View Panelist Sunny Hostin Is Booed For Mentioning Raquel Welch And Kim Kardashian In The Same Breath

Dani Sanders
Sunny Hostin
Getty | Sean Zanni

Things got heated when Sunny Hostin brought up Raquel Welch and Kim Kardashian together. Find out why... 👀

Sunny Hostin, a co-host on The View, was criticized for suggesting that Kim Kardashian is the modern version of the late Raquel Welch. The incident happened on Thursday and fans of the show are not happy with this comparison.

Co-Hosts Get Annoyed

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As soon as the words left Sunny Hostin’s mouth, the audience erupted into boos for Hostin. Not only this, the co-hosts, Whoopi Goldbreg and Joy Behar, also showed their annoyance for the 42 year old reality star getting compared to an iconic Hollywood star.

How It Happened?

Whoopi Goldberg
Getty | JNI/Star Max

The show’s Hot Topic segment started off by Whoopi Golberg paying tribute to the One Million Years B.C star.

Raquel Welch Passes Away

Raquel Welch

We were so heartbroken to hear of the passing of one of the world’s most enduring sex symbols - the fabulous Raquel Welch,’ Goldberg said.

Behar Adds On

Joy Behar
Flickr | Ravennnnn!!!

Behar went on to claim that no sex symbols as iconic as Welch are made anymore.

The Big Mistake

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Hostin goes on to say ‘Well, Kim Kardashian-’ before being shut down by her co-hosts erupting into disagreement.

Audience Starts To Boo

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The audience instantly started booing and the co-hosts instantly dismissed the topic to move on.

Hostin In Shock!

Host in Shock
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Hostin placed her hand on her chest as her mouth shot open as she was surprised by the response. She expected the audience and fellow hosts to agree with her but was proven wrong by their reactions.

Whoopi and Joy Shocked!

Whoopi and Joy
Flickr | 1alxeniam

‘Turning, turning! The audience is turning,’ Behar said as they tried to continue with the show.

Whoopi Moves On

Whoopi Goldberg
Giphy | The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

Whoopi Goldberg was unable to even form a proper sentence after this intervention. She added, ‘That’s not even- you can’t even put them in the same- I’m not even- look, I’m moving on’, she said completely exasperated.

Why Hostin Made This Comparison?

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It is no surprise to see Sunny making this comparison as Kim Kardashian shot to fame due to her sex tape but that is not how Welch got her title.

Raquel Welch’s Journey To Fame

Raquel Welch with a crowd
Giphy | The Academy Awards

The popular science fiction movie Fantastic Voyage was Welch’s first ever important role in Hollywood. However, the adventure film One Million Years B.C put her on the map!

The Iconic Deer Skin Bikini!

Raquel Welch
Flickr | Truus, Bob & Jan too!

The late actress only had three lines in the entire movie but the picture of her in the sheer deer skin bikini was so iconic after being added on the movie cover. The cover was also shown in the Shawshank Redemption because of its beauty and significance.

Becoming A Popular Sex Symbol

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The next few projects only enhanced Raquel Welch’s reputation as a sex symbol such as the British comedy Bedazzled. 

She stars in it and plays the role of Lust, sent to tempt the common man by the one and only devil.

Some Failed Projects Too

Myra Breckinridge, a cult film, released in 1970, was based on the novel by Gore Vidal. Welch’s role was that of a transgender woman with intense plans for the future of humanity.

However, not all projects of the star were a hit and that's okay, she was iconic anyways and loved by many.

Gone But Not Forgotten

Gone but not forgotten
Giphy | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Raquel Welch may be gone but she has left a legacy for us in her work. Not only was she an iconic sex symbol, but comparing her to the likes of Kim Kardashian was met with great criticism.

No Quick Way To Fame

There is no shortcut to fame and Raquel Welch only climbed her way up through her talent and hard work.

Legends Never Die

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She is always here with us in spirit.