She Let Her BFF Move In RENT-FREE, Then Discovered The ULTIMATE BETRAYAL 💔🏠

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a juicy tale of friendship, betrayal, and some serious rent-free living! 🏠 Meet our girl, let's call her 'Dream Job Diva' 💼👑, who moved to a new province for her dream gig. She's living the high life in a swanky pad, when suddenly, her old college buddy, 'Rent-Free Bestie' 👭, comes knocking on her door, looking for a place to crash. Dream Job Diva, being the sweetheart she is, welcomes her with open arms. 🤗 But hold on to your seats, because this story is about to take a wild turn! 🎢😱

🏠 New City, New Life! 🌟

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

💰 Movin' On Up! 🏙️

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

👭 Enter BFF... Stage Left! 🎭

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

💼 Job Hunting Success! 🎉

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

🤑 Rent-Free Living! 🏠

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

🚗 Birthday Wheels! 🎂

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

🏥 Doctor's Note Chauffeur! 🚕

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

⛽ Petrol Problems! 😬

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

😡 Silent Treatment! 🙊

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

💻 Laptop Lending! 🤝

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

💬 WhatsApp Whoopsie! 😱

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🗣️ Selfish Friend Alert! 🚨

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

😲 Shocking Secrets Revealed! 🔍

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

😱 Betrayal Uncovered! 💔

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

🤨 Confrontation Time! ⏰

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

😢 Crocodile Tears! 🐊

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

🛍️ Pack Your Bags! 👋

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

📱 Texting for Reconciliation? 🤔

Alternative_Mine_707 | Alternative_Mine_707

🚨 Friendship Fiasco: Dream Job Diva vs. Rent-Free Bestie! 🚨

Dream Job Diva thought she was doing her old pal a solid by letting her live rent-free, but little did she know, Rent-Free Bestie was spilling all the tea behind her back! 🍵😲 From personal secrets to complaints about Dream Job Diva's friends, Rent-Free Bestie was airing out all the dirty laundry to her other pals. 👚👖 When Dream Job Diva stumbled upon these shocking WhatsApp messages, she knew it was time to give Rent-Free Bestie the boot! 👢 Despite the waterworks and pleas, Dream Job Diva stood her ground and sent her former friend packing. 🛍️😢 Now, Rent-Free Bestie wants to patch things up, but Dream Job Diva isn't having it. 🙅‍♀️ Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild ride of a friendship! 🌐🗣️

NTA, let her mooch off someone else. Trust is broken.

Find_me_at_the_beach | Find_me_at_the_beach

Parasite roommate gets kicked out, commenter praises OP for standing up. 👏

ProfessionSanity | ProfessionSanity

Letting a friend live rent-free went south, NTA for eviction 👍

cancat918 | cancat918

Freeloading gone wrong 😒🚪

Wild_Debt_8065 | Wild_Debt_8065

Cutting off toxic friends - NTA for dropping her 👍

idknnnn | idknnnn

Cutting off leech friends is liberating 👊

Still_Storm7432 | Still_Storm7432

Toxic friend alert 💔🏠 Change locks and passwords ASAP 🔑

RevolutionaryComb433 | RevolutionaryComb433

NTA, she took advantage of your kindness and betrayed you 👍

TheTwistedKitty | TheTwistedKitty

Real friends don't betray you like this 💔🏠

Not_the_maid | Not_the_maid

Ex-friend is a blood-sucking leech 👆. Cut ties.

broadsharp2 | broadsharp2

Real friends appreciate and reciprocate kindness. 👍

SilentJoe1986 | SilentJoe1986

Friend takes advantage of kindness, cut ties for your sanity. 👊

leolawilliams5859 | leolawilliams5859

NTA, good decision! 😊👍 Also, love the South African flair. 🏳️‍🌈

Token_or_TolkienuPOS | Token_or_TolkienuPOS

Savage response to a friend's betrayal 👊

factfarmer | factfarmer

NTA suggests a revenge plot with a twist 🤪

HamBoneZippy | HamBoneZippy

Generosity backfired: Friend didn't chip in, ultimate betrayal discovered 🤷‍♀️

izobelllle | izobelllle

A valuable lesson on friendship: not all friends are true friends 🤔

Aspen9999 | Aspen9999

One-sided friendship exposed: NTA for cutting ties 👍

bmyst70 | bmyst70

No mercy for a backstabbing roommate 😠

Eastern-Move549 | Eastern-Move549

NTA calls out friend's betrayal and hypocrisy. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Cybermagetx | Cybermagetx

Deceived by BFF and it hurts, valuable lesson learned 😔

Lakeview121 | Lakeview121

BFF talked trash after living RENT-FREE. Hope she learned. NTA 👍

AwkwardFortuneCookie | AwkwardFortuneCookie

Beware of parasites disguised as friends 👆

I_Dont_Like_Rice | I_Dont_Like_Rice

Friend took advantage of kindness, NTA but hold accountable 👍

Live-Tangerine-4970 | Live-Tangerine-4970

Lessons learned: Choose friends wisely & set reasonable expectations 👍

lecorbeauamelasse | lecorbeauamelasse

Standing your ground against ungrateful friends 💯

icanography33 | icanography33

Cutting off toxic 'friends' is necessary for self-care 🙌

DawnShakhar | DawnShakhar

Don't bite the hand that feeds you 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️

blucougar57 | blucougar57

NTA! Let her go mooch off the person she was 'venting' to! 👏

jacksonlove3 | jacksonlove3

User friend doesn't deserve you, NTA. Block and move on. 🙌

Reasonable_Tower_961 | Reasonable_Tower_961

Cutting out user friend who betrayed trust after rent-free months 👊

AugustWatson01 | AugustWatson01

When kindness is met with betrayal 💔🏠

jaggedlittlepill1967 | jaggedlittlepill1967

When a 'friend' stabs you in the back 😒🗡️

DMC1001 | DMC1001

Don't trust anyone blindly 🐍. NTA for kicking out.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend takes advantage, complains, and acts entitled. NTA. 💯

KaleidoscopeGreat973 | KaleidoscopeGreat973

The bitter truth about letting friends move in rent-free 😕

Miss_Bobbiedoll | Miss_Bobbiedoll

No room for reconciliation with entitled, abusive ex-friend 😑

jojozabadu | jojozabadu

Friend turned grifter? Kick her out with a vengeance! 👊

MikeHock_is_GONE | MikeHock_is_GONE

NTA. Spotting users and grifters can be tough. 😕

CurlinTx | CurlinTx

Friend betrays and gossips, wants rent-free accomodation back 🤯

SoapGhost2022 | SoapGhost2022

Setting boundaries with entitled roommates 👍

Upbeat_Vanilla_7285 | Upbeat_Vanilla_7285

True friends stick around even when the answer is NO 🙏

Civilianscum | Civilianscum

Cutting off toxic friends is self-love 💜

Character_Attempt_58 | Character_Attempt_58

Lesson learned: never let ungrateful people take advantage of you 🤷‍♀️

Bitter-Position-3168 | Bitter-Position-3168

Guest takes advantage of rent-free living, gets called out. NTA.

numbersev | numbersev

NTA stands up against complaining, hopes for lesson learned. 💪

Exciting-Protection2 | Exciting-Protection2

Snooping through WhatsApp messages? ESH here 😑

FragrantKing | FragrantKing

Beware of doing too many favors, it can backfire 😓

Nash22_Girl | Nash22_Girl

Consider the relationship before deciding to confront or move on 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Snooping or not, friend's betrayal hurts 😢

Ok-Ambassador-7952 | Ok-Ambassador-7952

Setting boundaries after a kind gesture: Navigating a difficult situation

Hithereeveyone | Hithereeveyone

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