Pennywise Doll Burned By Woman After It Appears In Her Yard

Ooh, now this is creepy isn't it? Well, I can't say I don't blame her.

If you found any clown plushie in your backyard you'd probably burn it too, wouldn't you?

Today in scary clown news...


New Jersey resident Renee Jensen found a clown doll in her backyard.

Not just any clown, though, it was Pennywise, the evil demonic clown that kills people from the IT series.

So, like any regular person who finds an evil clown plushie randomly appear in their backyard, she torched the thing.


She also went as far as to call the police about it.

You may think it sounds a bit overkill, but you've never found a Pennywise doll in your backyard, have you?

But here's the creep(ier) part.


When the police arrived, they even felt too weirded out to touch the thing.

So she used a lighter and newspaper to burn it. Then, she cleansed her house with sage. And then, she slept with a knife for a couple of days.

Yeah, like a knife could stop Pennywise.

Someone you might not expect weighed in...

None other than Stephen King!

This is how this story actually picked up too, Stephen King sent this tweet out and the world replied with: "that's terrifying, Stephen. Thanks a lot".