Adorable Senior Dachshund Goes Viral For Comforting Sick Little Girl

Sarah Kester
Weiner dog on couch
Unsplash | Carissa Weiser

The love of a dog knows no bounds. It's completely unconditional regardless of whether you give them a peanut butter rawhide bone or not.

This includes even the grumpiest of dogs, like a 13-year-old Dachshund who recently went viral for cuddling up to a sick little girl on the couch. He refused to leave her side by days, proving that a whole lotta love comes in small packages.

This adorable viral video was shared on TikTok by @nicolejohnson111.

Sick little girl on couch
TikTok | @nicolejohnson111

"Our 13yr old grumpy Weiner dog knows she is sick. He hasn't left her side for 5 days," a text overlay wrote. The video showed a little girl cuddling up on a blue sectional couch with a pink blanket over her.

At first, you think that she is completely alone as she rests up and tries to feel better.

But then, the owner pulled back the blanket to reveal a cuddly compansion snuggling close on her daughter's chest.

Dog cuddling in close to little girl
TikTok | @nicolejohnson111

The mom then placed the blanket back on top to let them continue resting peacefully. Even though this sweet moment of devotion was too cute for words, many viewers had a lot to say about the clip.

"My Dachshund NEVER misses an opportunity to snuggle with me LOL they are true snuggle bugs," one viewer commented.

Sweet weiner dogs running
Giphy | Heinz

Many Dachshund owners agreed with this statement. "If my dachshund could crawl into my skin he would," another wrote with two laughing emojis. "My husband was in the hospital for 2 weeks with Covid last yr & I couldn't be with him- my ween never left my side," commented a third.

Many expressed how we simply don't deserve dogs.

"He is like my cuddles will heal the small human," this user wrote. Ain't that the truth! There's nothing better than snuggling up on the couch with a loving animal. "Hey your letting the cold air in lol," joked another. Maybe that's why he's grumpy!

Others stated that animals could actually sense when their hoo-mans are sick. "They know. Mine licked the heck on my neck. Stage 3 parathyroid and thyroid cancer," a woman wrote. "They know. I've had so many cuddles when sick," added another.

Even cats have been known to do the same: "My cat used to lay by my side when I was sick. He didn't like to be help or sleep too close unless I was sick."

Excuse us while we don't go cry our eyes out. bawls