
10+ Best Movies Of The 2010s (So Far)

On this list, you're going to see the best movies of the last decade.

You'll see some Oscar winners, some superhero movies, maybe one or two you expected and maybe a couple you didn't.

There were some that didn't make the cut, and some movies that haven't even premiered yet (like The Rise of Skywalker), but this is the best of the best (so far) of the past decade.

'Black Swan' (2010)


This movie was twisted and dark. It also earned Natalie Portman an Oscar for her role as the lead.

It's one of those movies that sticks with you through the years. This is due partially to the horror side of it, and partially because of the heartbreak behind the world of dance.

'Django Unchained' (2012)


There were a couple of Quentin Tarantino movies released this decade, but out of all of them Django Unchained was probably the best.

The soundtrack is a jam and the performances are top-notch. It even had some of the best-improvised movie scenes of all time (Leo's bloody hand, anyone?).

'The Avengers' (2012)


The movie that started it all (well, kind of). This was the movie that proved crossover movies could work and really cemented the Marvel movies as a cinematic universe.

It was the beginning of something much greater.

'The Wolf Of Wall Street' (2013)


Sure, different movies won awards this year. But can you remember them Would you ever put them on again?

No! You'd watch The Wolf of Wall Street and all hilarity. Plus, it's the movie that Leo seriously deserved an Oscar for.

'Frozen' (2013)


You have to mention the highest-grossing animated film of all time on your list of the best movies of the decade. Plus, remember those months listening to "Let It Go"?

Perhaps we'd rather forget.

'It Follows' (2014)


Well, here it is. The best scary movie of the decade.

With an interesting premise that made the movie one of the tensest and legitimately scary movies in a long time, it's earned a spot.

'Guardians of the Galaxy' (2014)


This 2014 Marvel movie makes the list for having a great soundtrack, a hilarious cast of characters, a fun Sci-Fi plot and of course, the best Marvel villain of all time (arguably): Ronan The Accuser.

Plus, it's Marvel. They can rarely do wrong.

'Mad Max: Fury Road' (2015)


Remember when this movie came out? It lit up the world. It had some of the most insane visuals in a movie to date and had some amazing stunts as well.

A great action movie. Plus, anything that has Tom Hardy in it is bound to stun people.

'Deadpool' (2016)


It proved that R-Rated movies could make money. It started a whole genre of adult superhero films.

And best of all, it was funny, it was creative and we wanted more (which we got, in a sequel).

Moonlight (2016)


This movie was as touching as a movie could be.

It made us laugh, it made us cry, it made us feel. No wonder it won Best Picture in 2016. It was the drama about gay black men that we desperately needed to see.

Wonder Woman (2017)


It was really the first superhero movie to have a woman as a lead (at least in this decade).

It was also the first DC movie that people really loved.

'The Death Of Stalin (2017)

A masterful piece of dark comedy.

Seriously, if you haven't seen this movie about the Russian power struggle after the death of Stalin (hence the name) then go out and see it!

'The Ballad of Buster Scruggs' (2018)


This is one of the best Westerns in a long time, and it would have won a spot on this list just for its first 15 minutes.

This movie is one that gave its audience a ton of fun.

'Avengers: Endgame' (2019)


Well, duh.

It was the culmination of 10 years of cinema. It was the greatest threat the Avengers ever had to face. It also made all the money in the world.

It had to make the list.

'The Dirt' (2019)


There were a lot of good musical biopics this decade. But none were "The Best Worst Movie" of the last ten years.

It's so cheesy, so formulaic and so over the top (in good ways and bad) that you can't help but love it.