Pregnant Woman Purposely Avoids Breakfast With Husband, But Is She Wrong?

Alfe Mercado
Pregnant couple
Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

A pregnant woman has been purposely avoiding breakfast with her husband due to her morning sickness, but her husband doesn't understand and accused her of starving herself. This caused her to intentionally oversleep to avoid having to eat with him. But when her husband caught on and confronted her, she demanded he leave and they ended up having breakfast together. Now she plans to continue her actions. Was she wrong to do this? Read on to find out.

Pregnant woman struggles to keep food down, husband accuses her wrongly.

aitabreakfast | aitabreakfast

Avoiding breakfast with husband to avoid confrontation. 🔥

aitabreakfast | aitabreakfast

Pregnant woman caught in the act, but was it wrong?

aitabreakfast | aitabreakfast

Pregnant woman avoids breakfast with husband, but husband insists. AITA?

aitabreakfast | aitabreakfast

Pregnant woman fakes oversleeping to avoid husband over breakfast

A pregnant woman is intentionally avoiding breakfast with her husband due to morning sickness. Her husband doesn't understand her condition and accused her of starving herself. The woman tried to eat more food but ended up vomiting. As a result, she fakes oversleeping to avoid breakfast with her husband. However, the husband eventually found out and confronted her. The couple ended up having breakfast together but the woman plans to continue faking oversleeping. Now, the couple plans to talk to the doctor about the woman's lack of appetite. Is the woman wrong for avoiding breakfast with her husband? Let's take a look at what people have to say.

Pregnancy nausea causes marital strife, but who's in the wrong? 🤔

Eastern-Water9701 | Eastern-Water9701

Educate your husband about morning sickness and eating habits during pregnancy 🤰🏻. Go to the doctor together to be on the same page👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️. ESH

redditavenger2019 | redditavenger2019

Husband is disrespectful, but avoiding conversations is childish. ESH 😒

No-Policy-4095 | No-Policy-4095

ESH- Both sound nuts, but OP is TA for avoiding husband.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Communication is key in marriage. Discuss with a doctor together. 👍

SimonSaysx | SimonSaysx

Commenters urge for more context before labeling husband abusive 👀

kunderthunt | kunderthunt

Commenter suggests marriage counseling to bickering couple - 🤔

fuckingweeabootrash | fuckingweeabootrash

Pregnant woman with severe morning sickness faces controlling behavior from husband.

concertina_femme | concertina_femme

Avoiding breakfast with husband: a red flag in marriage?

ackayak | ackayak

Supportive reply to pregnant woman dealing with a controlling husband 🤰

Fritemare | Fritemare

Seeking medical advice may ease tensions in this situation. 🤔

rorank | rorank

Pregnancy morning sickness is tough, NTA for skipping breakfast 😅

Cat_Sicario_2601 | Cat_Sicario_2601

Communication is key 🔑 Both of you should seek help.

olerndurt | olerndurt

Pregnancy nausea or eating disorder? Let's not jump to conclusions 😕

24272 | 24272

Seek advice from a professional regarding husband's concerns 👨‍🐭

orangeandpinwheel | orangeandpinwheel

Addressing relationship issues before baby arrival is crucial! 💑

crewkat2 | crewkat2

Micromanaging food and fake oversleeping lead to future issues. ESH.

murpahurp | murpahurp

Partner doesn't trust pregnant woman's word, doctor's visit needed 🤰

HistoricallyLurking | HistoricallyLurking

Stand your ground, mama! 🤰🏻 Your husband needs to back off. 🚫

TRANSparent-Ink | TRANSparent-Ink

Commenter asks for more context on troubled marriage, OP explains.

NeonBlueConsulting | NeonBlueConsulting

Comment section turns to questioning the husband's character 🤔

grimmistired | grimmistired

Dealing with morning sickness? Here's what experts say.

Low-Assistance9231 | Low-Assistance9231

Regular doctor visits make NAH's point moot 😉

MariaInconnu | MariaInconnu

Pregnant woman feels sick, husband not trusting. Counseling recommended. 😷

deb2bee | deb2bee

When Google isn't enough: dealing with unsympathetic partners during pregnancy 🤰🤢

BeyondDangerous7324 | BeyondDangerous7324

Dealing with smothering husbands during pregnancy 🤷‍♀️

Ok-Scientist5524 | Ok-Scientist5524

Morning sickness? NTA. Doctor's orders. 🤢🤰

Big-Pollution2705 | Big-Pollution2705

Pregnant woman stands up to controlling husband, gets support 👏🏼

PattersonsOlady | PattersonsOlady

Asserting independence and boundaries, NTA 🙅‍♀️

jabberdoggy | jabberdoggy

Avoiding hubby or avoiding conflict? 🤔

JennerikUse | JennerikUse

Pregnant woman defended for skipping breakfast with unsympathetic husband 🤰

Voidg | Voidg

Pregnancy cravings are real 🤰🍽️ Educate yourself before assuming

LocalBrilliant5564 | LocalBrilliant5564

When even morning sickness can't get you out of breakfast 😩

ConsistentCheesecake | ConsistentCheesecake

Pregnant woman skips breakfast with unsympathetic husband 🤰🏻🍳

mermecha | mermecha

NTA for avoiding breakfast with controlling husband. 🤢😤😡

maroongrad | maroongrad

Educate your spouse, not control. 👍

Lullaby37 | Lullaby37

Dealing with pregnancy is hard enough. Leave her alone 😤

aaabbk | aaabbk

Curious if seeking medical advice is a valid option 🤔

Key_Ad_2318 | Key_Ad_2318

Young couple seeks advice on breakfast dilemma. 🍳

wagl13 | wagl13

Commenter asks if couple spends quality time together, gets negative response.

Happy_Husband4 | Happy_Husband4

Commenter accuses poster of omitting crucial details. 🤔

FlowComprehensive390 | FlowComprehensive390

Encouraging response to woman in difficult situation. 🙏

Fegjgg5783 | Fegjgg5783

Pregnancy doesn't make you his property. NTA 🤰🚫👨

erised1313 | erised1313

Seek professional help before it's too late 💔

pcnauta | pcnauta

Pregnant woman's morning sickness: husband's concern or overreaction? 🤔

harisuke | harisuke

Morning sickness can be tough 🤷🏼️. It's understandable to avoid breakfast.

stentorous | stentorous

Standing up against controlling behavior, NTA 👏🏼

tialaila | tialaila

Commenter highlights missing context and calls out OP as YTA.


Skipping breakfast? NTA. Controlling spouse? 🚫🍳

Disneyfreak77 | Disneyfreak77

Take a break, your feelings are valid 🙌

No_Recognition_2434 | No_Recognition_2434

Pregnancy cravings can be intense 😋

SandyClyburn | SandyClyburn

Pregnancy cravings can be a sensitive topic 🤰🍔

PettyLabetty | PettyLabetty

Navigating morning sickness in a relationship, ESH but talk it out 💬

Okayblair | Okayblair

Marriage in shambles, both need counselling not Reddit 🤔

GodzillaSuit | GodzillaSuit

Concerned commenter suggests seeking medical attention for pregnancy sickness.

lizzy_in_the_sky | lizzy_in_the_sky

Pretending to be asleep is immature and damaging to marriage 😴

meowderina | meowderina

Concerned comment suggests therapy and medical check for couple.

notyeezy1 | notyeezy1

🤢 Pregnant woman's food aversion causing marriage strife.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenters show support for pregnant woman in controlling husband situation 👏

Pterodactyloid | Pterodactyloid

Communication is key in a marriage 👫👨🏽‍👩🏻‍👧🏻. ESH for hiding nausea.

Personal_Regular_569 | Personal_Regular_569

Support for mental health awareness and NTA judgement 👍

Yonderboy111 | Yonderboy111