16 Insane Things People Did For Their Followers

Social media is a double-edged sword. When used correctly, it's a great tool for self promotion and can even be called on for the occasional ego boost. Not everyone knows how to effectively use social media, however, and learning how to strategically post is a lot of trial and error. All it takes is one person to take one screenshot of one of those shitty posts, and you find yourself on a list like this.

At the end of the day, is it all worth it? Hell yes! Now go like and share this article, because I have a coffee stain on my jeans and I need an ego boost.

1. We don't need no water, let the mother F-er burn. 

Tumblr | thecaptainkindofgirl

They do, however, seem to need a #RandomSelfie or two to capture this perfect moment. Hopefully it was a drill and their selfies were the only thing that were on fire that day.

2. Is making it rain how millennials show respect to their elders? 

Cheezburger | Cheezburger

I really hope that they let her keep that money, otherwise they basically just pimped out their grandmother for 57 likes.

3. This snap caption couldn't be more accurate. 

Pleated-Jeans | Pleated-Jeans

Firstly, saying you've got too much thyme on your hands suggests that you think there's an appropriate amount to have on your hands. Thyme doesn't go on your hands, it goes on food. Secondly, you have WAY too much time on your hands if you're wasting it like this. Get a hobby.

4. Quite frankly, if you're willing to throw away a whole friendship over a little forked dessert, you deserve to be alone.

Aside from the guy who got half his cookie tossed at the end, I'd probably be pretty pissed at that, too.

5. What's the point of having kids if it isn't for stuff like this? 

Imgur | slipcase

Wait, that's what they're for, right? I don't have any kids, but I kinda thought the whole point was so that you had this little person you could use to do things like vacuum the living room, gain access to bouncy castles, and exploit for social media likes.

6. When you look in the mirror and think, "Wow, my throat crevice is just screaming to have things jammed into it." 

Instagram | @aesthetic.flops

Usually those kind of people end up in the adult entertainment industry. Amazingly, this girl found a way to satisfy that urge without airing out her daddy issues. I'd throw a heart on that.

7. Art is all around you. 

Imgur | Imgur

Guess what? Most people have no idea what art actually is, which means that you can take ownership over telling them. You think that window is art? Then so it shall be — and BAM, 14 likes. You've socially engineered your way in an ego boost. Congrats!

8. Probably going to delete soon = If this doesn't get as many likes as I need to feel validated, bye-bye.

Reddit | gone11gone11

If you want to shamelessly post a selfie, just do it! Don't try and pretend that it was an accident, because no one is buying it, and TBH, it makes you look a bit desperate.

9. She's lucky the sink is the only thing that broke.

Her face was dangerously close to the sink beside her, and I doubt that her dental insurance covers stunting for the 'Gram.

10. When done correctly, vintage video games are basically a printer for Instagram likes.

Reddit | TimV55

Protip: If the game cartridge doesn't actually fit, it's probably not for the right console.

11. Stuntin' hard on these clothes.

Me.me | Me.me

I'm pretty sure that his friends taking a picture and blowing his cover didn't do him any favors, but if you're gonna be shady AF and lie to a girl like that, then maybe you deserve it.

12. In David Attenborough's voice:

Me.me | Me.me

Here in the garden, we have the wild Snapchatter, exhibiting behaviors of deceit. By pretending to be somewhere he is not, he is effectively alluding to his followers that he has a life, when in fact, the creature is alone in the grass.

13. More child exploitation! Noice.

Usually, the goal is to protect your children from the monsters in their closet, but that begs the question— what if they're the monsters?! Then it's your fault, and you've failed as a parent.

14. I didn't know John Cena liked ramen!

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

Seriously though, how long did someone have to stand there holding chopsticks for this to freeze like this? Just picture it.

15. Suffocating your wife for social media is insane.

Imgur | Imgur

You can't just kill your wife so that you can use her corpse to make your baby look like it has a giant body!

16. The real snake here is whoever put this guy on those carrots.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

Snakes don't even like carrots! I guess he can use them as pretty convincing camouflage, but hopefully no one mistakes him for a vegetable or he'll probably bite back. Hopefully your followers liked it though!