Reddit Cites 'Red Flag Behavior' After Woman Found Boyfriend's Hidden Camera Search History

Valeria Cova
a reddit comment
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Not everyone believes in a sixth sense; however, following your gut may save your life. A woman on Reddit was recently advised to listen to her instincts after she went through some weird situation with her boyfriend.

OP and her boyfriend had been together for a couple of months; though they had never had any issues before, she always thought he could be a little eccentric. She explained they were recently looking for something on AliExpress when she noticed something that popped up on the search bar.

"Hidden spy camera" and similar variations were on the recent history of her boyfriend's account. Of course, she thought this was odd and asked him for his phone to double-check. He justified saying these showed up because she had typed the first letters of those words. Yet, she refuted him.

Then, he proceeded to tell her another story. He did search for secret cameras, but only because one of his friends and him were curious to see what they looked like because she had recently stayed in a hotel and thought there was a spy camera.

At this point, OP was unsure about the story but then calmed down because he texted the supposed friend asking her to confirm the story. Still, in the text, he wrote her the same story he told OP, with all the details.

Something Weird Appeared On The Search Bar

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He Immediately Texted His Friend

Though OP thinks she may have overreacted because the text proved her boyfriend's story, users are not that sure. She added that he acted very differently than he usually does, and she had never seen him act this upset and defensively; he hadn't talked to her in a few days, and she was worried this might affect their relationship permanently.

His reaction was perceived as a clear red flag by other Redditors who believed he might be hiding something. People also think his text is very suspicious because he practically told his friend what to say rather than letting OP talk to her instead.

Meanwhile, others pointed out how strange it was that he didn't tell her this story since the beginning, but he changed his excuse twice, and nothing made sense. Everyone agrees OP was correct to act how she did, and it may be time to get a new boyfriend and search for cameras in her apartment.

The Text Is Very Suspicious

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There Are A Lot Of Inconsistencies In The Story

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OP Should Follow Her Instincts

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