Husband SELLS Wife's AC Unit Behind Her Back To Fund Boys' Trip 😱💸

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🔥 Buckle up, folks! We've got a scorching hot tale of marital drama that'll leave you sweating! 😅 Meet our struggling couple, living in a tiny apartment with their adorable 2-year-old daughter. The hubby's been out of work for 8 months due to a broken leg, leaving the wife to bring home the bacon. 🥓 She saved up for an AC to beat the heat, but the husband's not happy about it! 😤 Get ready for a wild ride filled with arguments, ultimatums, and a disappearing AC! 😱

🏠 Struggling Couple in Hot Apartment Drama! 🥵

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💰 Wife Saves Up for AC, Husband Huffs and Puffs! 😤

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🙅‍♂️ Husband Demands Trip Money, Calls AC "Unnecessary Luxury"! 🤦‍♀️

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🚫 Wife Declines to Fund Costly Out-of-Country Trip! 💸

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🏕️ Husband Throws Fit Over Skipped Trips, Demands to Go! 😡

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🚫 Wife Suggests Borrowing Money, Husband Gets Offended! 😠

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😱 AC Disappears, Wife Freaks Out! 🔍

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💸 Husband Offers $100, Claims AC Not a Necessity! 🙄

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🔥 Wife Demands Immediate Payback or Threatens to Leave! 😤

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🗣️ Husband's Friends Try to Convince Wife, Prioritize His Mental Health! 🧠

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🙅‍♀️ Friends Stop Speaking, Husband Accuses Wife of Ruining Trip! 😠

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🌡️ Husband Sells AC, Demands Trip Money, Wife Boils Over! 🔥

Well, well, well! Looks like this couple's relationship is hotter than their apartment! 🥵 The wife busts her a** to save up for an AC, only for the husband to sell it behind her back and demand money for a trip with his buddies! 😠 Talk about priorities, am I right? 🙄 The wife's not having it and threatens to leave if he doesn't pay her back ASAP. Meanwhile, the husband's friends try to guilt-trip her, saying his mental health is more important. 🧠 Uh, hello? If they cared so much, why make him pay? 🤔 Now the husband's accusing her of ruining the trip and alienating his friends. 😒 Let's see what the internet has to say about this hot mess! 🍿

Spouse sells A/C unit to fund trip, called disgraceful. NTA.

VixNeko | VixNeko

NTA, but prioritize taking care of yourself and your kids. 🙏

nice52 | nice52

Husband sells wife's AC unit to fund boys' trip, commenters suggest divorce 💔

ClothesQueasy2828 | ClothesQueasy2828

Spouse sells AC unit to fund trip without consent. NTA.

rapt2right | rapt2right

NTA- Husband sold wife's AC to fund vacation, needs to work.

Glock212327 | Glock212327

NTA. Sometimes you can judge someone by the company they keep 👍

Mammoth-Neat-5930 | Mammoth-Neat-5930

Husband skips work, sells AC to fund trip. NTA needs help. 🤷🏼‍♀️

aabbccbb | aabbccbb

Husband sells wife's AC to fund boys' trip, commenters side with wife

MrsJonesy2012 | MrsJonesy2012

Friends concerned about husband's mental health but okay with stealing. NTA 👍

Stoat__King | Stoat__King

Husband sells wife's AC to fund trip - OP's next move?

wayward_painter | wayward_painter

Husband sells wife's AC for boys' trip, NTA. Is it theft? 💰❄️

just-Mythyk | just-Mythyk

Savage suggestion for revenge or just curiosity?

ewan | ewan

Get your own bank account, sell his luxuries instead 😤💰

Feeling-Manner3862 | Feeling-Manner3862

Injury not an excuse to freeload. NTA comment gets support.

mermaidcayy | mermaidcayy

Let him sweat it out on his boys' trip 😅👋

RiskBig3301 | RiskBig3301

Divorce and leave. He's treating you like his mother 💔

Harleys-real-smile | Harleys-real-smile

NTA: Take your daughter and leave, let him fend for himself 👋

NorthernLitUp | NorthernLitUp

NTA. Savage response and a valid point about getting a job 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Leave his a** and change the locks 👍👍

Outrageous_Film7337 | Outrageous_Film7337

Spouse sells AC unit for boys' trip; NTA prioritizes self.

Peskanov | Peskanov

Spouse sells AC for boys' trip; commenter calls for justice.

asapmadi | asapmadi

Prioritizing a holiday over family's comfort? 😱💸 NTA suggests leaving him and selling his things.

sueelleker | sueelleker

Lazy husband sells wife's AC to fund trip. NTA deserves better 👏

mali-girl | mali-girl

Husband sells wife's AC unit for boys' trip: commenters side with wife

StarlitDreams | StarlitDreams

Dump that a**hole! He stole from you to fund vacation 😠

stseomfs | stseomfs

Husband steals and sells wife's AC, harasses her. NTA.

murphy2345678 | murphy2345678

Encouragement to leave husband who sold wife's AC unit

Eastern_Category7875 | Eastern_Category7875

Husband sells wife's AC unit for boys' trip: NTA comment expresses outrage

treatyourselftocats | treatyourselftocats

Put his family's comfort last for a boys' trip? NTA.

JinxTheEdgyB | JinxTheEdgyB

Husband sells AC unit for boys' trip, neglects family's comfort 😒

starcheopteryx | starcheopteryx

Husband sells wife's AC to fund trip; neglects family and job 😱

NerdySwampWitch40 | NerdySwampWitch40

Wife's husband sold her AC to fund trip with friends 💸, stole money. NTA.

stinstin555 | stinstin555

Demanding money back from selfish husband, but YTA for staying.

TheRealFianor | TheRealFianor

Wife puts her foot down and rightfully denies husband's request 👏

Stunning-Hedgehog-30 | Stunning-Hedgehog-30

Leave this man while he is gone. 👋🏼 Change the locks 🔒🔒 since that is your place, that you pay for, not his.

stahppppnow | stahppppnow

NTA. Husband steals and sells wife's property for boys' trip 😡

Msmediator | Msmediator

Savage reply suggests cutting out unnecessary expense and filing divorce.

plm56 | plm56

NTA! File a complaint with the police and save yourself 💪

Box-Solid | Box-Solid

Husband sells wife's AC unit behind her back - NTA wins

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wife's husband sells AC to fund boys' trip, commenters call him moocher.

truthlady8678 | truthlady8678

Husband sells wife's AC unit to fund boys' trip: Commenter supports him

Comfortable_Box_8798 | Comfortable_Box_8798

Husband sells wife's AC unit for boys' trip: NTA, break up 💔

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Husband sells wife's AC unit to fund boys' trip: commenters call him out for his laziness and lack of responsibility. 😒❄️

Accomplished_Rip6605 | Accomplished_Rip6605

Leave him and take the AC. You deserve better 👏

Momof3dragons2012 | Momof3dragons2012

Take legal action and dump this entitled boy child 👌

ryvvwen | ryvvwen

A perfect plan for a parasite husband. NTA 💯

Bruiscear | Bruiscear

Spouse sells AC for trip, commenters suggest he 'get a job'

Minute-Aioli-5054 | Minute-Aioli-5054

Mixed reactions to husband selling wife's AC for trip funds

Jordanington | Jordanington

Wife's husband sells AC for boys' trip, gets friends involved. NTA

Booticus_1207 | Booticus_1207

Choosing a boys' trip over his family's comfort makes him TA 😠

littlemohican13 | littlemohican13

Partner's selfish actions leave family financially and emotionally strained. 💔

Bonecup | Bonecup

Divorce him and let him enjoy his boys' trip 🚪💔 NTA.

QYB1990 | QYB1990

NTA. Selling AC for a trip? Unacceptable. People need AC to survive 😱

Lepopespip | Lepopespip

Lazy husband sells wife's AC unit to fund boys' trip. NTA.

bertiebastard | bertiebastard

Fed up wife suggests reporting stolen AC unit and leaving.

RavenBlueEyes84 | RavenBlueEyes84

Husband sells wife's AC unit to fund boys' trip, NTA suggests divorce 😱

icebluefrost | icebluefrost

Selling wife's AC for vacation? NTA. Replace it ASAP.

RemmiKam | RemmiKam

Messing with someone's AC unit is a criminal offense 😡

SnooOpinions2561 | SnooOpinions2561

Unemployed husband sells wife's AC for boys' trip - NTA

somethingclever1712 | somethingclever1712

Wife should not be funding husband's vacation by sacrificing comfort! 😱

dianaprince2022 | dianaprince2022

Savage response to a narcissistic husband. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband sells wife's AC unit to fund boys' trip, internet agrees NTA

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Empathetic response to a woman's husband selling her AC unit

Chocolatecakeislife | Chocolatecakeislife

Heartbreaking story of a woman whose husband sold their AC unit 😢

silenttardis | silenttardis

Take the child, leave him, and the AC unit. #NTA 👏🏻

myglasswasbigger | myglasswasbigger

Divorce the deadbeat and start anew. You're NTA 💯

Particular_Force6591 | Particular_Force6591

Injury no excuse for selling wife's AC for a trip 🤒

Brains4Beauty | Brains4Beauty

Husband sells wife's AC unit to fund boys' trip. Commenter sympathizes.

DancingPandazz | DancingPandazz

Air conditioning is a necessity, not a luxury. #NTA 💪🏻

Due-Sherbert-7330 | Due-Sherbert-7330

Supportive comment suggests leaving lazy husband and getting new AC unit. 👍

Street_Importance_57 | Street_Importance_57

Wife's husband sells AC to fund trip, Wife files divorce. NTA

GloomyIntroduction32 | GloomyIntroduction32

Toxic behavior alert! 🚨 NTA, time to reconsider the relationship.

philosoraptorh8syou | philosoraptorh8syou

Husband sells wife's AC unit to fund boys' trip. Commenter advises legal action and kicking him out. NTA

SenpaiiSofty | SenpaiiSofty

NTA OP! Selling AC for husband's trip is unacceptable 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wife's husband sold her AC unit behind her back 😡

SafiiriNoir | SafiiriNoir

Selling AC unit without permission? Brace yourself for trouble 😱

generic_bitch | generic_bitch

Get out of there with your daughter! 😱💸

Jmacavoy | Jmacavoy

Wife seeks revenge by filing theft report and plasma donation threat 💪

Delicious_Archer_273 | Delicious_Archer_273

Escape the heat and the husband. NTA, leave now.

QuietShadowLDK | QuietShadowLDK

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