Reddit | ZombiebomberZ, jaki1012

13+ Creepy Sights That We Wish We Could Unsee

If an unnerving sight sits around for long enough, there's a very good chance that someone will take a picture of it and post it on the internet. Maybe they think if they had to see something messed up, then the rest of us do as well. Or maybe they just want confirmation that they're not alone in their discomfort.

In any case, there's something about their discovery that made it impossible for them to look away and pretend it didn't happen, and that feeling is obviously infectious because it's what keeps us coming back to stuff that we'd never want to meet in the wild.

Fortunately, some folks made that sacrifice for us.

I have never been so worried about losing my glasses that this seems like a good idea.

Reddit | Snickel_fritz

The piercings aren't much different from the standard rings that people get used to feeling, but attaching them to a lens seems like a bridge too far for some reason.

It just doesn't seem like this will end well.

There are a lot of comparatively lighthearted parts of Thailand's Wat Rong Khun temple, but this isn't one of them.

Reddit | isnt_existence_crazy

According to Atlas Obscura, a lot of the "White Temple's" art has to do with the Buddhist cycle of birth and death and this seems to show the unpleasant parts of either moment pretty well.

As far as we can tell, this photo comes courtesy of the famously creepy Paris Catacombs.

Reddit | Elisabeth_Doll

At least, that's what commenters are hoping this is from because otherwise we have to dive into an uncomfortable explanation as to why the uploader has a collection of human bones.

This is an abandoned farmhouse near Dwight, Kansas and it certainly doesn't seem welcoming.

Reddit | Not_my_day151

It would help a lot to know when that animal skull was added. Did the owner want the place to look as creepy as possible before they left?

The photographer found this doll in Slovenia, but it seems like it'll appear in our closets if we stare at it too long.

Reddit | [deleted]

The heart is a bit of decorative flair of Croatian origin called "Licitarsko Srce," but not even that can do much to offset the doll's severe facial expression.

Something tells me we don't want a hug from whatever is lurking inside this gate.

Reddit | Nezgraul

They say some of the best things in life are free, but whoever said that has apparently never found a bedbug-addled mattress on the side of the road.

To get me in here, you'd have to pay me. A lot.

This coyote apparently decided it was a good idea to start throwing this rabbit in the air and catching it in its mouth.

Reddit | FIRKE_by_2023

You might think the coyote was toying with the bunny before it ate it, but the weird thing is the rabbit actually survived this encounter.

Although that's lovely to hear, it makes the coyote's reason for doing this all the more mysterious.

This was uploaded with the caption "found this in the back of a closet" and it would be hard not to immediately see this as the start of a horror movie.

Reddit | NotSkirtWeather

In case the most sadistic parts of your imagination are trying to fill in the blanks as to what this is, the uploader eventually came clean and said it was a picture of them playing the Wizard of Oz in eighth grade.

It took them long enough to put us at ease, though.

After a fire during the '50s, the family that lived in this house mysteriously disappeared.

Reddit | AdmiralJohan

The fire was apparently too small to have caused their deaths and no bodies were found, but both the cause and the aftermath remain one big question mark.

If it's any consolation, it turns out that Big Bird wasn't leading some kids in a weird effigy ritual.

Reddit | NiceAssassin

This was actually made for a video project by the uploader, but they definitely had people convinced that this was a scene from their real childhood photos for a while.

Somebody left a bottle of rat poison in the uploader's mailbox and the only clue is on the label.

Reddit | Hippotheh

Since it's not in all capitals, "Aly" appears to be a name rather than an acronym, but it doesn't match anybody the uploader knows.

They've called the police, who confirmed that it is indeed rat poison, but that's all anybody knows so far.

Although this is disturbing to behold, the person who experienced it is lucky this didn't turn out worse.

Reddit | conrick

As one commenter who's been studying radiographs for five years put it, "It looks like the knife (or bladed object) came downwards at an angle and scraped the skull, but actually became lodged in the temporal basal layer of the dermis.

"In other words, the blade isn’t in his brain and he’ll live with minimal bone damage."

Apparently, an artist who lives out in the woods in Mississippi actually uses this as a mailbox.

Reddit | ZombiebomberZ

It makes it difficult to envy the person who delivers their mail, but I suppose it's a good way to make sure people take you seriously when you say you don't want any junk mail.

This isn't a sight most of us would ever want to see, but this is what can happen when people use a microphone enough without cleaning it.

Reddit | wotmeyt

All of that gunk is apparently a buildup of plaque and saliva. It's probably better that we don't know how many people's saliva, though.

The feeling of a squid's suction cups is already enough to make us squirm without these little details.

Reddit | jaki1012

Yes, those appear to be teeth in the suction cups because the prospect of being pulled underwater by a strong, sticky tentacle apparently wasn't frightening enough.

What on Earth am I even looking at??

Reddit | swiggetyswine69

This is actually a dried stingray on display somewhere. This picture is horrifying the whole internet and has gotten thousands of reactions.

This seems like a crime in progress, but thankfully it's not.

Reddit | OINOU

"We're moving... this is how my wife packed the kids' dolls," wrote Reddit user OINOU.

Yeah, I think I'll walk, actually. Or call a cab. Or get in literally any other car besides this one.

Reddit | RevolutionaryFish

Talk about punch buggy. This abandoned Volkswagen has been collecting some eight-legged guests for who knows how long, and I'm not interested in sticking around to find out.

Convincing yourself to work out is hard enough without knowing this could be a result.

Reddit | MrMadMonkey18

Apparently this is what a professional cyclist's leg looks like after a long race. Add "professional cyclist" to the list of jobs I never want to do.


Reddit | ColligateMD

The eyes are bad, the teeth are bad, a lot about this is bad, but I think the worst part is that I can't tell how this thing is being suspended or why they'd put it there. It's like it's actually floating on its own.

Oh, great, I'm having the nightmare again.

Reddit | cdpettis

No, this isn't a Lovecraftian monster trying to drag you into the dark in your dreams. This is what horses' hooves look like when they're born. Calves are born without hard shells on their hooves so they don't damage their mothers' uterus.

How badly do you REALLY have to go?

Reddit | hgsilva89

I think I can hold it until I get home, now that I think about it.

What a... touching tribute.

Reddit | CookiezDS

I think when people call Justin Bieber a beefcake, this isn't what they mean. Those eyes are going to haunt me every time I close my own.

Don't let them get out!

Reddit | papiersackratte

Someone's probably a big Calvin and Hobbes fan, or someone accidentally summoned some snow demons in an ancient ritual. Both seem equally likely to me.

Somebody get him some eucalyptus leaves, stat.

Reddit | nannerpusonpancakes

I feel like every time you look away from the Marioala, he gets a little bit closer to you. I have nothing to back this up but it feels right.

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