13 Easy Hacks For Anyone Who Struggles With Styling Hair

I'm the first one to admit that doing my own hair is a challenge for me. For some reason, I seem to lack that hairstyling gene.

So I'm always looking for uncomplicated ways to tackle my unruly mane. If you're like me, I bet you're going to find these tips and tricks helpful as well. Let's learn something new together.

1. Braid Your Hair Before Bed

Ladies, I do this every night. Not only it helps me sleep and keep my hair tidy, but there's a bonus. In the morning, take out the braid, and you'll have natural waves with no styling required. Easy, peasy!

2. Use Dry Shampoo Before Going To Bed

Here's an easy trick for you. If you don't have time to wash your hair in the morning, don't worry. Spray dry shampoo before going to bed. It will work wonders during the night.

3. Use A Headband On Bad Hair Day

Does your hair feel greasy at the top? Well, if you don't have time to wash it, there's an easy solution. Just use a pretty fabric headband that will conceal your oily scalp, ha, ha! It's the oldest trick in the book.

4. Use A Boar Bristle Brush

I don't know about you, but I love when my hair looks shiny. One way to accomplish that is to invest in a boar bristle brush. It helps to move natural oils from your scalp to your roots for that instant shine.

5. This Curling Iron Tip

Let me ask you: how do you curl your hair using the curling iron? If you start from the ends, that's actually not optimal. Instead, do it from the middle to ensure longer-lasting curls. Try it!

6. Use The Cool Setting On Your Hair Dryer

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Again, I do this all the time. After I blow dry my hair on the hot setting, I switch to the cool setting. This technique actually helps to set your style. Did you know that?

7. Pat Your Wet Hair With A Towel

After you wash your hair, do you rub it on your towel? Well, that's a no-no. Did you know that this creates more frizz? Oh, yes. So instead, just pat your hair dry.

8. Blow Dry Your Hair Upside-Down

This is another tip I heard from a hairdresser that I still do today. I always start by blow-drying my hair upside-down. This technique creates more volume, and trust me, it really does work.

9. Wrap Your Hair In Long Socks

Do you want to create those long curls like Ariel from The Little Mermaid, without using heat? Well, now you can. All you need is long socks. Yes, you read that right. Check this out, ha, ha!

10. Use A Butterfly Clip To Create Volume

This tip here is pretty genius. If you want to create a more voluminous ponytail, just use a butterfly clip as these ladies did. It's so simple I can't believe I haven't thought of it.

11. Create Perfectly Imperfect Waves

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Air dry your hair partially, so it's still damp. Then twist it into two pigtails and pin it on top of your head so you can sleep comfortably. Let loose when you wake up for those beachy waves. Wow!

12. Create Lovely Braids With Simple Techniques

I absolutely love braiding my hair, but I'm getting tired of the same style. So when I stumbled upon these simple ideas here, I was so thrilled. Let me know which one you love the most.

13. This Frizz-Taming Trick

Who else gets frizzy hair in the morning? Oh my goodness. It's even worse in the winter. One way to tame it is to spray hairspray onto an old brush and run it through your hair. It actually works.

I hope you'll find these hairstyling tips and tricks helpful.

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I know I learned a thing or two here. If you're as desperate as I am when it comes to styling your hair, you'll feel a lot more confident now. We can do this, ha, ha!