I Refused to Support My Sister's Pregnancy - Now Everyone's Furious! 😱

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a doozy of a family drama on our hands. Meet our protagonist, a loving sister caught between supporting her sibling's baby dreams and facing the harsh realities of responsibility. 😰 With a family divided and emotions running high, she's left wondering: is she being a total a-hole for not jumping on the baby bandwagon? 🤰👎 Let's dive into this juicy tale of tough love, disability dynamics, and the ultimate question... to baby or not to baby? 👶🤔

Sister's Big Baby Bombshell! 👶💣

isitisntit | isitisntit

Baby Fever Strikes! 🍼🌡️

isitisntit | isitisntit

Sister's Strides Towards Independence 🏃‍♀️

isitisntit | isitisntit

Still Needs Support From Fam 👨‍👩‍👧

isitisntit | isitisntit

Responsibility Overload? 😰

isitisntit | isitisntit

Unpopular Opinion Alert! 🚨

isitisntit | isitisntit

Tough Love or Total A-Hole? 🤔

isitisntit | isitisntit

AITA for Keeping It Real? 🙋‍♀️

isitisntit | isitisntit

Disability Clarification 🧠

isitisntit | isitisntit

Learning Disability Lingo 📚

isitisntit | isitisntit

Sister's Baby Bombshell Divides Family! 💣👨‍👩‍👧

Our protagonist finds herself in a sticky situation when her sister, who has a developmental disability, announces her plans to have a baby with her similarly-abled husband. 👶 While the rest of the fam is all aboard the baby train, our leading lady has some serious reservations. 😰 She fears the responsibility will fall on her and mom's shoulders, given her sister's struggles with decision-making and stress. 🤯 Her unpopular opinion has caused quite the family rift, with mom calling her out for upsetting sis with her brutal honesty. 😤 But is she really an a-hole for wanting her sister to understand the gravity of motherhood? 🤔 The internet weighs in with their hottest takes! 🔥

Suggesting a crying practice baby 💖 to avoid future conflict.

OutlandishnessNew259 | OutlandishnessNew259

Sibling's pregnancy causing family drama? NTA for setting boundaries! 👏

diminishingpatience | diminishingpatience

The severity of disabilities is crucial information in this situation. 🤔

Rhuarc33 | Rhuarc33

NTA commenter defends OP's decision not to support sister's pregnancy

Ok-Isopod-6010 | Ok-Isopod-6010

Cheerlead, don't manage. Back out now. Sister may surprise.

elderoriens | elderoriens

Setting boundaries with family in a difficult situation. 🙏

Big__Bang | Big__Bang

Difficult decision, but NTA for being honest about not supporting.

heymallorie | heymallorie

NTA, babies are not accessories, get them a cat 😂

Lolufunnylol | Lolufunnylol

Choosing not to support sister's pregnancy due to disability concerns. 😕

Honemystone | Honemystone

Stepping away from helping sister to show child's impact. 👍

CanyonCoyote | CanyonCoyote

Growing up with a bipolar mother and feeling like her mother. NTA

jenesuisunefemme | jenesuisunefemme

Respectful disagreement on supporting sister's pregnancy. NAH 👍

Nitro114 | Nitro114

Set boundaries and move away to avoid being guilted into responsibility 💪

Motor_Business483 | Motor_Business483

Clear boundaries set to avoid unwanted responsibility and legal issues.

No-Locksmith-8590 | No-Locksmith-8590

Setting boundaries is key in supporting siblings during pregnancy 🙌

fireandping | fireandping

Set boundaries and communicate clearly with your family to avoid conflict 👍

TossOffM8 | TossOffM8

Initially hesitant, commenter pays for parenting classes, now proud of sister.

BeautifulResident167 | BeautifulResident167

Saying no to supporting a sister's pregnancy - justified?

snailsniffers | snailsniffers

NTA commenter expresses concern for baby's safety without social support 😞

Cat_o_meter | Cat_o_meter

Setting healthy boundaries when supporting family is important. 👍

Str0ngandfr33 | Str0ngandfr33

Valuable perspective on seeking advice with engaging analogy 👍

VariousTry4624 | VariousTry4624

Supporting her financially doesn't make you responsible for everything. NTA. 🙌

Impossible_Possibly | Impossible_Possibly

Raising a child may not be fair to the child

Altruistic_You737 | Altruistic_You737

Supporting sister's pregnancy would be an additional burden. NTA.

RelishZee | RelishZee

Is the sister's learning disability severe enough to hinder parenting? 🤔

constellationofcats | constellationofcats

Choosing not to support sister's pregnancy for valid reasons. NTA

onlytexts | onlytexts

NTA, but beware of potential future responsibilities. 🤔

GeneralPhilosophy691 | GeneralPhilosophy691

Family encourages sister's pregnancy despite her life-altering condition. Commenter NTA.

Extreme-Sherbert | Extreme-Sherbert

NTA refuses to support sister's pregnancy, sparks outrage! 😱

Zadsta | Zadsta

Autistic commenter shares specialist's advice on having biological children.

Lexicon444 | Lexicon444

Refusing support for disabled sister's pregnancy - valid concern. NTA 👍

Flicksterea | Flicksterea

Setting boundaries when supporting disabled parents to avoid caregiver role. 👍

SodaButteWolf | SodaButteWolf

Choosing not to support sister's pregnancy due to valid concerns. 💁‍♀️

N0K1K0 | N0K1K0

Set clear and firm boundaries to avoid being an alternate mother 💪

subsailor1968 | subsailor1968

Standing up for financial responsibility in a pregnancy. 💰

I_luv_sloths | I_luv_sloths

Supporting a sibling's pregnancy? NTA says this comment.

candycoatedcoward | candycoatedcoward

Advice from a former case manager on supporting disabled parents 👍

Either-Industry-4234 | Either-Industry-4234

Having a child in this economy with part-time jobs is irresponsible. NTA.

lovepotao | lovepotao

Valid concerns about sister's pregnancy, parents need to be mature 🙏

FunctionAggressive75 | FunctionAggressive75

Red flag raised about severity of sister's diagnosis 👀

Philosemen69 | Philosemen69

Set boundaries and avoid raising your sister's child. #NTA 😎

Moon-spirited | Moon-spirited

NTA refuses to support sister's pregnancy, sparks debate.

Dipping_My_Toes | Dipping_My_Toes

Person asks for more info to judge if NTA or not.

Dallaswolf21 | Dallaswolf21

Enabling sister's dependency? 🤔 Tough love may be necessary.

MyBeesAreAssholes | MyBeesAreAssholes

Withdraw support if she can't function alone. NTA 👏

EmpireStateOfBeing | EmpireStateOfBeing

Being responsible is tough but necessary. NTA made right decision.

pmathewstx | pmathewstx

Set boundaries or you'll be raising the child 🚫

agentofchaossince95 | agentofchaossince95

Setting boundaries with family, NTA

ItsMeAbstract | ItsMeAbstract

Choosing to be child-free due to disorders. Dodging a bullet? 🤷‍♀️

Aquariumpsychotic | Aquariumpsychotic

Concerns raised about sister's husband's ability to raise child. 🤔

StilltheoneNY | StilltheoneNY

Valid concerns regarding sister's ability to handle a baby. NTA 👍

RefuseIllustrious413 | RefuseIllustrious413

NTA thinks sister shouldn't have kids, ready to call child services 😱

WidePhotograph2056 | WidePhotograph2056

NTA. Pull back on care for sister's child, it's their responsibility. 😊

Careless-Image-885 | Careless-Image-885

Setting boundaries with family can be tough 🤔

frozenmona68 | frozenmona68

Sharing a personal experience and offering helpful advice 👍

pyro-psycho-arsonist | pyro-psycho-arsonist

More info needed to judge if supporting sister's pregnancy reasonable 🤔

Outside-Pie-27 | Outside-Pie-27

Family debates supporting stepsister with intellectual disabilities having a baby 🤔

Sweet_Permission_700 | Sweet_Permission_700

Being realistic about special needs isn't ableism. You're NTA 👍

CorpseEasyCheese | CorpseEasyCheese

Parenting is tough and demanding. NTA for considering the commitment.

missjoy91 | missjoy91

Surviving a difficult childhood with a learning-disabled mom 😢

Visual-Shopping-6295 | Visual-Shopping-6295

Choosing not to support family planning due to personal circumstances. 😐

Responsible-Test8855 | Responsible-Test8855

Realistic support is important, NTA. Emotional coddling can backfire. 👍

GardenGumby | GardenGumby

The complex conversation around reproductive rights for people with disabilities 🤔

AccidentalQuaker22 | AccidentalQuaker22

Suggests giving them a doll to care for before sterilization 🤣

InterestingShow4644 | InterestingShow4644

Protect yourself and stand firm in not supporting your sister.

IllOutlandishness644 | IllOutlandishness644

Being childfree is a valid choice. NTA for setting boundaries.

DishGroundbreaking87 | DishGroundbreaking87

Suggesting a pet as a test run before a baby 🐶

Sybellie | Sybellie

Approach with finesse and dialogue. Ask about babysitting opportunities. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Should genetic conditions be a factor in having kids? 😬

Inside_Ranger9084 | Inside_Ranger9084

Protecting yourself from family drama with CPS and workers 😬

Potential-Section107 | Potential-Section107

Valid concern or not, refusing to support a pregnancy? 🤔

ChiWhiteSox247 | ChiWhiteSox247

Setting boundaries with family over pregnancy 🙌

oaksandpines1776 | oaksandpines1776

Choosing not to support sister's pregnancy sparks debate. 🤔

dognurse15 | dognurse15

You're NTA for refusing to support your sister's pregnancy 🙌

IamNotTheMama | IamNotTheMama

Encouraging disabled sister not to have kids - NTA. 👍

DropExciting6408 | DropExciting6408

Insensitive comment about people's intelligence and reproduction. 😒

5432skate | 5432skate

Supportive advice on handling mentally disabled family member's pregnancy 👍

Either-Industry-4234 | Either-Industry-4234

Sister's pregnancy: Stop funding her, NTA. 🙏

No_Salad_8766 | No_Salad_8766

User seeks context on OP's refusal to support sister's pregnancy.

throwRAstickypast | throwRAstickypast

Let your mom support your sister's pregnancy 🙌

nashamagirl99 | nashamagirl99

You have the right to refuse support. NTA 👍

Crazyandiloveit | Crazyandiloveit

Sharing opinion once is fine, let her be. NTA 😊

Individual_Baby_2418 | Individual_Baby_2418

Raising concerns without being TA. Offer support if she gets pregnant 🙌

BetterYellow6332 | BetterYellow6332

Sister's pregnancy sparks heated debate - NTA for opposing it 🙌

Tschudy | Tschudy

Set boundaries and suggest help options, you're NTA! 👍

AtmosphereOk6072 | AtmosphereOk6072

You're NTA for refusing to support their irresponsible decision. 👏

abajablast | abajablast

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