
10+ Marvel Mistakes That Fans Missed

There are tons of mistakes in Marvel movies because not even that franchise is perfect.

In fact, it is far from it. There are tons of mistakes to be found in the Marvel movies, all just a few Google searches away.

Or if you look closely enough at the films, you could probably see them yourself.

Pym particles


So yeah...Pym particles make no sense. Just because they shrink the atoms between things doesn't mean the weight is affected.

So Hank Pym probably couldn't carry a 6-tonne tank around in his pocket.

Gamora's origin

In Guardians Of The Galaxy, Nova Corpsman Rhomann Dey (John C. Reilly) says that Gamora is the last of her kind. However, Thanos' M.O. is that he only destroys half your planet.

Where did the other half of her species go?

Weird timelines


So, Tony goes up to General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross after he loses Banner once again and says "we're putting together a team."

But hold on, Iron Man 2 takes place during The Incredible Hulk, and S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted nothing to do with Tony!

Cap's super hair


At the end of The Avengers when Captain America is riding his motorcycle, his hair never moves.

Star-Lord's tapes


This one was pointed out by a tape enthusiast.

They showed us that Peter Quill's tapes (which, presumably were made in 1988 or before) didn't actually come into the market until 1993.

The Infinity Gauntlet

We know that Thanos got the Infinity Gauntlet from the dwarves, and then killed all of them but their king, Eitri.

But he had the gauntlet all the way back in Age of were people just letting Eitri float around unnoticed until then?

The arc reactor


Most of the time, you can see Tony's arc reactor through his civilian clothes.

This wasn't the case in the scene where he talks to Loki, as you can see from the screencap above. Could it be due to layers?

Natasha Romanoff's hair


During her first scene in The Avengers, Natasha beats the heck out of four thugs while she's tied to a chair.

At one point, she flicks her hair onto one and he goes flying back. You can clearly see that her head doesn't actually touch him.

Some strings on him


During a fight scene with Ultron, Captain America swings off a truck and does a totally kick-butt move.

But wait! What's that? Is that a string that wasn't properly edited out?

Bruce's secret makes no sense

When we finally get to see Bruce Banner transform into the Hulk, he tells Captain America that his secret to subduing the green giant is that he's "always angry."

Cool line of dialogue no doubt, but what does it even mean?

Air Force One


In Iron Man 3, one of the bad guys attacks Air Force One, and one of the president's bodyguards shoots a hole in the window.

This shouldn't happen, considering the glass on Air Force One is bulletproof.

Tony on Capitol Hill


So you'd think that CSPAN, an organization who covers Capitol Hill on an almost daily basis, would know how to spell Capitol Hill.

Apparently, according to the Marvel Universe, they do not.

Bucky's birthday


First CSPAN, now the Smithsonian. The text on Bucky's memorial states:

"Born in 1916, Barnes grew up the oldest child of four," but then his birth and death dates are 1917-1944.

Falcon can't count

During the opening fight scene in Captain America: Civil War, Cap announces to the group that there are 7 hostiles remaining.

Falcon swoops in and takes out 3 of them, then calls back that there are a total of 5 left. Close, but no cigar.

The shawarma


Yes, I get it, it was supposed to be a joke and I'm not supposed to think about it too much, but why was Thor at that lunch table?

Wasn't he supposed to be bringing Loki back to Asgard?

Nick Fury's eye

Instagram | @samuelljackson

In some recent promotional material for SpiderMan: Far From Home we see that they put Nick Fury's eye patch over the wrong eye!

Even Samuel L. Jackson pointed it out!

English is the galactic language?

Once again, this is a somewhat understandable "mistake," but doesn't it strike you as odd how every single alien species in every single Marvel movie speaks fluent English?

Is it just a coincidence that English and Asgardian are exactly the same?

Bucky's metal arm

Walt Disney Pictures

At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, The Winter Soldier is one of many heroes who gets "snapped" out of existence. His gun is the only thing that remains behind.

Since his arm is inanimate, it shouldn't have disappeared.

Heimdall's stab wound

One of the many tearjerker moments of Avengers: Infinity War occurred right at the beginning when Heimdall is killed.

If you look closely, you can see that the stab wound moves from his chest to his stomach. Whoops!

Hulk's pants

Walt Disney Pictures

In Thor: Ragnarok when the Hulk transforms back into Bruce Banner, he puts on some of Tony Stark's old clothes.

Later on, he changes back into the Hulk yet somehow Tony's pants remain intact.

Dr. Strange's hygiene

Walt Disney Pictures

At the very beginning of Dr. Strange, Steven Strange prepares for surgery by washing his hands and then puts on his face mask.

As we all should know by this point, you should put your mask on first to avoid touching your dirty face with clean hands.

Why would Thanos destroy the stones?

After Thanos snaps his fingers and eradicates half the world's population, he goes off-world and destroys the stones. His explanation was that his work was done and they were far too dangerous.

But wouldn't the exact same problems with population control rear their head after a few more generations passed? What then?

Ant-Man is in two places at once

Walt Disney Pictures

Ant-Man somehow appears to be in two places at once.

In Avengers: Endgame he somehow goes from the back of the van, working on the quantum tunnel, to the final battle scene where he is seen in his giant form.

Danver's dog tags

If you look closely at Captain Marvel's dog tags, her name reads "Carol, Danvers."

Dog tags are actually printed with a soldier's last name, then their first.

Gravity-defying hair

Paramount Pictures

In this scene from the original Iron Man film, Tony catches a car filled with passengers and places them safely on the ground.

A quick look inside the vehicle, however, shows that their hair remains perfectly in place. Even while upside down.

Upside down flag

Paramount Pictures

In Captain America: The First Avenger, you can see the British Union Jack hanging outside one of the buildings.

The only problem is that the flag is clearly upside down.

Shoes or boots?

Walt Disney Pictures

During the scene between Ego and Quill's mother in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, the pair run off into the woods together.

Her footwear magically changes from boots to sandals, and finally back again to boots.

Magic coat buttons

Paramount Studios

This one is quick but if you pause it just right you'll be able to notice.

When Tony and Rhodes are posing for a picture with the senator in Iron Man 2, Tony's jacket appears buttoned. But in the very next cut scene, it is clearly undone.

Too much/not enough blood

Marvel Studios

In Black Panther when Klaue is being rescued by Killmonger, the amount of blood on his face, as well as the placement, changes with the cut scenes.

The wrong gear

Walt Disney Pictures

While Cap is driving in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, a quick peek at the gear shaft will reveal that the car is in the up-locked position.

Thus indicating that the car was towed for the scene.