Woman's Shocking Delivery Room Encounter With Her Ex And His Wife

Chisom Ndianefo
Screenshots from TikTok
TikTok | Madi Lane

Some people go through life like they're the stars of a Hollywood blockbuster, like this woman who ended up in the same labor room as her ex and his new wife!

Story Time For TikTokers

These things don't typically happen to people, but it was just Maddy Cifelli's luck that it happened to her. She shared her story via a hilarious TikTok post.

Check it out below.

The Hospital Was Full

Hospital ward
Unsplash | Ante Samarzija

Cifelli's story had a sound caption saying, "When your ex and his wife are in the same Labor and Delivery room."

The post caption then explained that the hospital was too full to accommodate everyone, but she was grateful for the curtains.

'What A Time To Be Alive'

The video showed her wearing a face mask as she listened to Doja Cat's Cyber Sex verse saying, "What a time to be alive..."

An Unwelcome Surprise

A woman in the labor room
Unsplash | Alexander Grey

Labor is often an intensive process following nine months of carrying another human(s) in your womb. So, a woman's last need is a shocking sight instead of a calm and serene environment.

Sharing A Room With Her Ex

Screenshot from TikTok
TikTok | Maddy Cifelli

Further responses to questions in the comments revealed that the ex wasn't recent but a boyfriend from her high school. While it wasn't a completely horrible experience, Cifelli said she wasn't in the mood for such a shocker.

Dealing With A High-Risk Pregnancy

The new mother had a high-risk pregnancy and was laboring almost 15 weeks earlier than expected. So, yes, she had a horrible experience.

Supportive Husband

A husband and his pregnant wife cuddling
Unsplash | megan lynette

Luckily, Cifelli had her husband, Cody, with her in the labor room to take the edge off. He tried his best to soothe her, but it didn't work, and sharing a labor room worsened her annoyance.

Not Her First Rodeo

Woman giving birth
Flickr | sdsiweb

Cifelli said it wasn't her first time in the labor room and she hated sharing the last time. However, nothing prepared her for the rude shocker when her high school boyfriend walked in with his wife.

The Full Story

She realized she left room for ambiguity and cleared that up in a follow-up video. TikTokers couldn't believe Cifelli had to share a room during delivery, as they shared that they wouldn't allow that.

TikTokers Would Go To Extremes To Avoid Cifelli's Fate

A mother and her baby
Unsplash | Oleg Sergeichik

One user insisted she'd have her baby in a car rather than share the delivery room with a stranger. It wasn't that intense for Cifelli, who filed it under her cabinet of hilarious things to happen.

Interesting Updates

Her TikTok followers are privy to the very interesting lifestyle and stories Cifelli chooses to share, like how she's the daughter of a sperm donor.

More Visits To The Labor Room

Cifelli returned to the delivery room again after that experience marking her third visit in three years. She's not complaining as she continues joking about constantly getting pregnant.

Her Daughter Is Doing Well

Cifelli's high-risk baby is almost two-years-old and she shares updates of the little girl's health with her followers.

More Stories On TikTok

TikTok homepage on a mobile phone
Unsplash | Solen Feyissa

Visit her TikTok page for more interesting stories.