Naked Woman Causes a Stir As She Walks Out of the Shower in Front of Sister’s Boyfriend

Ashley Hunte
a reddit comment
reddit | Surge

Let's face it, we all have at least one relative who thrives on creating drama for everyone else. Most times, their brand of drama is at least mostly benign. But sometimes, it seems like they're out to ruin your life, just because they feel like it.

A woman on Reddit shared a story about how her 18-year-old sister, who had been staying with her for a few weeks, walked out of the bathroom naked in front of the woman's boyfriend. She kicked her sister out, but now the whole family is saying she overreacted. So, the woman asked the AITA community for their thoughts.

User No-total-6221 Shared Her Story.

The user shares her story.
reddit | No-Total-6221

OP's Sister Is Staying With OP While Her Apartment Is Being Renovated.

A shower that's spouting water.
Unsplash | Carson Masterson

The sister recently turned 18, and immediately decided to move out, despite her parents' wishes. The sister couldn't stand being in a construction zone, so she decided to stay with OP and OP's boyfriend.

The sister also has a habit of leaving the shower completely naked, which is something OP has known about for years. But the sister insists on using OP's ensuite bathroom rather than the guest bathroom, meaning she'd be walking through OP's bedroom naked.

One day, when the boyfriend and sister were home but OP was still out, the sister hopped in the shower. She walked out and back in three times, crying and pretending she "forgot" something. The boyfriend was on his bed the entire time. He later told OP about this, who decided that the sister couldn't stay with them anymore. The sister, their parents, and OP's boyfriend all thought that OP was overreacting.

The Comment Section Thought Otherwise.

The sister clearly lives for the drama.
reddit | JM_Flynn

Whatever game she was planning, it's clear the sister wanted OP's boyfriend to see her naked. Commenters believed that she was either trying to get OP to walk in on a scene, or might have even been making moves on the boyfriend. Either way, she likely wouldn't have stopped.

Everyone Thought The Situation Was Completely Bizarre.

The sister was clearly in the wrong.
reddit | RenegadeRun

The sister definitely wanted the boyfriend to react differently than he did. Commenters agree she's completely in the wrong.

Users Were Also Suspicious Of The Boyfriend.

People are suspicious of the boyfriend.
reddit | NotThisAgain234

It seems like the boyfriend was a little too casual about seeing his girlfriend's sister naked multiple times. Commenters argued that he did tell OP about it, meaning he probably wasn't planning on being unfaithful. But they also felt it was weird how he thought OP was overreacting for kicking her sister out.