Sister DEMANDS Brother's Computer After DEVASTATING Loss 💻😠

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a wild ride of a story for you today! 🎢 Picture this: a young couple's nomadic dreams 🚐 shattered by a stolen RV, a gamer's prized rig 🖥️ held hostage, and a family feud 🔥 that'll make your head spin! Our protagonist finds themselves in a sticky situation, torn between helping out their sis and bro-in-law 👨‍👩‍👧 and protecting their beloved gaming setup. 😱 Will they cave to the family's demands or stand their ground? 💪 Let's dive in and find out! 👀

🚐 Nomadic Dreams Shattered! 😱

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

💸 Savings Drained, Desperate Measures! 🛫

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

💻 Bro-in-Law Borrows Gamer's Rig! 🎮

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

🚫 Insurance Nightmare: No RV, No Possessions! 😩

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

🏃‍♂️ OP's Escape Plan: Dad's Place or Bust! 🏠

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

🖥️ Family Demands: Leave the Rig Behind! 😠

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

😤 OP's Dilemma: My Rig, My Rules! 💪

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

🏃‍♂️💨 OP's Great Escape: Snagged the Rig and Ran! 😎

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

📱 Angry Fam Blows Up OP's Phone! 😡

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

🚫 OP's Solution: Block Party! 🙅‍♂️

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

🚚 Dad to the Rescue: Operation Stuff Retrieval! 🦸‍♂️

BlackberrySame3677 | BlackberrySame3677

😱 Gamer's Rig Held Hostage in Family Feud! 🎮🔥

Well, well, well! 😏 Looks like our protagonist found themselves in quite the pickle! 🥒 Torn between helping out their sis and bro-in-law and protecting their precious gaming rig, they had to make a tough call. 😰 In the end, they pulled off a daring escape, snagging their computer and running for the hills! 🏃‍♂️💨 But the drama didn't end there! 😲 The fam blew up their phone with angry messages, 📱😡 forcing our hero to pull out the ultimate weapon: the block button! 🚫 Now, with dad on a mission to retrieve the rest of their stuff, 🚚🦸‍♂️ we can't help but wonder... will they join the rescue mission or steer clear of the family drama? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild ride! 🌐

Sibling drama over computer loan proves costly and complicated. NTA.

AnakinSkywalkerisfav | AnakinSkywalkerisfav

Why should OP let his brother-in-law use his computer? NTA 👍

chaingun_samurai | chaingun_samurai

Protect your property and don't be taken advantage of 👀

RandomReddit9791 | RandomReddit9791

Brother shouldn't take expensive computer, NTA! 👍

soccerlover_12 | soccerlover_12

Sister demands brother's computer, but NTA stands their ground 🙅‍♂️💻

jq7925 | jq7925

Stand your ground and move out, NTA 💪

yrnkween | yrnkween

Take your computer. Money from RV should be enough 💻

Cannabis_CatSlave | Cannabis_CatSlave

NTA. Commenter criticizes family's poor financial decisions and lack of insurance.

JohnRedcornMassage | JohnRedcornMassage

Take your computer with you if you bought it. NTA.

BlueSkyOneCloud | BlueSkyOneCloud

User questions if sister is irresponsible, defends ownership. NTA 👍

FatBloke4 | FatBloke4

Stand your ground, it's not your responsibility to bail them out 👊

RNGinx3 | RNGinx3

Judgmental commenter thinks family deserves devastating loss, keep computer.

vitriol0101fe | vitriol0101fe

OP not at fault, BIL may not return computer, prioritize work 💻💻

Vegetable-Cod-2340 | Vegetable-Cod-2340

Sister and BIL running a scam? NTA sees through it 🤔

Calm-Association-821 | Calm-Association-821

NTA. Take your computer and run 🏃‍♂️💻

mtngrl60 | mtngrl60

NTA suggests buying a computer to support family and work 💻

AugustWatson01 | AugustWatson01

Escape a toxic environment. 🏃‍♀️💨 You deserve better.

SamiHami24 | SamiHami24

NTA. Brother's computer is his. Family should not freeload.

Shdfx1 | Shdfx1

Brother's entitlement leads to NTA's justified response. 👏

GrammaM | GrammaM

User defends brother and calls out commenter for harsh judgment 💻😒

Disastrous_Ad626 | Disastrous_Ad626

Sibling rivalry over insurance money and hobbies 🤔

Alert-Potato | Alert-Potato

Suggesting 2nd hand computers as solution 👍

GlumPie8709 | GlumPie8709

Brother's computer, brother's rules. NTA for standing your ground. 💻

Low_Smoke_7462 | Low_Smoke_7462

NTA suggests affordable alternatives for computer, helpful 👍

NaturesVividPictures | NaturesVividPictures

Sibling rivalry turns savage in the comments section 👍

Swedish_Pitepalt1990 | Swedish_Pitepalt1990

Brother's 'work' on sister's computer may be illegal. NTAH

julesk | julesk

Unfair treatment of OP, glad dad's supporting them 👍

TiredRetiredNurse | TiredRetiredNurse

NTA. Suggests buying cheaper computer, warns against damage. 💻

Quix66 | Quix66

NTA. Harsh truth: They suck at living life. 😜

ladidah_whoopa | ladidah_whoopa

Adult brother takes child's computer for work, NTA commenter suggests alternatives.

ReturnOk4941 | ReturnOk4941

Suggests cheaper laptop for brother, NTA comment wins approval 👍

Purple-Rose69 | Purple-Rose69

Protect your property. NTA. Let them sort their priorities 👍

YoshiandAims | YoshiandAims

Red flags raised as sister demands brother's computer 💻

Mr_Pink_Gold | Mr_Pink_Gold

NTA, renting a laptop is a good alternative. 🖥️

Cassandra_Canmore2 | Cassandra_Canmore2

Sister takes room, demands computer. NTA moves out.

Glittering-Wonder576 | Glittering-Wonder576

Protect your property! Move your computer to your dad's 🖥️

2_old_for_this_spit | 2_old_for_this_spit

Navigating family tech issues, NTA suggests affordable alternatives 🖥️💸

Necessary_Romance | Necessary_Romance

Replacing brother's work equipment should be top priority 💻

aquarius_oracle | aquarius_oracle

Brother-in-law won't buy own computer, sister demands OP's. Tell dad.

joemc225 | joemc225

Crafty solution to sister's demanding behavior 🤔

LvBorzoi | LvBorzoi

Setting boundaries is important when dealing with takers. 💪

thuhstog | thuhstog

Employer should provide PC. Not responsible for their poor choices.

Emotional_Fan_7011 | Emotional_Fan_7011

Respect & boundaries matter, even at 15. Hang in there! 🙌

rwblue4u | rwblue4u

Set a security deposit if sister wants to borrow your computer.

ethiopian1987 | ethiopian1987

Sound advice for the OP's future, presented in a non-judgmental way 👍

Routine_Conclusion27 | Routine_Conclusion27

Doubting brother's need for a gaming computer for sales work 😔

Strange_One_3790 | Strange_One_3790

Free library computers are a better option. NTA.

ilovechairs | ilovechairs

No need for a gaming PC for zoom calls and emails 💻

beesinabottle | beesinabottle

Stand your ground! Don't let them emotionally blackmail you 💪

a-_rose | a-_rose

Navigating family dynamics and boundaries with valuable technology 💻

Tigger7894 | Tigger7894

Brother's entitled behavior gets called out. NTA 👍

Haunting_North4679 | Haunting_North4679

Stand your ground! Your computer, your rules. 💪

Old-Argument2161 | Old-Argument2161

Suggesting buying a computer to handle work requirements 💻

firefox1792 | firefox1792

Curious commenter questions husband's computer needs 🤔

Sawgwa | Sawgwa

NTA stands up to entitled sister's demand for computer 👊

CakeZealousideal1820 | CakeZealousideal1820

NTA suggests insurance money for new computer 💻

Laid-Back-Beach | Laid-Back-Beach

Stand your ground, your computer is yours and you deserve it 💪

CuntFartz69 | CuntFartz69

Doubts raised about the brother's inability to get a new computer 🤔

rella523 | rella523

No sympathy for entitled sister's demand 💻💰

19ManadaPanda91 | 19ManadaPanda91

Sibling demands computer after loss. Is entitlement justified? 🤔

No_Strategy8779 | No_Strategy8779

Company should provide a computer. Time for some adulting 👍

No_Character_921 | No_Character_921

Empathetic comment supports brother, calls out sister's behavior. 👏

Nekoraven1 | Nekoraven1

Is the sister justified in demanding her brother's computer? 😔

Far_Appointment_8654 | Far_Appointment_8654

Brother stands up for himself against entitled sister and BIL 💪

Upset-Slide-6195 | Upset-Slide-6195

Suggests alternatives to the brother's expensive computer, calls out entitlement.

hecknono | hecknono

Stand your ground, it's for school 📚 💪

Hey-Just-Saying | Hey-Just-Saying

Boundaries are important, don't let them guilt trip you! 👍

Desperate-Ad7967 | Desperate-Ad7967

Brother refuses to give sister computer, NTA for keeping it.

CarrotofInsanity | CarrotofInsanity

Enlist dad's help to avoid computer fight. NTA. 👍

Bratchan | Bratchan

Stand your ground and take back what's rightfully yours 💪🏼💻

Hangingwithoscar | Hangingwithoscar

Take your computer and don't look back 💻🚶‍♂️

cplmomma2004 | cplmomma2004

Sibling suggests leasing computer and downgrading RAM to avoid loan

Rachel_Silver | Rachel_Silver

Brother not obligated to donate computer to family in debt 🙌

kcpirana | kcpirana

Take your computer back to avoid future conflicts 👍

SheLiesAboutItAll | SheLiesAboutItAll

Brother-in-law demands computer, but it's not a child's responsibility. NTA 👍

gnomesandlightsabers | gnomesandlightsabers

15-year-old stands up to entitled family members demanding his computer 💻

Electronic-Cat-4478 | Electronic-Cat-4478

Brother's carelessness shouldn't cost OP his computer 👍

JuJu-Petti | JuJu-Petti

Your computer, your rules! Take it with you 💻

Overall_Yesterday_87 | Overall_Yesterday_87

A harsh reality check for entitlement and lack of responsibility 🤷‍♂️

Worldly-Card-394 | Worldly-Card-394

User sympathizes with OP and calls out mom's actions.

QuickRecording115 | QuickRecording115

BIL should get his own computer. NTA for keeping it. 👍

taewongun1895 | taewongun1895

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