Pregnant Wife DEVASTATED When Family Ignores Her Baby News! 💔🤰

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a family drama that's hotter than a summer day in Texas! 🌞🌵 When two sisters are expecting at the same time, you'd think it would be all sunshine and rainbows, right? 🌈 Well, not quite! 😬 Grab your popcorn 🍿 and get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this tale of sibling rivalry, hurt feelings, and a whole lot of baby talk! 👶🗣️

Double Baby Joy! 👶👶

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

Sister's Miracle Baby 🍼✨

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

Family Reunion Time! 👴👵

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

Grandparents Gushing Over Sister's Baby 👶😍

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

Trying to Include My Wife 😔💔

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Wife Walks Out Upset 😢🚶‍♀️

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

SIL Apologizes, Mom Tries to Convince Wife 🙏🗣️

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

Sister: "This Isn't a Competition" 🙅‍♀️🏆

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

Me: "Our Baby Matters Too!" 👶💪

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Grandma Tries to Smooth Things Over 👵🕊️

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Parents Call Me an A**hole 😡🤬

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

AITA for Standing Up for My Wife? 🤔❓

throwingaway1939 | throwingaway1939

Family Feud: Sister's Baby Steals the Spotlight! 👶🔦

Whew, talk about a family gathering gone wrong! 😱 Our poor protagonist just wanted his wife to feel included, but it seems like his sister's baby was hogging all the attention. 🍼🌟 Grandparents were gushing, mom was trying to keep the peace, and sis was having none of it! 🙅‍♀️ Things got so heated that the wife stormed out, leaving everyone wondering what the heck just happened. 😳 Now, the parents are calling our guy an a-hole for causing a scene. 😡 Yikes! Let's see what the internet has to say about this baby drama! 🤰📱

Sister's IVF pregnancy at 38 weeks trumps OP's wife's news. YTA 🙄

CrystalQueen3000 | CrystalQueen3000

Sibling rivalry gets ugly over baby news. YTA confirmed! 👍

manaliabrid | manaliabrid

User calls out OP for being TA for expecting equal excitement

DJ_Too_Supreme | DJ_Too_Supreme

Trying to understand the family's excitement, not excusing their behavior 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

User accuses OP's pregnant wife of wanting attention. YTA verdict.

Huntress_of_the_Moon | Huntress_of_the_Moon

Engaging with the comment that YTA because your wife made a scene about not getting enough attention on her baby news. The commenter explains that people are more excited about first child and sister's new baby is almost here. Life isn't fair, and a planned gender reveal is not as newsworthy as an actual baby. 🙄

MbMinx | MbMinx

User accuses OP of being selfish for not giving up table

SlinkyMalinky20 | SlinkyMalinky20

User blames the wife for feeling left out. YTA 🤨

Alarming_Reply_6286 | Alarming_Reply_6286

User calls out entitlement and criticizes lack of empathy.

noelparker22 | noelparker22

Processing and expressing feelings is key to a healthy relationship 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

User asks for more info on gender reveal timing.

diditwithvaginamagic | diditwithvaginamagic

Questions to consider before judging family's reaction to baby news 🤔

LittleC0 | LittleC0

Brutal comment calls out OP's bad behavior. 😱

TomatilloHot9603 | TomatilloHot9603

Sibling's first IVF pregnancy is special, but OP matters too.

pumpkaboo111 | pumpkaboo111

User calls out OP for expecting too much attention. YTA 🤨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Siding with sister? YTA for ignoring pregnant wife's feelings! 😠

FatChance68 | FatChance68

Gender reveal on due date? YTA, about to alienate family 😓

SillyStallion | SillyStallion

A commenter calls out the immaturity in drama-filled family dynamics. 🤕

Entire_Ad_7597 | Entire_Ad_7597

Sibling rivalry over pregnancy news 🙅

katiebrian88 | katiebrian88

YTA thinks OP's baby news can wait. 🤔

GWeb1920 | GWeb1920

Accusatory comment questions validity of pregnancy announcement.

wtfaidhfr | wtfaidhfr

Sister deserves her moment too. YTA according to commenter.

DontAskMeChit | DontAskMeChit

User believes family not at fault. Wife needs to share spotlight. 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

User accuses OP and wife of being self-centered, advises to apologize

pro-brown-butter | pro-brown-butter

Is wife's annoyance justified? Judgment: YTA. Need more INFO.

issy_haatin | issy_haatin

Understanding the situation and communicating with your wife is important ❤️

SpiritualAd5028 | SpiritualAd5028

Engaging caption: Commenter calls out OP's wife for passive aggression. 😰

AristaWatson | AristaWatson

Sibling rivalry during pregnancy, but let sister have her moment 💜

grizzle613 | grizzle613

Sibling rivalry over baby news, YTA. Don't be jealous 🙄

SpeechDistinct8793 | SpeechDistinct8793

Sibling rivalry over baby news sparks YTA judgment.

Status-Pattern7539 | Status-Pattern7539

Pregnant woman feels left out, but family nicely includes her.

missThora | missThora

Simple conversation could have included everyone. NTA 👍

See-u-tomahto | See-u-tomahto

User calls out poster for being self-centered and arrogant 🤨

whatever102485 | whatever102485

User calls out OP for being selfish and AH towards wife 👎

Serious-Day5968 | Serious-Day5968

Insensitive comment disregards pregnant wife's feelings 😢

TapReasonable2678 | TapReasonable2678

Family dismisses IVF pregnancy as less important. YTA comment.

katsmeow44 | katsmeow44

Calling out selfish behavior in sharing baby news. YTA. 🤨

charmingmass9 | charmingmass9

Consider others' feelings. Let them have their moment. YTA 👎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Expecting mother feels neglected over sister's baby news. 😢

Moulin-Rougelach | Moulin-Rougelach

Sibling rivalry over pregnancies? Commenter deemed YTA 🤨

Jab00lia | Jab00lia

Having a baby for attention? A therapist might help. 👨‍🍳

Park_Girlz | Park_Girlz

A harsh YTA comment to a couple who upstaged their sister's pregnancy.

artofterm | artofterm

YTA. Get over it and share in familial joy! 🙄

bulldogontop | bulldogontop

Don't steal your sister's baby thunder! YTA 👎

LittleC0 | LittleC0

Gentle YTA: Should've Let Sister & Wife Have Spotlight 👏

whyyousofaraway | whyyousofaraway

User calls out OP for stealing sister and SIL's spotlight

_ML_78 | _ML_78

Sibling rivalry and baby news, YTA according to comment

Party-Molasses4883 | Party-Molasses4883

OP is TA for being upset over sister's imminent baby.

Affectionate-Roof-79 | Affectionate-Roof-79

User calls out OP's entitlement and suggests empathy and celebration.

Wafflepiez | Wafflepiez

Sibling rivalry? YTA should let sister have moment.

extrabigcomfycouch | extrabigcomfycouch

User calls out pregnant wife's immaturity. 😑 YTA.

Jujknitsu | Jujknitsu

Prior children shouldn't affect attention. Emotional situation. NAH.

New-Rooster-4558 | New-Rooster-4558

Insensitive comment receives no sympathy from commenters. 🤷‍♂️

Grand-Dare | Grand-Dare

User accuses OP of jealousy for wanting attention during pregnancy 🤨

Cricket-Jiminy | Cricket-Jiminy

A comment explaining why gender reveals aren't interesting. 😒

horticulturallatin | horticulturallatin

User tells OP to stop acting like their baby is the only one that matters 🙅

Moon-Queen95 | Moon-Queen95

Empathize with the pregnant wife's hurt feelings 😢

PhuckWitM3 | PhuckWitM3

OP is called out for being jealous of sister's pregnancy

dc1920 | dc1920

User suggests wife is being selfish, sparks no replies.

Chaos_gr3mlin | Chaos_gr3mlin

OP accused of overreacting and not letting sister have her moment. YTA 👎

Britsgirl30 | Britsgirl30

Comparing situations, YTA for not being happy for sister 👎

fuckyouimin | fuckyouimin

Woman hijacks conversation to talk about own gender reveal party. 😬

Suzuzuz | Suzuzuz

Harsh comment calling out the pregnant wife's attention-seeking behavior.

Scary_Inevitable379 | Scary_Inevitable379

Validating his pregnant wife's feelings. Not the a**hole. 🤰❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

ESH: Courtesy matters, but throwing tantrums isn't okay 🤷‍♂️

Illustrious-Cycle708 | Illustrious-Cycle708

Sibling rivalry over pregnancy news leads to YTA judgement 😬

thr0wawayitsnot | thr0wawayitsnot

Grandparent reminds couple to be patient with baby news excitement 🤰👶

karenrn64 | karenrn64

Scrubs fans can relate to why YTA in this situation 😔

RickGrimesSays | RickGrimesSays

Man gets called out for being insensitive towards pregnant wife 😔

Lord_Kano | Lord_Kano

Pregnancy is exciting, but grace and understanding are important too. YTA.

Notusedtoreddityet | Notusedtoreddityet

User criticizes couple for being immature about baby news.

No_Owlet | No_Owlet

Don't downplay your wife's pregnancy. YTA 👎

a_person1852 | a_person1852

NTA but could have handled situation better. Wife allowed to be upset due to hormones. Sister deserves attention but shutting out OP and wife not kind. Apologize and move forward.

rinni02 | rinni02

User calls out OP for being jealous of pregnant wife.

thechipperhalf | thechipperhalf

"OP is the a-hole" - Harsh but fair judgment 👏

Blazinblaziken | Blazinblaziken

Sister's first pregnancy by IVF, about to pop. Chill out.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Negative comment disregards OP's feelings. 😑 YTA.

Upstairs-Table-8144 | Upstairs-Table-8144

Ignoring a pregnant woman's news is never okay. #NTA

Tmccreight | Tmccreight

Skeptical comment about the couple's expectation for attention on their second child.

No-Ride-6116 | No-Ride-6116

Don't let jealousy ruin your second pregnancy. YTA 🚫

CyberAceKina | CyberAceKina

Defending husband's actions or calling out double standards? 🤔

No-Positive-4661 | No-Positive-4661

Celebrate both parents bringing new life into the world! 🎉

shelleyrc76 | shelleyrc76

YTA - Commenter suggests watching a Scrubs episode about this.

NoFluffyOnlyZuul | NoFluffyOnlyZuul

Birthday overshadowed by baby news, deemed YTA. 🤰🎂

jeynespoole | jeynespoole

Don't steal the spotlight, celebrate others too! YTA 🙅

painted_unicorn | painted_unicorn

User calls out OP's wife for being childish and entitled. 🤨

texaskittyqueen | texaskittyqueen

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