Woman Who Works Nights Blows Up After Family Keeps Waking Her Up On Purpose

Mason Joseph Zimmer
Kirsten Dunst waking up against her will in bed in Marie Antoinette
youtube | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

We all do something differently from everyone else, yet that rarely seems to help a lot of people understand that not everything needs to happen the way they're used to living their lives.

Whether we're talking about setting boundaries for family members, asking others to show us the same consideration we show them, or simply existing in an unconventional living situation, it seems that somebody out there is ready to judge us for everything we do. And the more trivial it is, the more it seems to get under their skin.

And while this just makes for a funny story about a weird encounter when it's a total stranger giving us grief, it's a lot harder to deal with this lack of understanding when it's coming from the people we live with.

Due to a lack of available housing in her area, the woman we're about to hear from lives with her parents while she works nights.

Kirsten Dunst waking up against her will in bed in Marie Antoinette
youtube | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

As she explained in a Reddit post, this means that she gets home at around 7:30 am and sleeps until about 3 pm.

However, it seems her family neither understands nor respects this arrangement as they keep waking her up at around 11 am so she can "enjoy" her day and spend more time with the family.

At best, this leaves her with about three to four hours of sleep a night.

As the woman put it, "I get it, but I'm available to spend time with them in the afternoon. I don't see why it has to be midday?"

teenboy defiantly playing guitar in bedroom
youtube | Atlantic Records

Since this lack of sleep obviously isn't conducive to a healthy lifestyle or providing her with sufficient energy to work her shifts, the woman put a lock on her door to stop these intrusions.

However, this hasn't helped that much because her family responded by playing loud music to wake her and calling her phone.

In turn, she's started wearing earplugs and put her phone on do not disturb mode.

However, this clash within her family recently came to a head when her parents picked the lock on her bedroom door and sent her younger brother in to say he misses her.

Mary Steenburgen and James Caan sitting at dinner table awkwardly in Elf
youtube | New Line Home Entertainment

And when she told them that she still needed to sleep, they didn't take it well.

In her words, "Dad started raising his voice about how I'm barely even a part of the family anymore."

This led her to yell back and say that she can't function during her shifts with these interruptions and that it's not like she's unemployed and staying up all night for the fun of it.

Her parents were apparently taken aback by this reaction and haven't spoken to her since, so she's now wondering if she was in the wrong.

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Giphy | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

But as far as Reddit was concerned, it was baffling how unwilling her family was to understand what they were doing to her.

This led one user to make a popular suggestion: "You should go into their rooms in the middle of the night and wake them up because you 'want to spend time with family' and see how much they like that."

Another suggested having a serious sit-down with her parents and asking pointed questions like how much sleep they expect her to get every day and why they're going to such passive-aggressive lengths.

h/t: Reddit | Better-Arachnid-7528