Forced to Live Like a PRISONER In Her Own Home?! 🏚️🗝️

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Diply | Diply

🏠 Imagine living in an apartment where even the slightest whisper 🤫 can wake up your upstairs neighbour! 😱 That's the reality for one poor soul who's at their wit's end trying to coexist with a man who seems to have superhuman hearing. 👂 Despite their best efforts to soundproof 🔇 and keep the peace, the constant stomping 👣 and complaints have left them feeling like a prisoner 🔒 in their own home. Is it fair to expect complete silence 🤐 or should the neighbour learn to live with a little noise? 🤔 Let's dive into this juicy drama! 🍿

🏠 The Upstairs Neighbour's Oversensitive Ears 👂

ladlemonster | ladlemonster

😱 Even Whispers Wake the Neighbour! 🤫

ladlemonster | ladlemonster

🛋️ Desperate Attempts to Soundproof 🔇

ladlemonster | ladlemonster

😞 Feeling Like a Prisoner in My Own Home 🔒

ladlemonster | ladlemonster

🤐 Whispering Myself Hoarse 😰

ladlemonster | ladlemonster

📅 Stuck in a Year-Long Lease 😩

ladlemonster | ladlemonster

🚨 The Neighbour's History of Complaints 📜

ladlemonster | ladlemonster

🤖 Supersonic Cyborg Hearing? 🦻

ladlemonster | ladlemonster

🚨 The Verdict: Who's the A-hole? 🧐

Well, well, well... it seems like we've got a classic case of 'The Oversensitive Neighbour' on our hands! 🙄 Our poor protagonist has tried everything short of soundproofing their entire apartment with bubble wrap 🔇📦 to appease their upstairs nemesis, but nothing seems to be good enough. 😤 I mean, come on, is it really fair to expect someone to live in complete silence 24/7? 🤐 Especially when the neighbour has a history of complaints with every tenant? 📜 Sounds like someone needs to invest in a good pair of earplugs! 🦻 But hey, let's see what the internet has to say about this sticky situation... 🌐💭

NTA suggests filming and suing landlord over harassment. 👍

BusyLight32 | BusyLight32

Stand up for yourself! Record the noise and report him! 🔊👊

the_splatt | the_splatt

Sensitivity vs. Noise: NTA for wanting peaceful home 🏡

bronwen-noodle | bronwen-noodle

Neighbor disturbing your peace? Report to landlord! 🚨

Feroc | Feroc

Noise mitigation is reasonable. What else can be heard?

ripcelinedionhusband | ripcelinedionhusband

Stand up for your rights and live normally, let him pound 👊

LynnieFran | LynnieFran

NTA. Inform landlord, ignore neighbor. Normal noise in communal housing 🔊

StripeTheTomcat | StripeTheTomcat

Don't let a noisy neighbor make you feel like a prisoner! 🙅‍♀️

FactBearsEatBeetss | FactBearsEatBeetss

Suggests documenting incidents for harassment case against controlling neighbor.

Justaroundtown | Justaroundtown

Asserting your right to talk at 3am 👍

BrianBtheITguy | BrianBtheITguy

Stand up for your rights and document everything! 👊

bitchy_badger | bitchy_badger

Don't let your neighbor control your life. NTA 👍

perhapsnew | perhapsnew

Neighbor expects total silence, NTA refuses to accommodate. 👍

AmIBeingPunkd- | AmIBeingPunkd-

Curious if neighbor reacts to BF's voice or just OP's.

TreeCityKitty | TreeCityKitty

Don't let a petty neighbor bring you down. Stay strong 🙌

External_Set_1766 | External_Set_1766

Stand up to your stomping neighbor with landlord's help 🙌

gemini3890 | gemini3890

NTA suggests contacting the landlord to relocate due to privacy concerns.

Cool-Tomato-5868 | Cool-Tomato-5868

Document interactions with stompy to show pattern. Consider legal advice.

Elfich47 | Elfich47

Take control of your life and ignore the stomping. 💪

Admirable-Resort | Admirable-Resort

Neighbor troubles? NTA, find a new place to live.

MsLinzy24 | MsLinzy24

Live your life, let him put his own carpet down 😎

amyg17 | amyg17

Neighbor's super hearing is his problem, not yours. NTA 👍

hotwheelchicken | hotwheelchicken

Elderly woman's right to enjoy TV and radio in her home 📺📻

AurynTD | AurynTD

Neighbor's stomping problem turns into hilarious whispering situation. NTA.

Yes_seY | Yes_seY

Inform landlord and endure stomping, NTA 🚶‍♀️🤷‍♂️

fiberartistmom | fiberartistmom

Use classical music to cover your voice. NTA wins!

MaryMary1976 | MaryMary1976

Noisy neighbors silenced with morning arias, NTA wins 🎶

Ana_jp | Ana_jp

Sing it loud and proud to drown out the stomping! 🎤🎶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Concrete walls may be the culprit for neighbor's noise complaints 🤔, but harassment is not okay. Check bylaws for protection. 👍

TibetanSister | TibetanSister

Recording and taking legal action against harassing neighbor worked (NTA) 👍

bookworm1421 | bookworm1421

Don't let noise ruin your relationship! 🙉👂 Try noise-cancelling headphones.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Neighbor complains about noise, gets told to move to wilderness 🌳

[deleted] | [deleted]

Record noise level, complain to landlord. NTA wins.

BenjaminaPugsington | BenjaminaPugsington

Stand up for yourself and annoy the landlord with emails 🤪

jkashmoney99 | jkashmoney99

Stand up for yourself and don't tolerate harassment! 💪🏻

Tinawebmom | Tinawebmom

Upstairs neighbor creates noise nuisance, NTA for complaining. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Tips for speaking in a lower register to avoid noise complaints 🤔

redessa01 | redessa01

Use a Hatch Sleep noise machine to pacify your crotchety neighbor 👀

theVICTRAtheymade | theVICTRAtheymade

Suggests solutions and sets the mood with music 🎶

O2B1AndNot2 | O2B1AndNot2

Creative solutions for dealing with noisy neighbors 😉

Pamplem0usse__ | Pamplem0usse__

Respectful NTA neighbor dealing with noisy neighbor, relatable experience shared. 👍

LatemDeeps | LatemDeeps

Need more context: area rugs or carpeting on the ceiling?

StAlvis | StAlvis

Suffering from oversensitive hearing? Ear plugs may help 👂

NuriaLuna87 | NuriaLuna87

Neighbor complains about noise, but OP is NTA. Fight back.

Mantaur4HOF | Mantaur4HOF

Living in fear of noisy neighbors? NTA, live your life!

AGirlInTheCityy | AGirlInTheCityy

Be a considerate neighbor, involve landlord, suggest a white noise machine 👍

judge1492 | judge1492

Neighbor's stomping may violate noise laws. NTA. 👍

Lost69sea | Lost69sea

Stand up for yourself and your rights! 💪

Viperbunny | Viperbunny

Don't let him make you feel like a prisoner. Stand up! 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Petty revenge suggestion for noisy neighbor 🎶 NTA

KatagatCunt | KatagatCunt

NTA - Time to take back control and make some noise 😈

SmarmyGoat | SmarmyGoat

Boyfriend's noise sensitivity causing neighbor to overreact, NTA. 👍

AlwaysTrustAFlumph | AlwaysTrustAFlumph

Asserting boundaries in one's own home. NTA wins!

BeTheCheeto | BeTheCheeto

Stand up for yourself and reclaim your home! 💪

moon_child621 | moon_child621

Dealing with a difficult neighbor? Communicate and stand your ground 👍

allestrette | allestrette

Buy earplugs and tape them to his door. NTA.

elephantintheroom89 | elephantintheroom89

Stand up to the misogynistic A-hole and pursue opera 🎶 NTA

ladyjanea | ladyjanea

Unreasonable partner? Bang back with broom handle. 🧹👊

Sarcastic_Strawberry | Sarcastic_Strawberry

Record the stomping and bang back. Don't be a prisoner 🔌

Ladyughsalot1 | Ladyughsalot1

Stand up for your rights! 🙌🇺🇸 Don't let your neighbor bully you.

perpIndignant | perpIndignant

Suggesting a clever way to test partner's noise sensitivity. 🤔

PubescentHulk | PubescentHulk

Insulated floors and normal conversations - NTA wins this round.

P13453D0nt84nM3 | P13453D0nt84nM3

Neighbor complains about normal noise, but tenant stands up. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Living in an apartment means dealing with noise. 🤫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Report the issue to the landlord to protect your rights 👍

ChattyMrsKat | ChattyMrsKat

Neighbor complains about whispering, NTA suggests documenting and informing landlord. 👥

SandwichOtter | SandwichOtter

Take action! NTA. File a noise complaint and document everything! 👍

cliterarybuff | cliterarybuff

Neighbor stomping? Here's a creative solution. 🤫👂

chipsinmilkshake | chipsinmilkshake

Stand up for yourself! Complain to landlord about nosy neighbor 💪

seba_make | seba_make

Savage advice on dealing with noisy neighbors 👀📣

Magnolia2987 | Magnolia2987

Suggest a white noise machine to reduce noise disturbance 👀

cortsnort | cortsnort

Neighbor complaints? Avoid pettiness and stay calm. 🤫

SilentHypes | SilentHypes

Neighbor complaints escalate to petty notes. 📝🤷‍♀️

porridgeandoatmeal | porridgeandoatmeal

Earplugs aren't a solution to living like a prisoner 😕

Merrylle | Merrylle

Stand your ground! Turn up the volume 🔊🔊

DAseaword | DAseaword

Dealing with a harassing neighbor and landlord's inaction - NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Unleashing the petty revenge on a controlling partner 😈

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ignore the shenanigans, contact authorities if harassment persists. 👍

snazarella | snazarella

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