Internet Reacts To Drunken Note Man Left For Kids

Ashley Hunte
Glasses filled to the brim with beer.
Unsplash | Teo Do Rio

As you get older, it's important to take your health more seriously. The last thing you want is to get seriously ill with something that could've been avoided if you'd taken more care to get yourself checked out sooner. And it goes double once you have kids; taking care of yourself becomes as much for their sake as it is for your own.

A Reddit user found a note his brother left while drunk one night, addressed to his kids. The user, GDML, decided to post the pic to the Reddit Pics community, where it ended up getting a lot of attention.

The User Posted A Picture Of The Note.

A Redditor's brother left a somewhat concerning note to his kids.
reddit | GDML

The Note Is Somewhat Concerning.

An empty notebook with a fountain pen on it.
Unsplash | Aaron Burden

The note reads "My chest feels tight, to be honest it scares me. If anything happens, sorry I died. I love you all. T." It was written by hand on a piece of blank paper. OP doesn't state otherwise, so it's safe to assume that the brother did not, in fact, die while drunk that night.

The post has been up for less than a day as of writing, and has already been upvoted over 55 thousand times. It's also been awarded by several users. A couple thousand Redditors shared their thoughts in the comment section.

Some Users Shared How They Sometimes Think They're Dying.

Users share their own experiences.
reddit | Jeffsdrunkdog

Most of us have probably experienced a random, sharp pain at some point. Usually, we don't really know what it is, but it ends up going away on its own. Several commenters dropped by to share their stories, relating to how scared the brother must've felt when he began experiencing chest pains that night.

Hopefully, The Kids Didn't Actually See The Note.

Users hoped the kids didn't see the note.
reddit | Herqueleez

Other users were concerned for the kids, believing that seeing a note like this coming from their father would be somewhat traumatizing. Even if it ended up being no big deal, it would probably leave a scar on the kids if they thought that there was a good chance their dad might die. Luckily, it seems that nothing serious happened.

Still, Users Urged OP To Tell Their Brother To Get Checked Out.

Users urged OP to tell their brother to go to a doctor.
reddit | kid_courteous

It could be nothing, but it could be something. Users theorized that it could be anything from anxiety or other mental health issues, to something as simple as acid reflux (which can feel similar to a heart attack). Whatever the reason, it's better to be safe than sorry.