendingbaldness | hisimpendingbaldness

Respectful advice on navigating sensitive situations 🙏

Like_roses | Like_roses

Neighbor's tragedy causes rift in community. Family advised to move.

Purple-Tumbleweed | Purple-Tumbleweed

Neighbor's tragedy not OP's fault, healing is their responsibility 🙏

BopoAngie | BopoAngie

Defending one's right to use their own property 👍 (NTA)

xavii62 | xavii62

Neighbor's child died in their pool, but family isn't the AH

Responsible_Hope_831 | Responsible_Hope_831

Neighbors upset with family for letting kids swim in pool. NTA.

Unit-Healthy | Unit-Healthy

Neighbors' behavior raises questions about previous owners' departure 🤔

Axalyss | Axalyss

Neighbor's child died in their pool, but NAH. Understandable upset.

ambut | ambut

Defending use of new pool, blaming kid's parents for lack of supervision.

Roux_Harbour | Roux_Harbour

Pool not to blame for tragedy, but neighbor's trauma is valid.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful boundaries should be set with grieving neighbors. 🏊

luckyintrovert | luckyintrovert

Unapologetic neighbor stands by their actions 💪🏼

Pr0fess0rKeat1ng | Pr0fess0rKeat1ng

Safety measures for pools discussed after tragic accident.

choir_grrl | choir_grrl