
20 Designs As Crappy As Your Friend Tagging You In An Ugly Group Photo

There's like, an unreal amount of bad designs out there. Some of them are on purpose, which is actually kind of fun. But there are so many of them you just can't be sure of.

Are these designs intentionally bad? Are they the result of someone who should probably go back to design school? I don't know, but at least they're all hilarious.

A landing that you might not be able to stick.

I seriously don't understand how people can get away with building staircases like this. This is such a colossal safety hazard and everything. It also just so happens to look super ugly, but that's almost besides the point. All in all, a horrible design idea.

I feel like this mug is trying to tell us something...

I'm willing to bet someone messed up the word order when printing this novelty mug. But the strangest thing about it is the #adventure that's stamped on the inner rim. Like, what does that even mean? What does it have to do with the rest of the mug?

Nice placement, there.

I really wish that diaper companies wouldn't do this, but I swear it happens so often. And weirdly enough, specifically with diapers and related items.

They really couldn't have placed the kids' faces in a way that wouldn't stretch them out all weird like that?

If you wanted to know what kind of stuff this store sold, you're out of luck!

I guess whoever took over this retail space just stuck their logo over the old one. Which would be fine if it actually covered the old text. But as it is, it's so jumbled that I have no idea which is the old store and which is the new one.

Two soap dispensers: because one just isn't enough anymore.

Not only does this sink have a baffling amount of soap dispensers, but one of them just so happens to be in the mirror? Who decided that this was the place to put the dispenser? Not gonna lie, it looks pretty dumb.

When the website *really* doesn't want you to be a robot.

This is really cumbersome. All the hoops this website is making you jump through just to confirm you're not a robot, when most other sites only use a single captcha. This doesn't seem like it would be worth the effort.

I'm pretty sure they center toilets to the stall for a reason...

Public bathroom designs are always somehow hit or miss. When they're good, they're normal. But when they're bad, they aren't even functional.

How do you sit on a toilet that's so close to one of the stall walls? Sideways?

This set of steps that lead to absolutely nothing.

This is, like, a bad design staple. You can't talk about bad designs without stairs leading to nothing, or ones that are seemingly blocked off.

This makes you wonder if the stairs were there before they put the wall and fence in, or if someone put them there as a prank.

There's something not quite right about this class picture order form...

This flyer looks mostly normal. But it has a strangely ominous message for parents. I don't know what this order form means by that catchphrase at the bottom, but it can't be good. In fact, maybe I don't want to know what it means.

I have a feeling Rick doesn't like Halloween too much.

Either this Halloween sticker sheet has some kind of vendetta against a dude named Rick, or they just forgot a T in there. It's probably the latter, but I also like imagining Rick getting really angry over trick or treaters.

This place that specializes in gold and surrealism apparently.

I could try to understand what this sign is trying to say, but there's almost no point. When the sign is this bad, do we really have to bother trying to decipher it? Or should we just cut our losses and move on?

These little windows that don't quite line up with one another.

If you stare at these windows for too long, you might start getting irrationally angry. I, for one, am not happy about the fact that the window on the right is ever so slightly lower than the one on the left.

There was no better layout for this bathroom?

I get that some pipes are hard to move around, but this is ridiculous! Why would you stick a urinal so close to a sink like that? You couldn't even use the sink if you wanted to. They should've just picked one or the other.

There's nothing more classic than a confusing plate design.

Another classic bad design is a plate with text that doesn't quite look right. Sure, it's probably "no coffee, no workee," but it looks more like "no no coffee workee." And I mean, it almost doesn't matter, because they used the word "workee," which means they already lost.

Happy 18th and/or 13th birthday!

On the plus side, this tag could be used for multiple birthdays. But it would still probably be confusing to the recipient. And most of the party guests, too, for that matter. Actually, you'd probably be better off not using this one.

Can I interest you in a set of stairs for your stairs?

I have a feeling someone started renovating a set of stairs and then just gave up near the end. On the plus side, it may be incredibly hideous and probably the worst design ever, but it's still functional. You could actually use those stairs. But would you want to?

I honestly can't even read what this shirt says.

Stav Trvve? Stay Truve? Either way, it makes no sense. It's like someone had an idea and executed it in the worst possible way.

I'm not gonna lie, though, it would kind of be fun to wear this shirt ironically.

Reduce, reuse, recycle! (Just not this.)

I'm getting some mixed messages from this box. Why would it be promoting recycling when the box itself cannot be recycled? I don't know about you, but it's making me feel like my entire life was a lie.

Hopefully there's a good explanation for this.

Looking for a fresh start? Well, too bad!

For some reason, people out there still design signs using white text on bright backgrounds. Is that text important? Probably, if it's on the sign. But we'll never know what it says, because it blends into the background. It's such an easy fix, too!

I guess they just assumed no one actually uses braille?

The fact that the braille is blocked off by the glass casing feels like some kind of sick joke. Hopefully no one who happens to be visually impaired will ever need to use this emergency telephone, because it would be an incredibly difficult task.

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