Redditor Takes Heat From Family For Not Allowing Brother's New Wife To Stay Over

Ashley Hunte
a reddit comment
reddit | Surge

Family can be really weird at times. As much as you love a close relative, they might not be pleasant people to be around.

A Reddit user who goes by NoBroNos recently opened up about not wanting to have to deal with their brother and his new wife. When the user refused to let them stay over the holidays, the rest of the family became angry. Now, the Redditor is wondering if they're in the wrong for refusing to board the couple. They decided to take their story, as well as their query, to the popular AITA Subreddit to get some answers.

OP's Story Is Short, Yet Very Eventful

The user shared their short story.
reddit | NoBroNos

Their Brother Is Very Troubled

Over the summer, OP let their brother move into their apartment. Apparently, the brother has several issues that he needs to work on, though OP doesn't elaborate on them.

One day, the brother came home with a woman he claimed to be his wife. OP had never met this woman previously. The brother and his wife insist that OP legally has to allow her to live with them because she and the brother are married. OP refuses and goes as far as to threaten to call the police to remove her from his home.

Later, other family members try to get OP to allow the brother and his wife to move back in over the holidays, as they had been in and out of shelters since being kicked out. The other relatives have been pressuring OP, who does not want to deal with being forced to let the wife move in with them permanently.

Commenters Argue That OP Did Nothing Wrong

Users tell OP to change the locks.
reddit | namesaretoohardforme

Most users argued that, since the relatives were so insistent on OP allowing the brother and wife to move back in, they should be lining up to offer them room and board. Of course, they likely don't want to deal with the couple either.

Many users also urged OP to change their locks as soon as possible.

The Family Is Acting Like A Bunch Of Hypocrites

More users point out the family's hypocricy.
reddit | Complete-Turnip-9150

It's clear that they don't want to open their own doors. It's pretty unfair of them, then, to expect OP to welcome a complete stranger into their home.

Many Doubted The Marriage's Legitimacy

Users doubted the marriage was real.
reddit | Traveling-Techie

The brother randomly came home one day with a wife no one knew about. It's reasonable to believe that they might not be legally married in the first place.