Pool Drama: Guest DEMANDS Lifeguard Dive for Her Bracelet! 😱

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Diply | Diply

🌊💍 Imagine being a lifeguard, tasked with keeping swimmers safe, when suddenly a guest approaches you with a unique request: to retrieve a lost bracelet from the depths of the pool, right under the pounding pressure of an artificial waterfall! 😱 As a responsible lifeguard, you know jewelry and pools don't mix, but you decide to take the plunge and attempt to locate the missing accessory. 🏊‍♂️ Get ready for a wild ride filled with waterboarding, entitled guests, and a bracelet that just doesn't want to be found! 😅

💍 Lifeguard's Jewelry Dilemma: Should I Dive In? 🏊‍♂️

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

😒 Annoyed Lifeguard: We Warned You! 🙅‍♂️

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

🌊 Waterfall Woes: Diving Into Difficulty 🤿

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

🤿 Brave Lifeguard Takes the Plunge... Twice! 😮

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

😵 Waterboarded by the Waterfall! 💦

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

😤 Lifeguard Throws in the Towel: I've Had Enough! 🏳

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

👵 Entitled Guest Plays the Generation Card 🃏

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

🌊 Nightly Pool Emptying to the Rescue? 🌙

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

👨‍💼 Manager Steps In, Guest Storms Out 😠

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

📞 No Contact, No Bracelet Return 🤷‍♂️

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

🤔 AITA? Should I Have Tried Harder? 🧐

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

🆘 Safety First: Lifeguards on Duty! 🦸‍♂️

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

🕵️‍♂️ Waterfall Blind Spots: Lifeguard's Territory 🔍

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

🌊 Artificial Waterfall: Uncomfortable but Not Dangerous 😅

gaydolphingod | gaydolphingod

🌊💍 The Case of the Missing Bracelet: A Lifeguard's Dilemma 🕵️‍♂️

In this pool-side drama, our brave lifeguard protagonist finds themselves in a tricky situation when a guest demands they retrieve a lost bracelet from beneath a powerful artificial waterfall. 😱 Despite multiple attempts and near-waterboarding experiences, the bracelet remains elusive. 💦 The entitled guest throws a fit, pulls the "lazy generation" card, and storms off without leaving contact information. 😠 In the end, the bracelet is found, but with no way to return it to its owner. 🤷‍♂️ Now, the internet is left to ponder: was our lifeguard hero in the wrong, or did they go above and beyond the call of duty? 🤔 Let's dive into the responses and see what the world thinks of this pool-side predicament! 🌊

NTA lifeguard prioritizes safety over finding a guest's bracelet 👍

owls_and_cardinals | owls_and_cardinals

Guest breaks pool rules, demands lifeguard to dive for bracelet 🙄

Comfortable-Sea-2454 | Comfortable-Sea-2454

Safety first! Searching for a bracelet put others at risk. 🚨

Dszquphsbnt | Dszquphsbnt

Polite lifeguard loses bracelet, guest demands dive. NTA.

ReviewOk929 | ReviewOk929

Customer demands lifeguard dive for her bracelet, but commenters agree she's NTA for refusing.

Coconutoilglow | Coconutoilglow

Water physics lesson for entitled guest. Lifeguard NTA! 💪

TemptingPenguin369 | TemptingPenguin369

Guest demands lifeguard dive for her bracelet, commenters say NTA

Spirited_Cry9171 | Spirited_Cry9171

Safety first! Lifeguards are not responsible for lost items 🙌

Rohkea1 | Rohkea1

Lifeguard helps, but gets criticized. NTA wins!

Gattina1 | Gattina1

Customer demands lifeguard dive for lost bracelet, but commenter defends lifeguard's reasonable efforts and offers logical solutions. 👍

Environmental-Bat820 | Environmental-Bat820

Lifeguard stands their ground against entitled guest 😏

OaktownPirate | OaktownPirate

Pool guest demands dive for bracelet, commenter defends lifeguard. 🏊

TronnertheAwesome | TronnertheAwesome

Guest throws tantrum over lost bracelet, NTA offers practical solution.

fosse76 | fosse76

Guest demands lifeguard dive for bracelet, commenter defends NTA.

CelebrationNext3003 | CelebrationNext3003

Guest ignores rules, demands lifeguard risk life for bracelet 💍

drowning35789 | drowning35789

"Favorite pool. Anonymity. Waterfall. Enjoy your job! 😊"

Active-Anteater1884 | Active-Anteater1884

Lifeguard's job is safety, not lost and found 🙅

Excellent-Count4009 | Excellent-Count4009

Swimming under a waterfall is tough. Lifeguard did enough. 👍

Visible_Ad_309 | Visible_Ad_309

Guest demands lifeguard dive for bracelet, commenter defends lifeguard. 🤔

procrastinating_b | procrastinating_b

Swimming under a waterfall is tough, NTA did enough! 🏊

Visible_Ad_309 | Visible_Ad_309

Guest demands lifeguard dive for her bracelet, throws tantrum. NTA.

Shakeit126 | Shakeit126

Guest demands lifeguard dive for bracelet, criticizes when refused. 😒

masterofmuppets3 | masterofmuppets3

Lifeguard goes the extra mile, guest loses bracelet. NTA.

Outrageous_Ad_3611 | Outrageous_Ad_3611

A hilarious personal pool story with a relatable struggle 🤓👙💦

OneCraftyBird | OneCraftyBird

Guest demands lifeguard dive for bracelet, NTA refuses. Manager support.

Sweetsmyle | Sweetsmyle

Acceptable answer given to entitled guest demanding lifeguard dive.

MombaHuyomba | MombaHuyomba

NTA did what they could but guest's attitude ruined it 🤷‍♂️

Remarkable_Inchworm | Remarkable_Inchworm

Following the rules is crucial, no exceptions for anyone! 🙌

friendlily | friendlily

Pool rules state 'no jewelry', guest demands lifeguard dive. NTA refuses.

mynameisnotsparta | mynameisnotsparta

Lost glasses in pool, didn't demand lifeguard stop lifeguarding. NTA 👍

Sufficient-Skill6012 | Sufficient-Skill6012

Empathetic comment and advice for dealing with difficult customers. 🙏

unbreakable95 | unbreakable95

Pool emptied every night, fair solution. NTA 👍

slackerdc | slackerdc

Guest demands dive for bracelet, but commenter says NTA.

DVDragOnIn | DVDragOnIn

A sarcastic take on a lost bracelet situation.

kevin_r13 | kevin_r13

Sassy lifeguard shuts down entitled bracelet drama 😎

The_Bad_Agent | The_Bad_Agent

Lifeguard's job is to save lives, not lost bracelets. 🙄

No_Connection_4724 | No_Connection_4724

Lifeguard says 'NTA', guest should be more mindful next time 😊

bofh000 | bofh000

Guest demands lifeguard dive for bracelet, but commenter says NTA.

gahidus | gahidus

NTA tried to help find lost bracelet; guest overreacted 😒

Valid_Username_56 | Valid_Username_56

Guest demands lifeguard dive for lost bracelet, commenter defends.

Born-Eggplant8313 | Born-Eggplant8313

Lifeguard's duty is to save lives, not lost bracelets. 💪🏊

Aggressive-Coconut0 | Aggressive-Coconut0

Guest demands lifeguard dive for bracelet, but commenter NTA.

LindsLuvsPink | LindsLuvsPink

Guest demands lifeguard to dive for her bracelet, NTA prevails.

SilentMaster | SilentMaster

Solving the bracelet mystery: a simple locker rental check 🕵️‍♀️

SleepingRoadTrip | SleepingRoadTrip

Gay dolphin god saves the day, guest demands too much 😂 NTA

sqwizzles | sqwizzles

Entitled guest demands lifeguard dive for bracelet, but gets shut down.

664vet | 664vet

Waterfall warning: NTA prioritizes safety over lost bracelet. 🚨

ButterflyBlueLadyBBL | ButterflyBlueLadyBBL

Lifeguard not at fault for lost bracelet, commenters agree. 👍

Antique-Knowledge-95 | Antique-Knowledge-95

Lifeguard goes above and beyond, but bracelet lady learns lesson 😱

WadsRN | WadsRN

Guest breaks pool rules, demands lifeguard retrieve her bracelet 🤦‍♀️

asphodel2020 | asphodel2020

Entitled guest fails to follow directions, comment calls out behavior.

kmflushing | kmflushing

Lifeguard goes the extra mile for a guest's bracelet 💍

Signal-Confusion-976 | Signal-Confusion-976

Confusion over lifeguard's inability to retrieve bracelet. 🤔

kendahlj | kendahlj

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