Man Wants A Moment Alone In His First Home, But Wife Gets Upset

Alfe Mercado
Man inside the house
Shutterstock | 156673

A man and his wife have recently bought their first house together. However, when they arrived at their new home, the husband asked if he could go in alone for a moment before showing his wife around. This request upset his wife, who thought it was selfish. The husband was taken aback by her reaction and turned to the internet for advice. The post gained a lot of attention, with many people calling the husband an a**hole for wanting to experience the moment alone. After reading the comments, the husband has realized he was in the wrong and decides to apologize to his wife. The situation highlights the importance of communication and compromises in relationships, especially during major life milestones.

Newlywed husband's desire for space upsets wife in first home 🏠

yikyakpaw | yikyakpaw

Model wife struggles with savings, causing tension at home 💰

yikyakpaw | yikyakpaw

Excited new homeowner disappointed by wife's absence at key handover 🏠

yikyakpaw | yikyakpaw

Man wants a moment alone in his first home, but...

yikyakpaw | yikyakpaw

Newlywed's first home causes marital rift 🏠👩‍❤️‍👨

yikyakpaw | yikyakpaw

Man apologizes for wanting alone time in new home. 💔

yikyakpaw | yikyakpaw

Man wants a moment alone in his first home, but wife gets upset 😔

Buying your first home is a milestone that everyone looks forward to. For this man, it was a momentous occasion that he wanted to experience alone, even if just for 30 seconds. However, his wife had a different idea and was upset when he asked to go in alone first. In this post, we explore the dynamics of their relationship, her financial situation, and the reactions of commenters. Keep reading to find out more.

Commenter calls out OP's entitlement and insults wife's profession.

Brilliant_Jewel1924 | Brilliant_Jewel1924

Man buys first home without wife's input, gets called out. YTA 🤔

justkillintime99 | justkillintime99

Marriage is about sharing big moments. YTA for excluding her 😔

ZealandRedSquirrel | ZealandRedSquirrel

Man prioritizes selfishness over marriage, gets rightfully called out 🤦‍♂️

KittySnowpants | KittySnowpants

Sharing is caring! 😊

fiendishthingysaurus | fiendishthingysaurus

Is it fair to want a Significant Moment alone? 🤔

throwawaysoone | throwawaysoone

Married couple's first home causes conflict 😔🏠

bloodyyuno | bloodyyuno

Man claims special moment in new home without wife - YTA

Victernus | Victernus

Commenter calls out OP for excluding spouse from new home

LadyLuger | LadyLuger

OP's wife feels like an accessory in their relationship 🤔

RestInPeaceLater | RestInPeaceLater

Commenter calls out OP for being selfish in new home 🏠

fbombmom_ | fbombmom_

Commenter accuses man of wanting a future alone. 😬

gringaellie | gringaellie

Marriage is about sharing, YTA for wanting solitude 🤷‍♀️

NekoOhno | NekoOhno

Commenter questions cultural differences in house buying, gets judged.

eugenesnewdream | eugenesnewdream

Commenter and replies share negative views on marriage and toxic behavior 👎

TheLoneWhiteSheOwl | TheLoneWhiteSheOwl

Marriage is a partnership, not a solo act. 💍

Kcardwelljr | Kcardwelljr

Commenter deems OP selfish, eliciting no replies.

PolyesterAtrocity | PolyesterAtrocity

Commenter predicts divorce with YTA judgement 💔

gwacemom | gwacemom

The comment highlights deeper issues and predicts a rocky marriage 🤔

Fufi44 | Fufi44

Commenter calls out OP for lack of respect and ego.

r0f1m0us3 | r0f1m0us3

Married man claims house as his own, sparks debate ⚡

AffectionateEscape13 | AffectionateEscape13

Commenter accuses man of power play in buying house.

dfyhdfhjfgj | dfyhdfhjfgj

Commenter calls out OP for lack of commitment. 💯

denebiandevil | denebiandevil

🤔 Does the husband's attitude towards his wife warrant her reaction?

Auntimeme | Auntimeme

Marital milestone or insensitive gesture? 🤔

AsharManjhi | AsharManjhi

Sharing is caring! 🤝 Buying a house together means sharing moments.

Ran-Dizzy123 | Ran-Dizzy123

Man wants alone time in 'his' first home, but wife upset. Commenter thinks he's the a**hole, reply disagrees.

kiwikittikat | kiwikittikat

Commenter calls out selfish husband, gets roasted in replies 🤣

Zillah-The-Broken | Zillah-The-Broken

Married man wants alone time but forgets it's their home 😬

RoseandTea | RoseandTea

Man's desire for alone time in new home upsets wife. YTA 🤷‍♂️

fakemonalisa | fakemonalisa

Redditors call out OP for being an a**hole 💩

BeautifulEscape3101 | BeautifulEscape3101

Putting his ego before the marriage 🤦‍♂️

lightaqua | lightaqua

Marriage is about sharing, not selfishness 🤝

[deleted] | [deleted]

Newlyweds disagree on house entry etiquette. 🙄

GeekyFreak07 | GeekyFreak07

Marriage is a partnership, share the home and grow together ❤️

enby-vibez | enby-vibez

Commenter calls out husband's disdain for wife, defends wife's actions 💔

JenantD80 | JenantD80

Selfish husband refuses to share first home with wife. 😒

Eastern-Water9701 | Eastern-Water9701

Commenter calls out husband's behavior, warns of divorce 🚨⚠️

Thefeetus | Thefeetus

Commenter calls out OP's behavior, suggests consequences and warns about future conflicts with baby 👶

QuirkySchool2 | QuirkySchool2

Commenter calls out OP for selfishness, warns of divorce 👀

NuevaMacaroni | NuevaMacaroni

Sharing achievements like buying a first home is essential for marriage ❤️

EmpressJainaSolo | EmpressJainaSolo

Commenter wishes divorce on OP, YTA 🤦‍♂️

Unkindled_ | Unkindled_

Commenter calls out OP for being the a**hole 🤨

6ofh | 6ofh

Marriage means sharing everything equally. YTA 😠

rosesupernova | rosesupernova

Man's request to be alone in first home upsets wife. YTA 😒

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Commenter calls out OP for selfish behavior in first home

CupcakeBouquet | CupcakeBouquet

Harsh comment accuses man of being a bad husband 😕

LittleSnackPack58 | LittleSnackPack58

Commenter calls out OP for his selfish behavior. 💥

lavenderlily007 | lavenderlily007

OP owned up to mistake, but needs more than words. 🤔

clo20 | clo20

Marriage is about sharing, not exclusion. 🤝

Keg-Of-Glory | Keg-Of-Glory

Commenter's sarcasm falls flat with no responses 😐

[deleted] | [deleted]