🚨 He HATES It... But She's Doing It Anyway! 🤯 Is This The Ultimate Betrayal?! 💔

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Diply | Diply

🌟 Get ready for a wild ride, folks! 🎢 We've got a tale of two lovebirds with totally opposite styles - one's a clean-cut programmer, and the other's a tatted-up pet groomer! 🐶💻 Despite their differences, they've been going strong for nearly a decade. 💕 But now, a new challenge has emerged: ear stretching! 👂 Will our gal's desire for pretty jewelry tear them apart, or will love conquer all? 😱 Buckle up, because this story's about to get juicy! 🍿

🌟 A Tale of Two Styles: Tattoos, Piercings, and Love! 💕

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

💼 Opposites Attract: Programmer Meets Pet Groomer! 🐾

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

🎨 Tattoo Tension: Big Piece, Big Concerns! 😬

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

💸 Money Talks: Boyfriend's Ink Concerns! 💰

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

👂 Stretching Saga Begins: Pretty Jewelry, Big Decision! 💍

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

🤔 Whim or Win? Stretching Kit Acquired! 🛠️

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

😠 Boyfriend's Distaste: No Pencils in Ears, Please! ✏️

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

🙅‍♀️ Promise Made: Stopping Before Point of No Return! 🛑

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

👀 Sizing Up: 10g to 8g, Boyfriend Watches! 👁️

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

😒 Unpleasant Look: Boyfriend Hates Gauges! 😡

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

🤨 Aesthetic Argument: Punk vs. Streetwear! 🎸

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

💔 Disheartened Dilemma: To Stretch or Not to Stretch? 😢

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

🤔 Debating Desires: Honor His Wishes or Follow My Heart? ❤️

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

😕 Attractiveness Anxiety: Changing Past Acceptance? 💔

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

🤷‍♀️ WIBTA? Continuing Ear Stretching Despite Boyfriend's Hatred! 😬

Irriaofdusk | Irriaofdusk

😱 Ear-Stretching Showdown: Love vs. Personal Style! 💔👂

Our gal's in a real pickle! 🥒 She's been itching to stretch her ears and rock some cool jewelry, but her boyfriend's not having it. 😠 He thinks gauges are too punk for her streetwear vibe and worries she won't look good with them. 😒 Now, she's torn between following her heart and keeping her man happy. 💔 Will she give up on her ear-stretching dreams, or will she stand her ground and let her personal style shine? 🌟 It's a classic case of love vs. self-expression, and the internet's got some thoughts! 🗣️ Let's dive into the juiciest responses and see what folks have to say about this ear-resistible dilemma! 👂😉

Stretching against BF's wishes - NAH, but relationship at risk 💫

Urbanyeti0 | Urbanyeti0

Balancing freedom and consideration in relationships 🤔

kurokomainu | kurokomainu

Partner's stretched earlobes a dealbreaker, no second chances 🤷‍♂️

Scentsuelle | Scentsuelle

Respect for partner's attraction doesn't make you an a**hole 💔

Aphelius90 | Aphelius90

NAH. It's a tough situation, your body your choice vs his preferences.

Wooden_Ad_4518 | Wooden_Ad_4518

Respectful disagreement over stretched ears in a relationship. 🤔 NAH.

gringaellie | gringaellie

User challenges notion of balance in relationship, calls out OP

LoanTime7570 | LoanTime7570

Respectful NAH comment on body autonomy and partner's preference.

wicky1983 | wicky1983

Body modification vs. relationship - a delicate compromise 🤔

Altruistic_Bee_8201 | Altruistic_Bee_8201

💉💪 You do you! Your body, your choice. Communication is key.

neophenx | neophenx

Compromise is key in differing tattoo preferences 💄💉

Intrepid-Camel-9797 | Intrepid-Camel-9797

Off-topic comment, but interesting question about ear stretching.

SerBawbag | SerBawbag

A delicate situation where compatibility is key 🙏

trashguy2000 | trashguy2000

NAH. Respect each other's preferences in body modifications 👍

JustaWannabeGuru | JustaWannabeGuru

Do what makes you happy. If he leaves, it's his loss. 👍

Bakurraa | Bakurraa

Stretched ear holes risking whole relationship? 🤯

Ornery_Enthusiasm529 | Ornery_Enthusiasm529

Is body modification a betrayal? Commenter's boyfriend thinks so. 🤔

hadMcDofordinner | hadMcDofordinner

NAH for all the reasons already stated. Some things are more of a turn off than others. 🤯

TwinZylander214 | TwinZylander214

Think twice before stretching your earlobes, it may cost you 💔

Scary_Tutor_6130 | Scary_Tutor_6130

NAH, but tough decision. Respect both parties' rights. 👍

Odd-Whereas-3881 | Odd-Whereas-3881

Partner dislikes body modifications, but NAH for having them.

AdOk4343 | AdOk4343

When to move on from a relationship with differing preferences ❤

Certain-Address1389 | Certain-Address1389

Respect your partner's wishes or face the consequences. 👍

SocialMThrow | SocialMThrow

Do what you want, but accept the consequences. 🤓

Jennysparking | Jennysparking

Respect your partner's preferences, but don't let them control you 💪

Biomax315 | Biomax315

Compromise with a 2g size instead of larger gauges. 👍

WileEPyote | WileEPyote

Don't let anyone pressure you to change your appearance. 👍 NAH

IndependentMethod312 | IndependentMethod312

Middle-aged man warns against stretching lobes, advises to listen to partner.

Successful_Bath1200 | Successful_Bath1200

Consider professional consequences before making permanent body modifications 👍

Richardmileson | Richardmileson

Accepting differences or heading for a breakup? ❤️💔

FarmerJohnOSRS | FarmerJohnOSRS

Your body, your choice. But don't be surprised if he's turned off 😒

Wasps_are_bastards | Wasps_are_bastards

It's your body, your choice. But it may affect relationship.

StormMurky6508 | StormMurky6508

Your body, your choice! NTA for getting the piercings.

Calm-Acadia17 | Calm-Acadia17

Tattooed commenter shares experience and advice on body modifications. NAH.

RamseyStreet | RamseyStreet

Compromise in relationships is key. YTA if you ignore feelings 🚫

intothedepthsofhell | intothedepthsofhell

Think twice before modifying your body, it's for life. 💉

11SkiHill | 11SkiHill

Partner dislikes ear stretching, but NAH if you do you!

Expensive_Menu_8281 | Expensive_Menu_8281

Respect his comfort zone, but be prepared to lose him ☠️

ThrowRA-Joke8033 | ThrowRA-Joke8033

Choose love or jewelry? YWBTA for being selfish. 👍

No-Falcon-4996 | No-Falcon-4996

Your body, your choice, but consequences may affect relationship 🤔

Rooflife1 | Rooflife1

Navigating different aesthetics in a relationship can be challenging 😍

Ashfield83 | Ashfield83

Empowering comment with a NTA verdict 👏

meowzicalchairs | meowzicalchairs

Stretched ears can be reversible, according to personal experience 🤔

regular_sized_egg | regular_sized_egg

NAH, but partner may not like stretched earlobes. Cry at own risk. 🤣

wizarouija | wizarouija

Embrace your unique self! 🤘🏼 Don't let others judge you.

Front_Repair_835 | Front_Repair_835

Partner's attraction dilemma: NAH for choosing, but relationship consequences possible.

Default_Munchkin | Default_Munchkin

Pet groomer's decision to go 2g/0g discussed, safety concerns raised 😩

NandoDeColonoscopy | NandoDeColonoscopy

Partner expresses dislike for gym rats; questions relationship over appearance.

WavyHairedGeek | WavyHairedGeek

Respectful disagreement on body autonomy in a relationship 👯

BumbleBeePL | BumbleBeePL

NTA for wanting to keep her unique aesthetic.

cerebralpancakes | cerebralpancakes

Partner disapproves of appearance choice, commenter suggests breakup.

Serious_Historian520 | Serious_Historian520

Respectful disagreement on body autonomy in a relationship 👭🏼

HotPinkMesss | HotPinkMesss

Opposing views on genital piercing in relationship. 🤔

Echo0225 | Echo0225

NAH but borderline YTA. Making a body mod choice on a whim at 30, sounds like a teenager in how you're sulking.

Ladyughsalot1 | Ladyughsalot1

Be true to yourself, the right person will accept you! ❤

CasWay413 | CasWay413

Engaging a therapist could help with internalized language. 💬

iwantasecretgarden | iwantasecretgarden

Respectful agreement that it's her body, her choice. 👏

throwRA67890 | throwRA67890

Be true to yourself, even if it means ending a relationship. ❤️

radarsteddybear4077 | radarsteddybear4077

Body modification choice, but may affect attraction. 💉💔

jontss | jontss

Opposing views on gauges causing relationship conflict 😐

winosanonymous | winosanonymous

Compromise is key in relationships. Consider stopping to please him.

EddieSevenson | EddieSevenson

Respect your partner's opinion but ultimately do what makes you happy 😊

MamaCBear | MamaCBear

Partner dislikes tattoos and piercings. OP pushes boundaries. NAH.

HumanFighter420 | HumanFighter420

Respect each other's preferences and make a decision together 🙏

yamo25000 | yamo25000

Different beauty perspectives may make you incompatible, NTA 💁

Visible-Broccoli8938 | Visible-Broccoli8938

Respectful NAH comment on physical attraction in relationships. 👯

ConsistentAd7859 | ConsistentAd7859

Boyfriend dislikes girlfriend's appearance, but NAH for her choice.

CupertinoHouse | CupertinoHouse

Respectful NAH comment on stretching ears and relationship repercussions.

Weird-Tomorrow-9829 | Weird-Tomorrow-9829

Opposing preferences causing strain on relationship. 🤓

jakeofheart | jakeofheart

Respecting partner's preferences over personal choices in relationships 👬

mellomee | mellomee

Be honest with your boyfriend about stretching, NAH situation. 😊

d0ey | d0ey

Stretch safely! 🙏🔍 Check r/stretched for tips and advice.

spobingadotnet | spobingadotnet

Be careful with stretching. Head over to r/stretched to learn how.

bhamthrowaway130 | bhamthrowaway130

Ignoring your partner's opinion is not compromise. 🚫 YTA

NegotiationOk5036 | NegotiationOk5036

Opinion on partner's appearance, NAH, but reconsider the decision 🤔

Bonesteel50 | Bonesteel50

Partner dislikes stretchers, but OP can do what they want.

Auroraburst | Auroraburst

👂 Stretching ears is a personal choice, but consider its impact 👀

LumpyBumblebee3266 | LumpyBumblebee3266

The classic debate: body autonomy vs. partner preference 🤔

ReginaFelangi987 | ReginaFelangi987

Body modification: NTA but could be a deal breaker 💄

rebootsaresuchapain | rebootsaresuchapain

Body autonomy vs. physical attraction 🤷‍♀️ 🤯 💔

pineapple1347 | pineapple1347

Listen to your ears! 🙉 NTA, ex is now an ex.

Duckey_003 | Duckey_003

Do what you want, but don't be surprised if he leaves 😖

dncrmom | dncrmom

Partner doesn't like ear piercing, is it a betrayal?

Slumbermo | Slumbermo

Personal preference or dealbreaker? 💔👂🏼

lovinglifeatmyage | lovinglifeatmyage

Partner dislikes ear stretching, commenter understands and wouldn't want it.

Rooney_Tuesday | Rooney_Tuesday

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