Parents Wonder If They Should've Added Third Bathroom To Their House For Their Four Kids

Ashley Hunte
A minimalist bathroom complete with a large bathtub.
Unsplash | Steven Ungermann

If you've ever had to share a bathroom with your siblings, you'll know that it's one of the most annoying things in the world. Sure, it's not the end of the world, but a bunch of kids using a single bathroom to get ready during the day can take up a lot of time.

One family potentially had the chance to add a third bathroom to their home but prioritized other projects instead. Now, their teenage kids are upset over having to continue to share one bathroom. The mom took the story to the Am I The Asshole Community on Reddit, wondering if she and her husband really were wrong.

The User, With A Throwaway Account, Shared Her Story.

The story is relatively short, but tells how the daughters wanted a second bathroom.
reddit | aitatwobathrooms

The Family Already Has Two Bathrooms In Their House.

A grey sink along a white bathroom counter.
Unsplash | Sanibell BV

OP discusses how she, her husband, and her four teenage daughters share two bathrooms, with the parents having one and the kids having the other. But four kids to one bathroom is difficult, and the parents said they'd add a new bathroom when they can.

The mom continues by stating that she and her husband came into some money, and used it to renovate both bathrooms, the kitchen, and turn the garage into a gym, as well as the laundry room, a home office, and the backyard. But they did not add a third bathroom.

The daughters were upset because OP and her husband did not add an extra bathroom as they'd promised. Now, she's wondering if she and her husband are the bad guys in this situation.

Reddit Users React To The Story.

A user breaks down why OP and her husband were wrong.
reddit | swishystrawberry

Tons of users believed that OP and her husband were in the wrong. As many users stated, they'd had to share bathrooms with their siblings when they were growing up, and would've loved the chance to get a new bathroom installed. From that perspective, it was pretty easy for most to empathize with the daughters.

There's Also The Fact That The Parents Seemingly Went Back On Their Promise.

Other users discuss how the parents went back on their promise.
reddit | Flashy_Ferret_1819

The work that OP and her husband decided to do isn't a problem in itself, but the fact that they promised to add a third bathroom when they could but didn't is. Users didn't think that was fair of the parents.

Not Everyone Was On The Same Page, Though.

Some users figured the daughters were being ungrateful.
reddit | SimonaMeow

Some users sided with the parents, saying that the daughters would have to share a bathroom with dormmates eventually anyway. Plus, the parents can spend their money how they want.