18 Failed Designs That Made Us Shake Our Heads

It's quite amazing when you can make something that not only looks good but serves a purpose. I'm always in awe of those talented folks who can do that.

On the other hand, I shake my head when I see the opposite. When human error prevails, I always wonder how bad designs even make it past the conception stage. These are the perfect examples of what not to do. Watch and weep.

1. This Wheelchair Ramp

Correct me if I'm wrong, but a wheelchair ramp is supposed to make things accessible, no? Sadly, whoever even attempts to use this one is risking their life going up or down. Wow, this is really unbelievable.

2. This Bike Lane

Bike lanes are popping up everywhere these days, and it's a good thing if you asked me. However, somebody forgot to let the person who picked this spot know how they actually work. Oh, my. This is so sad.

3. This Pipe Job

Our neighbors are plumbers, so I can tell you right now they would have a field day looking at this shoddy piping job here. I could just imagine them jumping into action trying to remedy this ASAP.

4. This Hand Dryer Location

Speaking of bad jobs, who placed this hand dryer here and thought, "Yeah, that looks alright"? I mean, it seems to me that this is only a disaster waiting to happen. Perhaps they needed more coffee that morning.

5. This Fan...?

I hesitated to call this object a fan. The fan's purpose is to spin and generate some cool air, no? Well, then I fail to see how this one even classifies as one. It can't do either.

6. This Ultimate Door Lock

Here's a dilemma a homeowner faced. Their door lock's batteries died, so they wanted to replace them. But as it turns out, you can't replace any of them unless you take either of the locks off. Wow!

7. This Design Studio's Sign

If you're a design studio, there's one thing you should definitely get right, and that's your sign. In this case, nobody can actually read it when it's sunny out. That's not exactly a good impression to make on your potential customers. Am I right?

8. This Bench

It's cool when you can find a park bench where you can sit and enjoy nature. However, this one is entirely useless after it rains. It has no drainage system, so the water just sits there for days after a rainstorm.

9. These Door Stops

If you're confused by this product packaging, you wouldn't be the only one. Somebody posted this on Reddit, and folks had a field day, ha, ha! They also wanted to know why are there lemons on the package? That's what I would like to know, too.

10. This Comfortable Situation

Here's why I don't frequent public restrooms if I can help it. How does one even do their business here? You can't straddle the seat nor fit in there properly. So what is one to do in this tight situation here?

11. This Interesting Take On Things

Here's what I would like to know. Is there a special door that the good employees get to go to, huh? If that's so, then I want to be pointed in that direction, please.

12. This T-Shirt

Fans of Stranger Things may appreciate the sheer stupidity of this. As a knock-off, this tee doesn't even make any sense. Who would even wear this? I can't understand the logic that went into making this garment here.

13. This Ridiculous Idea

Who here has ever wanted to sit on a swing and eat their lunch? Nobody, that's who. So why would the designer of this monstrosity here think this was useful at all? I have no words.

14. This Auspicious Door

If the strange hotel you're staying at has a door that leads to nowhere, just be very careful. It could be some kind of portal. You never know. I wouldn't try to enter it if I were you.

15. This Urinal With A View

Who needs some privacy when they're going to the bathroom? I think it's highly overrated, lol. I guess that's what the genius who came up with this concept thought too. I bet this room gets a lot of use.

16. This Odd Mario Statue

Wait a minute, what is this even supposed to be? I think they were going for a koala at first and then changed their mind into Super Mario Bros. However, now it doesn't look like either. Go figure.

17. This Denim Vest

Excuse me? What is this denim vest trying to look like here? I don't know about you, but I feel like somebody dragged it in the mud and called it fashion. Doesn't this totally baffle you, too?

18. This Interesting Bathroom

If you happened to share this hotel room with a friend, the two of you would be getting to know each other a lot better now. It's either that or one of you needs to leave the room when the other one requires some privacy.


Whoever thought of these must've been either asleep on the job or failed some basic schooling. Otherwise, I don't know how they got past the planning stage.

Which one of these gems is your favorite? And have you ever seen anything worse than these?

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