20 Crappy Designs That Have Us Doing A Quadruple-Take

Not everyone in life can be expert designers, but all that we, the general public ask, is that a little bit of thought be put into the things we see every day. You know, to make sure that they make sense and are not horrendous to look at.

The items in this list were not given that level of consideration, and instead have us doing quadruple-takes.

Just stop.

Is the red octagon iconic enough on its own that we could guess what this meant? Sure, but we shouldn't be relying on just that to get people to stop. Not to mention the nonsensical length and the addition of the word at the bottom, none of it makes sense!

"At a hotel in Mallorca."

Wow, they just put that up and left it there? They figured it was good enough and let it be?

What's your favorite piece of jibberish from this? Mine has to be 'THE JBGJGB BED' at the bottoms, but 'TWON' is good too.

"Who wouldn’t want a ceiling that looks like it’s covered with hair?"

Me. I wouldn't. I also think most people wouldn't. In fact, if you're someone who would want this, I advise you to please talk to somebody as that's certainly not normal. Just looking at this ceiling gives me the creeps.

"Water dispenser light [doesn't] show how much water is in the cup."

Sure, this sucks, but where are you that you can't turn the lights in the room on instead? Do you just not have lights in your home? If that's the case, you have bigger things to be worrying about than your water dispenser.

"'Tie Dye' design hoody just looks like grease splashes (probably why its on sale!)."

Someone in the comments said that they have pants that look like this. Pants! If the sweater looks like it's covered in stains, I dread to think what the pants must look like, and what people assume of you based on that.

"Give THONKS."

This Thonksgiving, be sure to really think about what it is you're thonkful for, and honour those things with fronds and fomily.

I hope anyone who actually bought this sign did so for the comedy and not in earnest.

"This notice they just put up in my uni cafeteria."

Sure there are other places to eat on a university campus, but the sign is still a little funny. No eating in the cafeteria? What's next? No reading in the library? No learning in the classrooms? It's gone too far!

"Genuinely how my school packages their chips. They just gave me four."

I can't imagine a school actually being this pathetic, but at the same time, I absolutely can. Whoever looked at this and thought 'yeah, this makes sense and is appropriate, students certainly won't hate us for this one' needs some kind of talking to.

"Ah yes, a pole in the middle of a stairway, such a classic."

Someone must have looked at this and thought that they couldn't go around it, so they should go through it, but the thing is they very much could have gone around it. It probably would have been way easier to go around it, actually.

"Hotel shower has no edges so it floods. Door has water damage."

Wow, and they just leave it like that? They continue to rent this room out and make people pay for it as if there's nothing wrong?

If every room is like this, surely the cost of fixing the water damage will be more than just fixing the showers themselves.

"The roof parts over the seats. Seats always wet when it rains."

Hey, people who made this building, have you heard of glass? It's this cool material that's entirely transparent so you can still get this effect, but all while making sure these benches stay dry! Isn't that neat? You should look into it.

"[Thank] you [Chipotle] for giving me an entire bag of napkins instead of my food."

Even stranger was how they almost got their food. As the uploader explained, "[When] we tried to grab the bag that looked like our food, the lady working there told us that was the wrong bag, and gave us the bag of napkins instead."

"All the sprinklers in my neighborhood waste gallons upon gallons of water on the sidewalk every day."

For a lawn being automatically watered by sprinklers, that grass looks absolutely terrible. As others noted, it actually looks overwatered, so they're wasting even more water by turning the sprinklers on way more often than needed! Really good decisions all around.

"This bike lane with large planters right in the middle, leaving almost no room for cyclists."

You want bikers off of the roads and sidewalks, so you make bike lanes, then you block the bike lanes entirely! Where do you want them to ride then? In the air? Are you funding flying bicycle initiatives to get that tech going?

"Aligning doors is an impossible feat in my area…"

Please, for my own sanity, tell me this is fake. I won't be mad at you for photoshopping it, I promise, just tell me that it's fake. I can't take this. I can't believe someone would willingly do this.

"Fire alarm looks like rock wall (almost stepped onto it)."

This seems like a major oversight. Or maybe it was on purpose? After all, that paint matches almost perfectly, and it's a little too close to those other rocks. What could be the motive here? We might have a mystery on our hands.

"[Rubbish] bin at the zoo."

Remember, kids! We always want to feed our garbage to the whale-dolphin-ambiguous-aquatic-mammal! They absolutely love to eat up our trash, and there are definitely no negative repercussions that can happen from instilling this sort of behavior in impressionable children!

"You can only see it once."

You can only see it once, but I think once is more than enough.

I can't help but wonder if this was done on purpose, though. A cheeky little marketing tactic to get people to look twice at your album.

"A reminder to the world Florida exists."

Every time I read the sign again I found something worse. First, it was 'worth die', which is pretty bad. Then it was 'nothin hear', also bad but it's a mixup we've all made. Then I read 'tresass' and it became just unforgivable.

"Greek engineering strikes again."

I can only hope that when this thing inevitably explodes, no one is around to feel it. Or see it, for that matter. This should happen in silence and be swiftly forgotten about forever, it's that shameful.

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