30 Slightly Terrifying Photos That I Can't Stop Looking At

Have you ever come across a picture that's so horrifying you have to stop and ask yourself: "what the heck am I even looking at?"

Well, get ready to ask that question plenty of more times as you peruse through these questionable photos. Good luck sleeping tonight!

Well...that's one way to utilize the bottom of a shopping cart.

"All fun and games until his hair gets stuck in the wheels," writes a Redditor under the bizarre post.

And honestly, that was our first thought too (among many others!). We don't even have to be in this store to picture the horrifying aftermath of even a single strand getting twisted around a wheel.

All that potential screaming and lots of pain could be easily avoided by these people just usually a cart like normal human beings.

The position of this slide that's giving us sweaty palms.

This homeowner really took the saying 'living life on the edge' to the extreme. We don't even want to imagine what could happen if a child unknowingly climbed up the slide.

We're just anxious at the thought.

A horrifying cross between a rat and centipede.

We just want to know who thought this was a good idea. Why not let the poor little rat rest in peace instead of turning its corpse into this monstrosity?

Rat centipedes don't exist for a very clear reason, so let's not go against the law of nature. We all read Frankenstein and know how things ended for his monster that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

This frog children cult caught in the middle of a sacrifice.

"Every damn time I visit my local shopping center, this 'frog-head child cult' water fountain gives me the creeps," shares the Redditor who posted the sinister statue online.

And we definitely see where they're coming from. This whole fountain is effortlessly eerie. Just take a look at the three little frog children that are happily celebrating as another frog lay still on the ground.

You can't tell us that this isn't the beginning of a spooky sacrifice.

The best front door security system on the market.

Well...this is certainly an effective lock system to have on your front door. We're willing to bet that the chances of this house being ransacked have plummeted significantly.

After all, no one would be able to come close enough to the door to pick the lock. The homeowner probably won't be able to access their house either, but hey, sometimes you gotta do what you have to.

A serious infestation of hungry caterpillars.

While we're on the subject of creepy crawlers, check out this stomach-churning collection of caterpillars one Redditor stumbled upon.

If that were us, we'd be running so fast in the opposite direction that we wouldn't have enough time to snap a pic and post it online.

So kudos to the brave poster.

Oh, nothing to see here — just teeth in a jar.

"Some guy asked us to refine this jar of teeth he has recovered from various people that may or may not contain precious metals…" shares the Reddit user who posted the odd request to the internet.

Naturally, others were quite curious and begin devising possible reasons as to why someone would have a collection of teeth in the first place. And the consensus is torn between two alternatives — the person is either a dentist or mortician.

Either way, gathering teeth and storing them in a jar is not only terrifying, but it's also pretty gross.

Polymer clay earrings are out, human teeth are in.

We have no idea what this obsession with teeth is, but it's got to stop!

Let's be real, when would these teeth earrings ever be a good look? Okay, that's a trick question; the answer is a definite never.

And here's to hoping that these horrifying pieces of jewelry are not made of actual human teeth.

Conserving water went a little too far.

"The egg and noodles cooked together are ok though. The tea is crossing a line," writes Redditor Scarro_Lamann under the questionable post.

Yeah, we're all for conserving water but that is definitely taking things to a whole new level of icky. The tea is going to be so salty, and not to mention, super starchy.

It's a big NOPE from us!

This faucet that's attached to a lion mural.

We're not really sure what it is about this one; the lion itself isn't creepy per se, just the face, really. The faucet sticking out of his mouth looks like a pipe, too, which is more than a little weird.

Um, yeah. We probably wouldn't want to get water out of this thing.

The cursed onion mouthwash.

There's only one person we can think of who'd actually enjoy swishing an onion-flavored mouthwash in their mouth. And it's none other than Shrek himself, who has famously compared himself to the many layers present in an onion.

But, fortunately, this vintage Avon Bermuda Fresh mouthwash doesn't actually taste like onions (sorry Shrek!). It's only shaped like the bulb vegetable because, as other Redditors pointed out, the territory of Bermuda was once known for its exporting of onions.

This Shrek statue in a park that's staring into our souls.

Speaking of Shrek, take a look at this ogre wannabe.

We don't know if we should be laughing at its terrible resemblance or crying at the fact that someone would do this to such an iconic character.

What a shame!

A crushed skeleton beneath a rock in Pompeii.

This is not the way to go, that's for sure. Imagine being crushed beneath a giant stone... yeah, no thanks.

Either way, this is the kind of creepy photo that gets people talking.

"So is this what they mean by 'headstone?'" Reddit user Rob_Marc writes. Okay, We have to admit that this pun made the whole scene a little less terrifying.

A cake transformation that's both cool and creepy.

You have to admit, the final product is amazing! So much detail. It doesn't look like it could be made of cake.

...But the process is more than a little terrifying. Something about that second image just doesn't look right. We definitely weren't supposed to see that.

Don't have the right sized vehicle to transport a new fridge? Just ask your buddy to hop in your trunk and hold it on the ride home.

This alarming photo belongs in a book entitled 'How Not To Transport A New Home Appliance.'

We were so confused as to how the massive box was staying put in the tiny sedan until we saw the arm sticking out of the trunk.

This was a terrible idea on so many levels, but let's just point out a few:

  1. This person's arm could literally snap like a twig if the driver makes a sudden move.
  2. The box will then fall into oncoming traffic after the person lets go of the fridge for reasons stated above.
  3. Cars behind the fridge will have to slam on their breaks causing a pretty probable, and very much unavoidable, pile-up.

Artistic swimming doesn't look good from every angle...

The event formerly called synchronized swimming is definitely an impressive feat, but we're thinking that there are some angles at which we shouldn't view the sport. Like this one, for example. It almost looks like a bunch of people are helping one woman birth a long-headed baby.

We're sure, though, that this terrifying scene looks a lot better from a normal angle.

Hermit crabs will use anything as a shell, and we mean *anything*.

This isn't just slightly terrifying. This is just plain old nightmare fuel. When you think about it as a crab with a baby's head instead of some kind of baby crab monster, it becomes... a bit less terrifying? Honestly, we don't think there's any way to spin this one to make it any better.

The scary aftermath of a pigeon that flew into a windshield on the freeway.

Unlike the recklessness of carrying a huge box in a tiny sedan, this car accident couldn't possibly have been avoided no matter what the driver did.

A pigeon flying into a windshield is absolutely out of anyone's control, especially while on the freeway. What a terrifying experience that sadly resulted in the passing of the little bird.

This Pennywise veggie platter that will have you floating.

"And this is why you don’t clown around with charcuterie," says Redditor doot-doot-1983 under the spooky post.

Don't get us wrong, we love a good charcuterie board! What we don't love, however, is that the killer clown of Stephen King's hit novel It will be starring at us the entire time we munch on a carrot.

First the sewers, now the shopping mall?

Speaking of Pennywise, we're pretty sure we've just found his next hunting grounds. As terrifying as that is, though, it seems pretty inconvenient. How many people would be wandering around a store at night, anyway? That seems more than a little weird.

Back in the day, you had to dress yourself and your horse up for Halloween.

Are you really celebrating Halloween if you aren't dressed in a couple's costume with your horse? We don't think so.

Though, to be honest, there's something just a tiny bit creepy about these skeleton costumes. Just a bit.

Want to creep people out? Just stick plastic squirrel hands and heads onto your fingers.

Yeah, that's a definite no from us. The squirrel claws are, well, they're too much. And the head. That blank, soulless expression. Whoever just has these pieces lying around probably spends too much effort playing pranks and such.

In fact, Reddit user MrFuzzybagels, who made this monstrosity, even came up with a name for it, calls it “the stranger.”

A fish that has a better set of teeth than most of us do.

We know that fish have teeth (like sharks), but seeing them like this? Yeah, no. Not at all.

Those front ones look suspiciously close to human teeth. And there are just so many rows on the bottom. Gross!

According to Confident_Yak_2462 on Reddit, they actually have a reason to look like this: "Their teeth are like that because they eat barnacles, coral, and shellfish." Fascinating, but still gross.

A WWII-era gas mask for kids that's shaped like a beloved Disney mascot.

If you think this gas mask bears a striking resemblance to one Mickey Mouse, then you would be correct. As useful as this probably was during the Second World War, it's also quite terrifying.

Hopefully no kid ever has to wear or look at this mask again.

A trippy sculpture one person stumbled upon while one a run.

"Don't stop. Make like a tree and leef [sic]," suggests one Redditor under the photo of the eerie sculpture.

But we're happy to report that the artwork isn't some type of cult symbol. Rather, it's just a creative carving designed by Georgia-based artist JD Koth for the Atlanta Beltline railway.

The cigarette filter found in a bowl of soup at a restaurant.

If finding a literal cigarette filter in your meal at a restaurant isn't absolutely horrific, we seriously don't know what would fall into that category.

This was the reality for one Redditor who was nearing the end of his soup when he felt the "chewy" object in his mouth. Naturally, he snapped a picture of the disgusting find and shared it on the internet as a cautionary tale.

Well...consider us cautioned.

This nightmare-fueled Teletubby.

We don't blame this kid for looking as terrified as he is. We'd be just as horrified if we had to stand within a two-foot radius of the monstrosity of a Teletubby.

This Laa-Laa is a whole lot of nah nah from us, thank you very much!

Is it a life-sized doll or just a terrible costume?

We're not even sure what's going on in this photo, and neither does the poster who found the photograph while looking through her deceased grandma's belongings.

But that didn't stop Reddit from coming up with explanations as to what this doll-like being could be.

"Looks like 'The Count' from Sesame Street," suggests one Redditor, and we do see that. They then continue: "I'm kind of scared to look at the picture for too long."

Agreed, let's all stop looking.

A freighting paint mishap that's giving us heart palpitations.

We have no idea what the backstory of this photo is but we assume it isn't too great. Clearly, it's a horrifying mess that no amount of cleaning will fix.

At this point, it would probably be a better idea to just throw the whole car away.

Is is a glitch in the matrix or did someone really get stuck in a balcony?

We honestly can't answer this question, and neither can Reddit. But it can provide us with the comic relief we seriously need after viewing all these terrifying pictures.

"'Hey what you doing rn?' 'Oh nothing just hanging around,'" writes Redditor Baconator9051.

And it was the perfect satirical response to end our disturbing internet usage for the day.