Veteran Dad DEVASTATED by Wife's UNBELIEVABLE Birthday Decision 💔🇺🇸

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🎉 Get ready for a birthday battle royale! 🥊 When a baby's birth collides with Veteran's Day, sparks are bound to fly! 💥 Join us as we dive into the dilemma of a military wife torn between celebrating her newborn's special day and honoring her husband's service to the country. 🇺🇸👶 With emotions running high and traditions at stake, this couple must navigate the minefield of holiday planning. 😱 Will they find a compromise that satisfies both sides, or will this birthday bash turn into a full-blown family feud? 🎂🔥 Let's find out! 👀

🎂 Baby's Birthday Bash or 🪖 Veteran's Day Dilemma? 😱

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

👶 Bundle of Joy Arrives on Veteran's Day! 🇺🇸

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

🗓️ Hubby Demands Holiday Planning in Advance! 😅

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

🎉 Mom's Plan: Baby's B-day on 11/11, Vet's Dinner Next Day 🍽️

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

😡 Hubby Says: Disrespecting Military Service! 🙅‍♂️

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

🪖 Hubby's Vet Status: Service Disabled, Lost Friends in Combat 😢

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

🙏 Modest Military Man & Wonderful Hubby/Dad 👨‍👩‍👦

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

🤝 Respectful Resolution Ahead, No Divorce Drama! 💑

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

🤔 AITA for Prioritizing Baby's B-day over Vet's Day? 🎂🪖

aitaveteransday | aitaveteransday

🎂🪖 Birthday Battle: Baby vs. Veteran! Who Will Prevail? 😱

In this heart-wrenching tale, a military wife finds herself caught between a rock and a hard place. 😰 Her bundle of joy arrived on the same day the nation honors its veterans, and now she must choose between celebrating her baby's first birthday 👶🎉 or paying tribute to her husband's military service. 🪖🇺🇸 The hubby, a modest yet proud veteran, insists on keeping Veteran's Day sacred, even if it means postponing their son's birthday bash. 😤 But the mom believes their little one's special day should take precedence. 🎂 With emotions running high and no resolution in sight, this couple is left wondering: is there a way to honor both the baby and the brave? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this birthday battle royale! 👀🍿

Military vet calls out prioritizing Veterans Day over child's birthday 🇺🇸

moosedrool70 | moosedrool70

Birthday over Veteran's Day? Dad cares more about recognition 😔

eloel- | eloel-

Celebrating a loved one's birthday is more important than tradition 🎂

CatahoulaBubble | CatahoulaBubble

Spouse monopolizing Veterans Day for birthday? Selfish 🤷‍♂️

QutieLuvsQuails | QutieLuvsQuails

Prioritizing a birthday over a veteran's day is insensitive 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Veteran dad shares his perspective on military family priorities.

thepuglover00 | thepuglover00

Proud military family member supports dad's birthday celebration choice. 🇺🇸

Wishiwashome | Wishiwashome

Military dad prioritizes birthday over son's milestone. NTA comment with practical advice.

CuriousTsukihime | CuriousTsukihime

Discussion on Veteran's Day and birthday plans for son.

BracedRhombus | BracedRhombus

Veteran dad prioritizes son's birthday over Veterans Day. NTA 👍

Fast_times_at | Fast_times_at

Redditors agree: Veterans Day < kid's birthday. NTA 👍

XanderpussRex | XanderpussRex

Veteran couple shares their perspective on not celebrating Veterans Day.

PhysicsTeachMom | PhysicsTeachMom

Celebrating Veteran's Day with a dinner: yay or nay?

superfastmomma | superfastmomma

NTA, but the dad needs to get used to kid's birthdays 👍

WholeAd2742 | WholeAd2742

Does thanking a veteran justify bad birthday behavior? 🤔

johnbrownenterprise | johnbrownenterprise

Prioritizing son's birthday is crucial 👏, husband can celebrate later 👍

-coffeefiend- | -coffeefiend-

Curious about Veterans Day dinner tradition. Keep celebrating birthdays 🎂

JazzyKnowsBest13 | JazzyKnowsBest13

Putting children first on their birthday is non-negotiable 👏

mrs-folsom | mrs-folsom

Putting your child first always comes first 👍

anaisaknits | anaisaknits

Father and child share special birthday, NTA for not conceding.

KillaSushi | KillaSushi

Prioritizing family over personal desires. NTA 🙌

Ender_rpm | Ender_rpm

NTA prioritizes birthday over minor holiday; suggests moving party to weekend.

HarveySnake | HarveySnake

Concerned comment suggests husband may need mental health support 💛

insane_normal | insane_normal

Prioritizing self over child's birthday is a no-go 👍

Ciphree | Ciphree

Spouse's entitlement questioned in heartfelt NTA comment.

BleedingWolf420 | BleedingWolf420

NTA stands up against weird Veterans Day celebration.

Inevitable-North2528 | Inevitable-North2528

NTA commenter calls out entitled veteran dad for his behavior.

nailgun198 | nailgun198

Veteran dad prioritizes Veterans Day over child's birthday 🤔

Ch-Ch-Ch-CherryBomb0 | Ch-Ch-Ch-CherryBomb0

Husband prioritizes Veteran's Day over son's birthday? 🤔 NTA

FewChicken2854 | FewChicken2854

Putting service over son's bday? NTA. Family first 👏

Alarming_Reply_6286 | Alarming_Reply_6286

Prioritizing child's birthday over Veterans Day, husband needs to adjust. NTA 👍

jr_hosep | jr_hosep

Veteran's self-image invested in being a veteran, needs to move on. NTA

throw05282021 | throw05282021

Celebrate both events! NTA suggests a reasonable compromise 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment calling out husband's ego, NTA 👍

Sweet_Persimmon_492 | Sweet_Persimmon_492

Fiancé calls out absurdity, stereotypes and fake patriotism. 👏

meganes97 | meganes97

NTA commenter shares perspective on Veterans Day, criticizes husband's behavior.

maxka1 | maxka1

Veteran dad receives support from fellow veterans on birthday dispute.

Fit-Mud4635 | Fit-Mud4635

Prioritizing minor holiday over own child? NTA wins.

greeneyewitch | greeneyewitch

NTA comment suggests leaving military husband for being selfish.

One-Illustrator8358 | One-Illustrator8358

Veteran dad not upset about bday, ask military subreddit 🇺🇸

PsychologyNeat6993 | PsychologyNeat6993

Celebrate both! 🎉 Have a Veterans Day breakfast and birthday party.

Inlovewithkoalas | Inlovewithkoalas

Retired veteran defends wife's decision over husband's childishness. NTA 👏

TrainingBag1066 | TrainingBag1066

Serving in the military doesn't define you, NTA prioritizes family 👨‍👩‍👧

Philosopher_1234 | Philosopher_1234

Exploring the meaning and celebration of Veteran's Day 🇺🇸

bus_garage707 | bus_garage707

Celebrating two occasions on the same day is reasonable. 🎉

Madame-Defarge | Madame-Defarge

Mom criticized by husband for son's birthday on Veteran's Day. NTA.

picrembup | picrembup

Prioritizing family over self is crucial. Celebrate both birthdays 🎉

Krohm2 | Krohm2

Celebrate both dad and baby on the same day! 🎉

earenice | earenice

Veteran wife advises dad to prioritize being a father first ❤️

hunnypot01 | hunnypot01

Celebrate both on the same day, US has 2 holidays 🎉

RedSealWitch | RedSealWitch

Putting the child's birthday first, NTA 🎂

lizfour | lizfour

Celebrate son's birthday and Veterans Day on the same day! NTA 🎂

Moonchilddowney | Moonchilddowney

Veteran commenter calls out husband's obnoxious behavior, suggests therapy.

Knox_7304 | Knox_7304

Can't celebrate both? Manufacturing unnecessary marital problem. 🤔

celticmusebooks | celticmusebooks

Disrespectful comment about Veteran's service, no replies.

SpecificJunket8083 | SpecificJunket8083

Celebrate both days, no need to make it a big ordeal 🎉

bebopchan | bebopchan

Husband struggling to adjust to sharing attention with son. NTA 👍

OldMammaSpeaks | OldMammaSpeaks

Father's lack of appreciation for coincidence sparks outrage 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

A humorous take on the idea of thanking an infant for service 😂

StAlvis | StAlvis

Celebrate kid's b-day on another day for first 8 years 👌 NTA

EastLeastCoast | EastLeastCoast

A fellow vet calls out the husband's behavior on Veterans Day 🇺🇸

Ok_Lie5469 | Ok_Lie5469

Celebrating both occasions on the same day is a great idea 😊

EquivalentTwo1 | EquivalentTwo1

A comment on veteran fetishizing and living in the present.

Shoot_the_messanger | Shoot_the_messanger

Military families have a different perspective on Veterans Day 🇺🇸

Zealousideal-Mud6471 | Zealousideal-Mud6471

Parental dilemma: How to celebrate a baby's birthday on Thanksgiving? 🦃

Friendly-Wasabi7029 | Friendly-Wasabi7029

Husband dismisses child's birthday for daily routine, NTA for wife

Paffles16 | Paffles16

Celebrating military service: NTA's experience and advice for OP.

Ciannait- | Ciannait-

Celebrating both holidays on the same day is a fair compromise 👍

Venus_Fox18 | Venus_Fox18

Prioritizing child's birthday over husband's: Valid or selfish? 🤔

Embarrassed_Till_171 | Embarrassed_Till_171

Discussion on the significance of Veterans Day 🇺🇸

bacmom3 | bacmom3

Entitled new vet prioritizes holiday over child? Yikes 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Compromising on birthday and veteran's day celebrations. 🎂🎉

majolie1970 | majolie1970

Military service should not be prioritized over family. NTA 👏

unlovelyladybartleby | unlovelyladybartleby

Curious Redditor asks about husband's long-term plan for son's birthday

anonnie-mouse | anonnie-mouse

Choosing between a birthday and childbirth can cause headaches forever. NTA

Safe_Air_3703 | Safe_Air_3703

Veteran commenter explains why Veterans Day isn't that special.

Caranath128 | Caranath128

Veteran dad and son combine birthdays for free food, NTA.

hurtingmama | hurtingmama

Plan bday party on weekend when Veterans Day falls on 11th 👍

SingleAlfredoFemale | SingleAlfredoFemale

Veteran parent prioritizes family birthdays over own service celebration 🎂

Green_Seat8152 | Green_Seat8152

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