Man Invites Guests Over Without Wife's Approval, Causes Argument

A woman seated on a floor.
Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

A man has taken to Reddit to ask if he is the a**hole for inviting guests to his house without consulting his wife, who is a stay-at-home mom. The man, who says he helps out with the children and household duties, claims his wife is upset about having to cook for extra people and serve them.

The husband argues that it's his house and he can invite whoever he wants, while the wife feels like she's being forced to serve the guests. The couple has gone back and forth on the issue, with the wife giving the husband the silent treatment.

The man has suggested compromises such as setting time limits and limiting the frequency of visits, but the wife remains unhappy. Read on to find out if the man is the a**hole in this situation.

Boundary issues? 🤔 Husband invites guests without wife's consent. AITA?

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

Balancing household duties leads to disagreement between spouses 😠

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

Frequent guests causing trouble in the household? 💔

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

Man invites guests over, wife upset about extra work 🤔

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

Thanksgiving guest list causes marital drama and cooking stress.

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

Man invites guests over, wife gets upset with serving duties.

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

Husband invites guests, wife demands he cooks, argument ensues 😤

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

Compromise fails as wife refuses to cook for husband's guests.

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

When inviting guests, make sure to get your partner's approval. 👍

aita_invites35 | aita_invites35

🏠💬 Man invites guests over without wife's approval, causes argument

A man is in hot water with his stay-at-home wife after inviting guests over without her approval. While he helps with childcare and never complains about her cooking, he enjoys having friends and co-workers over for meals. However, his wife is upset about having to cook for extra people and serve them while he socializes.

After inviting six guests over for Thanksgiving and not consulting her, the argument erupted. The man believes he has the right to invite whoever he wants to his own home, while his wife feels disrespected and overworked. They have yet to find a compromise, with the wife suggesting the man cook for his guests himself or stop having them over altogether.

How should this couple navigate their differing expectations and responsibilities when it comes to entertaining guests at home? Read on to find out more about the situation.

Bro, YTA 😤

corrin_avatan | corrin_avatan

Hosting guests every few days without helping? YTA. 🤦‍♂️

stalefuzzball85 | stalefuzzball85

Inviting guests without consulting spouse causes argument and extra work 💼 YTA

InsaneMisha77 | InsaneMisha77

YTA invites guests without wife's approval, disregards her feelings. Comments empathize.

personaperplexa | personaperplexa

Commenter calls out OP for being controlling and abusive 👀

plutosdarling | plutosdarling

Respect your spouse and share the load at home. 😤👩‍❤️‍👨

littlebeanonwheels | littlebeanonwheels

Man invites guests without wife's approval, expects her to serve them. YTA 🤦‍♂️

Mr_Ham_Man80 | Mr_Ham_Man80

Inviting guests without wife's approval? YTA according to commenters. 💔

Blue_Dreamed | Blue_Dreamed

Commenter calls out OP for sexist behavior 👀

moondoggie1960 | moondoggie1960

Inviting guests without wife's approval? YTA and abusive. 😠

tomtomclubthumb | tomtomclubthumb

OP is the a**hole for not consulting his wife first 😒

Expensive_Fee696 | Expensive_Fee696

Man invites guests without wife's approval, treats her disrespectfully. YTA.

WhateverYoureWanting | WhateverYoureWanting

Hosting dinner for family plus 6 without notice? Major YTA 😬

ParticularAbalone275 | ParticularAbalone275

Commenter expresses outrage with YTA and thanks strangers for awards.

FlagCityDiva | FlagCityDiva

A comment calling out disrespectful behavior towards a wife.

Zillah-The-Broken | Zillah-The-Broken

Commenter calls out OP's outdated behavior with sarcasm 👴🏼🕰️

CraigBybee | CraigBybee

Marriage is a partnership. Informing her beforehand is reasonable. YTA 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter calls out toxic behavior of husband, recommends leaving 🚶‍♀️

SaltHot | SaltHot

Commenter gives harsh verdict to inconsiderate husband. 💔

practical_shoes | practical_shoes

OP disregards wife's efforts and needs therapy. Yikes 😬

UnApprovedActivities | UnApprovedActivities

Commenter calls out misogynistic behavior, hopes for wife's independence ✊

Odd-Secretary8793 | Odd-Secretary8793

Commenter predicts consequences for inconsiderate behavior. 💔

CptSplashyPants | CptSplashyPants

Don't be a disrespectful host. YTA. 🙅‍♂️

JustheBean | JustheBean

Inviting guests without wife's approval: YTA and disrespectful 🙅‍♂️

WitchInAWheelchair | WitchInAWheelchair

Don't disrespect your wife and treat her like a servant 🙅‍♂️

Thyumos | Thyumos

User calls out OP for inviting guests without wife's approval 🤦‍♂️

Nuiathiel | Nuiathiel

Inviting guests? Better be ready to cook! YTA 😑

GlitterSparkleDevine | GlitterSparkleDevine

Commenter warns OP of divorce if behavior continues. 💔

Catatomical | Catatomical

Don't be a YTA, appreciate your wife's effort 👨‍🍳

Conscious_City35 | Conscious_City35

Man avoids household chores and invites guests without wife's approval 😒 YTA

dcm510 | dcm510

Don't be an a**hole, help with cooking and cleaning 🙄

HotMessMartinExpress | HotMessMartinExpress

OP wants wife to wait on uninvited guests. YTA 🤦‍♂️

BazTheBaptist | BazTheBaptist

Man invites guests over on holiday, wife left to cook. YTA 😒

JanetheGhost | JanetheGhost

Husband invites guests over without wife's approval on Thanksgiving. YTA.

Pudding312 | Pudding312

Spouse invites guests without permission and expects free service. YTA.

AndStillShePersisted | AndStillShePersisted

Guests without approval = YTA. Wife's workload ≠ free hosting. 🙅‍♂️🚫

MadHatter_1391 | MadHatter_1391

Consult with your partner, don't treat her like a servant 👩‍🍳❌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Man invites guests without wife's approval, gets called out (YTA) 😬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Inviting guests without wife's approval makes YTA, host yourself 🤦‍♂️

tacospaghettidad2 | tacospaghettidad2

Not pandemic-savvy and definitely TA 🤦‍♂️

Anonysognosia | Anonysognosia

User hilariously calls out OP for bad hosting behavior 🤣

thatbitch8008 | thatbitch8008

Man invites friends over without wife's approval, gets called out YTA 💥

MannyHuey | MannyHuey

Commenter warns man his behavior could lead to being single.

Mishy162 | Mishy162

Commenter suggests continuing to invite guests without wife's approval.

TwoCentsPsychologist | TwoCentsPsychologist

Man invites guests without wife's approval and expects her to cook. YTA 🤦‍♂️

pathto250s | pathto250s

Inviting guests without wife's approval? YTA and risking divorce 💔

Sad-Branch-1055 | Sad-Branch-1055

Don't be a party pooper, hire a caterer next time! 🎉

Rude_OrangeSlice | Rude_OrangeSlice

Respect your wife's autonomy. YTA for inviting guests unilaterally.

brieasaurusrex | brieasaurusrex

Consulting your partner is key to a successful relationship 💑

cinnamngrl | cinnamngrl

Man invites guests over without wife's approval, expects her to cook. YTA.

lexkixass | lexkixass

Commenter calls out OP for his behavior with humorous warning.

FunBodybuilder4620 | FunBodybuilder4620

Man learns the hard way: Don't invite guests without wife's approval 😬

blackwidowe | blackwidowe

Straightforward judgement 👎🏼

destructor1106 | destructor1106

Don't be a bully to your wife, YTA. 👎

phurrball15 | phurrball15

Don't be an a**hole, cook for your own guests 🍽️

tatasz | tatasz

Don't be a Lord Ruler, be a partner. YTA 🙄

Etiacruelworld | Etiacruelworld

Commenter calls out OP for inviting guests without spouse's approval 😬 YTA

donchinmike | donchinmike